You can keep up with all the latest news on changes to the work capability assessment (WCA) for universal credit (UC) and employment and support allowance (ESA) on this page.

Abolition of the Work Capability Assessment

The government is proposing to abolish the work capability assessment (WCA), the test used to decide if a claimant is fit for work. 

At present, a universal credit (UC) claimant or employment and support allowance (ESA) claimant can be placed in one of three groups:

LCWRA (UC) – limited capability for work-related activity/ Support group (ESA).  Claimants in this group get an additional payment and do not have to undertake any work-related activities

LCW – limited capability for work.  Claimants in this group have to move towards seeking work and are subject to sanctions, but are not obliged to apply for jobs.

FFW – fit for work.  Claimants in this group have to seek work and are subject to the full range of sanctions.

Under the proposed new system, a claimant who receives any rate of PIP will receive an extra health element, paid in their UC. 

But no-one will have a WCA and no-one will be deemed to have LCWRA or LCW.

Instead, medically unqualified work coaches will judge what, if any, work or work-related activity a claimant is able to undertake.

This new system is not expected to begin to be introduced until 2026/27 for new claimants and 2029 for existing claimants.

In the meantime, the government has announced plans to make interim changes to the existing WCA, to cover the years before the WCA is abolished completely.  These changes are intended to make it more difficult to be found to have LCW or LCWRA.

These interim changes to the WCA are due to be introduced in 2025.

WCA Changes Timeline

 March 2023  Transforming Support: The Health and Disability White Paper is published. It proposes the abolition of the WCA.

September 2023  ‘Work Capability Assessment: Activities and Descriptors Consultation’ document is published.  It is a consultation on making interim changes to the WCA prior to its complete abolition.

September 2023  ‘Proposals to abolish the Work Capability Assessment’.  Commons briefing paper on the abolition of the WCA published

October 2023  Consultation on interim changes to the WCA ended on 30 October, 2023.

November 2023  DWP published its response to the work capability assessment consultation

2024  Legislation on interim changes to the WCA, to make it more stringent, scheduled to be introduced.

2025  Interim changes to the WCA scheduled take effect.

2026/27 UC health element, replacement for WCA, roll-out for new claimants to begin on a staged, geographical basis.

2029  UC health element roll-out for new claimants is completed in all geographical areas.

2029  Existing UC claimants begin to be moved onto UC health element

WCA Changes Latest News

28.11.23  Work capability assessment changes explained

21.11.23  Autumn statement live updates

19.10.23  WCA consultation, points to consider

13.10.23  Labour would scrap harsher WCA, DNS reports

02.10.23  Stride promises incentives for DWP heroes, firmer sanctions and human beings freed by work

26.09.23  More WCA reviews to be carried out, DWP warns

20.09.23  Free WCA consultation support for organisations

 15.09.23 Take the Worst Case WCA test

09.09.23  Consultation on slashing support group launched by DWP

16.05.23  Proposed WCA abolition update: no legal safeguards

27.03.23  Why are people so worried about the abolition of the WCA?

14.03.23  Spring budget and Health and Disability White Paper updates

What you can do

Encourage organisations to speak out

The changes to the WCA are not inevitable.

If the DWP sticks to its current timetable, the new rules will not be introduced until 2025, after the election.

If Labour wins, the changes will happen on their watch.

It will be entirely within the new secretary of state’s powers to pause the introduction of the changes, if they so choose.

Labour say they are planning to reform UC anyway.  So, it would make absolute sense for them to put these changes on hold whilst they carry out a review of the whole of UC, including the WCA.

If enough disability organisations lobby them on this, they may agree to do so.

Because the alternative is for Labour  to ignore the protests, push ahead with these dangerous, irresponsible and unresearched changes and take the blame if the result is obvious and avoidable harms, including possible deaths of claimants.

So, the next step is for disability organisations to begin gathering evidence, providing case studies and persuading those MPs who are persuadable of the likely harm that will be caused.

Some organisations may need encouragement and support from their members to take on this work.

But there is a genuine chance of stopping these proposals.

Of course, it will then be a question of whether Labour comes up with anything better.

