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PIP - I am absolutely Raging!

7 years 9 months ago #167614 by Marie
Replied by Marie on topic PIP - I am absolutely Raging!

Maglil55 wrote: I am one of the Indefinate DLAs that are currently going through the DLA to PIP. My injuries result from a serious RTA and despite surgery I will not get better in fact I have deteriorated a bit. I went from IB to ESA Support without medical assessment but I knew the chances of going from DLA to PIP without assessment was Nil.

So it proved - I received the letter today confirming the appointment but was stunned to see it was an 80 odd mile round trip from my home which there is no way I could drive to so would involve taxis, trains and buses and I'd need someone with me. Having looked at the times with connections the whole trip would be around 4 hours. Since I knew from your Guides they were not linking home with the assessment centres I called ATOS and after going through all the usual security I pointed out very politely that the appointment they had given me would involve a round trip of over 4 hours plus the time for the assessment. The reponse I got was "So?". I pointed out there are three assessment centres less than 7 miles from my home how on earth do you expect me to get to an assessment centre so far away? To which I got a very snotty reply of "That's not my problem it's up to you to get yourself there on time"
She went on to say she was only there to change appointments and I had "better get it right as she could only change it once".
I was stunned and raging but I bit my tongue. I expected to be offered an appointment some weeks in the future since your guides say the system looks for the first available appointment regardless of where the centre is - No she offered me an appointment at a local centre first thing tomorrow morning which I couldn't take because I had physio. Next she offered this Friday which was no good either as I was at the eye pavilion and it takes about 6 months to get another appointment there if you change it. By this time she was sighing loudly and then offered Monday morning which isn't perfect but I can do it. Once I had written down the details I repeated them to her twice and asked her to confirm they were accurate but I still got a letter away to their Customer Service plus co[ies to the two centres so that it is in writing. I stuck to the change of appointment despite the urge to set out how rude that woman had been. Unfortunately she hung up without saying goodbye and before I got her name.
I am still angry now. If this woman doesn't want her job then leave as she is not being paid to be rude. Right now I am just trying to calm down before Monday.

Sorry to hear how you've been treated badly by ATOS, I've had the same problems with both ATOS and DWP. It took me fighting for 30 minutes to get ATOS and DWP to write down the reasons why my friend cannot attend a face to face appointment and that they need a home visited instead, I gave them both a good reasons why as it says in their letters but they keep repeat something totally different to what I was saying or will not stated my reasons. I've recorded all the conversations when I listened to it it's unbelievable how corrupt they both are. If I were Record every conversations by phone you'll see a change in them when they found out they are being recorded and do not back down to your story keep with it and keep strong it wore me down after and I had to go and lie down with exhaustion and stressed that they've caused but when your case is genuine you fight like we do. We are not liars they are fight and fight with all your might.

Hope this helps
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7 years 8 months ago #168080 by Maglil55
Replied by Maglil55 on topic PIP - I am absolutely Raging!
Well that's it - Finally had assessment today. I got a physio but all my disabilities are physical and it is the severe neuralogical deficit that is the cause of all my problems.
He had obviously read my file as the 1st thing he asked me about was the out patient appointment I'd had the previous Thursday. That was on my list of things to remember as there had been a few issues since I completed PIP2.
After covering the usual security he started with mobility. I explained my confusion with the 1st mobility question and he made sure I was able to explain my issues with unfamiliar journeys. Mobility 2 he pointed out I had covered 10 metres coming in but not very well and in obvious pain. This morning my legs were in numb mode so my "walking" was very poor. He asked if he was correct in thinking I would not have been able to do that again immediately. He asked about the crash and whether there was any chance of improvement so I decribed what had happened and confirmed what all the professionals tell me that it will get worse. He asked me about driving but I have reports from a specialist driving centre attached to the spinal unit which confirmed what I need in a car for now but that I will probably need hand controls at some point.

