Have got a PIP review to fill in. I am very worried as I usually have loads of evidence but due to the pandemic and lockdown none of the services ie day hospital, crisis house I usually use were open. And if they did open they immediately closed due to someone testing positive for covid, so they could do a deep clean. I I have a long long (decades) history of severe mental health issues as well as a physical condition, ehler danlos syndrome. So have loads of evidence showing this but it's not recent. I am with tertiary mental health services so have access to the duty team but currently have no care coordinator. My gp can write me a letter confirming this. Will the assessors accept that due to the pandemic the services I needed were not available? Will they accept evidence from pre pandemic? Thank you
There are lots of members in a similar position as yourself.
If your condition has not changed then send in the latest supporting documents you have, they may be one or two years old you need to explain why they are still relevant, if your condition has deteriorated then again explain what has worsen from last time.
I came across a client last week who received a letter from their mental health organisation informing they were on a waiting list but the waiting period was very long, we used this a proof they were getting specialist support but they have to wait.
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