But that’s a battle for another day.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 days ago
    Can anyone help answer this question. For existing claimants of UC on lcw&wra, do the interim changes to wca mean that, as it says above, that this is to make it harder to be found LCW or LCWAWRA. So is that purely for new claimants? 
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    · 1 months ago
    Happy to step in to offer any support once I get my WCA out of the way its stressing me so much 
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    · 2 months ago
    Is there any update as to when the new Work Capability Assessment will be introduced in 2025.  I am currently on New Style ESA LCWRA Support group) and PIP.  My benefits are due to be reviewed in the summerr 2025.  I completed the consultation.  If you are not happy with the outcome is the only option to write to your MP?
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    · 2 months ago
    I have degenerative spine disease and arthritis - i get both elements of PIP too - out of work for a year - DWP phone assessment lasted just 12 mins
    they say I am fit to work - I appealed via MR but they still say they will not change their mind.What should I do next?.The jobcenter want me to keep
    their work search telephone appointments too now, should i tell them no?.. and demand it goes to tribunal stage?..
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 months ago
    This page is out of date?

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    · 3 months ago
    Is this up to date?
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    · 4 months ago
    I was new to UC in May24 when I had to cease (self-employed) work due to severe, pervasive arthritis & impending hip replacement. My income had prior to that, been topped up by WTC so I was given Transitional Protection in moving from a Legacy Benefit to UC (May24).

    I was awarded PIP in October24 and in mid Nov24 LCW was also agreed. 

    The letter that awarded me LCW also CANCELLED & even BACKDATED the cancellation of my Legacy Benefit Transitional Payment. 

    My queries please:
    1. Is it right that this protection can be withdrawn when my health status ie personal circumstances have NOT changed since my initial UC claim? 😩🤨 
    2. What are the possible challenges to this withdrawal decision please? 🤔
    3. Who can help me to do my DWP appeal? 🤔
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      · 1 months ago
      @Bjornsmom do an MR mandatory reconsideration to appeal the decision. If that's rejected proceed to a tribunal.

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      · 2 months ago
      @Bjornsmom is there a benefits advice centre in your area?.. usually run by volunteers who are very knowlegable.
      Try them for advice and support for your DWP appeal - they can offer a video link so you won't have
      to travel to a face to face tribunal.This is what I am facing now.
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    · 4 months ago
    I was new to UC in May24 when I had to cease (self-employed) work due to severe, pervasive arthritis & impending hip replacement. I was awarded PIP in October and a couple of days ago also had LCW agreed. The letter that awarded me LCW also CANCELLED & even BACKDATED the cancellation of my Legacy Benefit Transitional Payment. Is it right that this protection can be withdrawn when my health status ie personal circumstances have NOT changed since my initial UC claim? 
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    · 4 months ago
    I was new to UC in May24 when I had to cease (self-employed) work due to severe, pervasive arthritis & impending hip replacement.  I was awarded PIP in October and a couple of days ago also had LCW agreed.  The letter that awarded me LCW also CANCELLED & even BACKDATED the cancellation of my Legacy Benefit Transitional Payment.  Is it right that this protection can be withdrawn - HOW/ WHY has my entitlement been withdrawn please? 
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    · 4 months ago
    If I work but on SSP (have been on sick leave for 9+ months) am I entitled to/can I apply for LCWRA? Or is this just if you are unemployed? I cannot seem to find a straight answer. I am also in receipt of PIP if this makes any difference. 
    Thank you in advance 
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    · 5 months ago
    I currently receive UC standard allowance (£393.45) plus LCWRA (£416.19) - total of £809.64 per month. I am mentally ill, but as I have no issues regarding mobility or physically carrying out everyday tasks I am not eligible for PIP. So, if the planned reforms go ahead, my benefits will be slashed by 51%.