He then moved onto the living points and we got the ones that do not apply out of the way first. I decided it would be worthwhile running through all the ways the Council had adapted my house when I was discharged after the spinal surgery and I was given ample opportunity to explain my issues with food preparation and why I can't use a perch stool even although I have one (basically I slide because of the numb areas I need to see my feet to get them to do things). He seemed fairly satisfied that I needed help with lower body dressing and that I had multiple issues with bathing and the fact we had converted both bathrooms to suit me was good but didn't affect the fact it was because a "normal" bathroom was totally unsuitable for me. I still need help even with my adapted bathrooms but they are safer than what I had before. Only other 2 that applied to me were managing treatments and toilets needs.
After that it was the physical bit and to be honest he didn't expect me to do a lot. Both my legs and feet are constantly cramped, pins and needles and "creeping" numb areas - sounds horrible but after 9 years I am used to it. Told me to stay seated as he saw no point in me struggling with the couch. He asked me to raise my feet and point them. Took concentration but got my feet to oblige kind of. Then he asked me to push against his hand with my knee and my leg went into a spasm! Tested my grip which is fine and then said that he probably knew the answer but could I stand and crouch down - said quite honestly not unless he wanted me to fall over so that one was passed over.
Whole thing took 35 mins and he said he would get the report to the DWP today and I would probably hear in 4 weeks. I don't know if this is good or not but we'll see. I don't know if it is any easier when there are obvious physical problems but I guess we'll see in 4 weeks?

I have to say I was well prepared between your guides and my physio hammering into me that it was not about what I forced myself to do rather what I could reasonably do. Seemed fine overall but I'll reserve judgement for now.
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7 years 8 months ago #169712 by Maglil55
Replied by Maglil55 on topic PIP - I am absolutely Raging!
:sick: Well had the standard text message and letter DWP seem to be churning out to everyone following F2F.

Got the text on 15 September following F2F on 12 September saying they had everything they needed to make a decision and if anything changed to get in touch. Then I get the letter dated 30 September to say.....We have everything we need to make a decision and we're sorry we are taking so long etc etc. I'm all for being kept informed but the sight of a brown envelope causes a sharp intake of breath.

Still F2F was only 3 weeks ago yesterday so my brain was telling me it would have been incredible if it had been a decision. Ah well back to waiting again.
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7 years 7 months ago #170998 by Maglil55
Replied by Maglil55 on topic PIP - I am absolutely Raging!
:) :) :) :) :) :)

I have been away visiting friends with my husband for a week and while I was away the brown envelope arrived. So just over 4 weeks from F2F to decision and I am delighted to say I retained my Mobility - awarded Enhanced Rate and also awarded Standard Rate Care both until September 2020.

I am delighted with the award but I am considering going back to them for an explanation on one area of daily care. For the most part I agree with their assessment and what was said. The area I want to question is the managing your therapy where they gave me 0 points. They noted that I use a Dosette Box for all my medication which I fill myself. Reason for this is I would forget whether I had taken pills or not. I still forget with the box but less often as I can see whether I have taken them. They decided although I use this aid I can manage so nil points. This is the 1 point and it is relevant as I scored 11 points in total so that 1 point would have moved me to enhanced.
I am more curious about this section because there are another 2 things that they don't mention. The first is I have to wear compression socks which are made to measure and prescribed for me to try to control the swelling in the left leg in particular. I cannot get these things on so my husband has to do that for me. I suspect they may have lumped this under dressing lower body. However, the other thing which isn't covered is that I told the Assessor I had forgotten to put on PIP2 that I see a physio privately every 4 weeks to try to get fluid out of the left leg (since my accident the drain on my left leg in particular has never worked properly as a result of permanent nerve damage).My physio makes quite a few recommendations to help matters. Anyway I explained to the Assessor that the numbness in my legs tends to creep upwards and even as high as the abdomen. I live with permanent cramp and pins and needles in both legs but I get 'real' cramp on top daily which feels like someone taking the calf muscles and 'wringing' them until the muscles are solid and it is agony. The only way to get relief is to work on the muscles with a massage stick or a small electic massager both of which came from my physio. My husband does the work on my legs and it takes about 45mins to 1 hr daily. I know I mention this on PIP2 but I also said my husband worked on my legs at night otherwise I would never get any sleep. These treatments were explained by my physio but I knew I hadn't made it clear so should I write to the DWP ? The Assessor said not to bother so I assumed he would add clarification but it isn't mentioned. This can't have been covered elsewhere. I'm not getting at the Assessor because everything else is 100% what I said - this was an omission on my part and I reckon the hours my husband works on my legs should have scored points.

This is the only bit I want to question so is the only way to do this is by Mandatory Reconsideration? That apart I am really happy after the ghastly start I had with this process.

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7 years 7 months ago #171007 by Maglil55
Replied by Maglil55 on topic PIP - I am absolutely Raging!
Can I also add a big thank you to B&W. You certainly keep me focused when dealing with this. Also I meant to say I have no intention of going to appeal I just want to know if the detail I omitted was taken into account.
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7 years 7 months ago #171034 by Gordon
Replied by Gordon on topic PIP - I am absolutely Raging!

I'm afraid there is no mechanism, other than a Mandatory Reconsideration, for you to ask these questions and it sounds as if you do not want to do this, which is understandable.


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