    These policies are cruel and insane. I am fed up of hearing about how the Government doesn't want to do these things but must make 'difficult' decisions to plug a budgetary black hole. Why should we have to pay for other people's political financial mismanagement? I am already mentally at rock bottom, and if they go ahead I honestly don't know how (or even if)I will cope. 
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    · 5 months ago
    Everywhere online, information is going around the extra payments for lwcra are being stopped very soon. And you will only get an allowance if you get a job?
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    · 7 months ago
    Quick question, I've been waiting for uc to let me know about their decision on LCWRA, Do any of you know the wait times? 
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    · 8 months ago
    I did not ask for, however received, LCWRA 6 years ago, after a 45 minutes face-to-face with a qualified nurse. My health has deteriorated over this time. I had a message in my Universal Credit online journal that I would receive a telephone call to review if I am getting too much or too little welfare/benefits (money). I am very anxious of course as that call is coming in at 11:00 AM today. I was told about it about a week ago.
    I have read some of the comments below (for example, Natashas' comment ( and I pray and hope they will not remove my LCWRA award.
    Even if nothing changes, it does not stop you from extreme worry and anxiety about any change, especially if you are getting more ill over time; getting worse.
    I'll try and report back after the call.
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    · 8 months ago
    Hi. I was recently awarded LCWRA. I have bipolar, fibromyalgia and copd. I have always loved hand stitching and do this when I am able. It’s like a meditation for me and I find it calms me and gives me a sense of pride when I have finished a textile piece. I have been told that as I’m on LCWRA I have a work allowance and that I am allowed to earn some money per month. My concern is if I should sell some of the pieces I make on Instagram on a regular basis but earning under the allowance then would I be at risk of losing my LCWRA? I have rang several advice lines annd they anll have different opinions 🤷‍♀️. 
    Apologies if I have posted this in the wrong place, if so can you please re direct me. 
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      · 6 months ago
      @Mossarti If the amount you earn is over £183.50 a week (permitted work on ESA)and you do not receive pip or ADP then you will lose your lcwra element  and be treated as fit for work otherwise you are still eligible for it. While unlikely to be a problem if you receive lcwra on the grounds of manual dexterity this may be used against at your next assessment 
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      · 7 months ago
      @Mossarti I dont think any of the advisors know themselves what the process is. I would get it in writing in your journal, put what you are planning on doing and ask the question - never phone, you want everything in writing so you have written evidence to back you up whatever happens.
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    · 10 months ago
    Hi, I was recently (Dec23) awarded LCWRA and upon receiving my decision was also told at the same time (same letter) of the decision from a WCA carried out in March 2019!! The decision was never written on my journal or provided in a letter. DWP apologised for the oversight on their part and for having not informed me!! An oversight of nearly 4 years! Having never been aware of the LCW decision apparently noted as being given in October 2020 from WCA carried out in March 2019. I asked for a MR as my health issues have not changed in the last 5 years and I provided fit notes from 2019 up until Dec 23 when I received decision regards most recent WCA carried out November 23. 

    The MR was declined!! And I now wish to go to appeal although if I’m honest it was so long ago I cannot remember if I even had a WCA. And if I did was definitely not informed of such. Would it not be recorded in my journal that I had completed a WCA?!! And reading through the MR reply I feel points made are very inaccurate and incorrect. I had requested the report from 2020 WCA although only sent 2023 report and informed this was all that was available!! 

    I am very confused about what I should include in my appeal if the WCA was done in 2020 but no record of it exists?? Any help or advice, truly appreciated 
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    · 11 months ago
    I have been messaged through my journal about a review of my universal credit,and it's been some years since receiving the lcwra benefit,and I'm unsure what this review will be even though it says to check I'm getting the right amount of benefits, I am just curious 🧐
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      · 10 months ago
      @Colin. I had the same about six months ago and was asked to provide ID proof, bank statements and other documents. And told this was to check I was receiving the correct amount although at the time was only receiving standard UC. Apparently it was because during the lock down period many didn’t go through the correct checking process. Although I had provided the necessary documents and went through the usual checking process during the lockdown period. I suffer with extreme anxiety and depression and leading up to the review my health suffered considerably, worrying if I would be told I was not entitled to the standard £320 monthly payment. 

      However all was okay and the review went smoothly although I do not feel the DWP consider the impact these messages can have on a person suffering from mental health issues and feel this could be communicated and dealt with a different approach. I’m sure you’ve nothing to worry about but again I cannot remove the anxiety or worry this is causing for any individual. Good luck 🙌🏽
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      · 10 months ago
      @Colin. I too have recieved this message recently and have the initial phone call tomorrow. What did this review entail - is it as I expect that I will likely be reassessed?
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi. I've not posted here before, so I apologise if this is the wrong place. Both my daughter and I received an inheritance - just over 16000 so had to close our claims - esa for me and uc for her. We have now made new claims - obvs I've applied for UC. My daughters mental health is such that she's exempt from council tax and yet all of a sudden she is now asked to go in for work focused interviews - she has sent off the application for disability and hasn't heard back. This is clearly wrong and having a Serious impact on her mental health - shes a definite suicide risk what can I do?
    As for myself, the same is happening, altho I have physical disability as well as MH issues and I've been claiming Pip for approx 8/9 years. I've not had a form to apply for disability component yet. Is the new system already in play? 
    Any advice  greatfully received! 

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    · 1 years ago
    How do i get my daughter with learning disabilities to understand that she has to work . She cant set an alarm clock or plan a route to work . She would not understand at all . This is just terrible
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    · 1 years ago

    I am very angry. 

    These people are truly disgusting. 

    I am not a fan of any party but whenever the Conservatives try and 'save they day' (with regards to the economy), rather than dealing with the (causal) issues directly, they always go to; 'raid the social care 'pot'. 

    They (or rather, their 'unelected think tanks') have no idea what they are talking about but they are willing to plough ahead, 'damn the consequences' and move on with their lives. 

    Then having non-medically trained job coaches make decisions that you (effectively) can't challenge? 

    Absolutely not. 

    Such an 'abhorrent' system would most probably be (successfully) challenged in court anyway (the same way PIP was when it was introduced and had 'cut out' the 'provisions' for those that had mental health conditions). 
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      · 4 months ago
      @SpaceKnight It’s not Conservatives it’s Labour, they can’t  help themselves spending money on things like union pay etc and forget about the mentally ill !
      My daughter has bipolar 2 fluctuating and decides in her risotto go to university for a year .
      She is reactive to her thoughts and I have to try hard to talk her out of it .. but this has slips through the net and she is there.
      It is hard for her as she is so forgetful and concentrating is very poor indeed .
      Her room reflects the state of her mind , chaotic .
      She even struggles on a day to day to find lecture rooms and she does not yet know if she is staying!
      The DSS have asked her to go to job centre for I D she says but I think she is wrong I think it’s to remove her from LCWRA as they must think she is better !! She does not believe that this is what they are going to do she thinks it’s an ID check .
      I think she will fail as she is high functioning but she is very ill in terms of her condition and needs supervision far more than I am able to give !
      She has little understanding of money but knows how to waste it but that is Bipolar 1. .
      She is on lithium with 3 monthly check ups .
      I believe she missed stuff out of her journal also . Can you record at the interview and can you take a carer in with you and could she have had phone interview?( less stress I think)
      This sort of behaviour from DSS is so likely to cause a  psychotic episode and hospital admission but these people are unqualified to judge her to continue to receive her award of life benefits!
      Unfortunately I feel she is being stitched up and could land up homeless!
      Surely this can’t be allowed as my daughter will come over as fine as she believes she is fine. and the DSS are being kind and helpful?
      How do I as a mother deal with this .
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      · 5 months ago
      @Tina Deem I didn't Vote For Any as from past elections show that they are all the same. I agree that I thought Labour  would be better than the conservatives but they are just as bad. 
      I'm on LCWRA with ADEM which attacks my nerves in the spine and brain. I look ok on the outside but inside I'm in agony. It differs from day to day.
      Getting back to the government, I don't know about anyone else but they have attacked the really poor or elderly that struggle every day. first the Winter Fuel payments then the disabled.  Who will be next. bet they never agree to cutting their wages and pay rises. they need to spend a week with the people they are picking on. They wouldn't last a day.

      Sorry for the rant but I needed to get it off my chest.

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      · 6 months ago
      @SpaceKnight ...And now it looks as if the Labour government are going to do even worse things than to Tories - Go Figure? I voted for Labour believing strongly that they would make changes for the better but already the evidence is that they are going to do even worse things than limit the Winter Fuel Allowance and retain the 2-child benefit's cap come the October budget.

      I now wish I had not voted at all. I expect many others agree with me.

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