- PIP Glossary
- What is meant by 'prepare' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What does 'bathe' mean for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How is 'cook' defined for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is 'Communication support' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What are 'complex budgeting decisions' in relation to personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How is 'dress and undress' defined for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What does 'engage socially' mean in relation to personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is the definition of 'manage incontinence' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- In relation to personal independence payment (PIP), what is meant by 'manage medication or therapy'?
- What counts as 'medication' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is meant by 'monitor health' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is 'psychological distress' for the purpose of personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) rates
- How is 'prompting' defined for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What are 'simple budgeting decisions' in relation to personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What counts as a 'simple meal' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What does 'social support' mean for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How is 'supervision' defined for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is the meaning of 'take nutrition' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is the definition of a 'therapeutic source' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is 'therapy' in relation to personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How are 'toilet needs' defined for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What is meant by 'unaided' for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What does 'aid or appliance' mean for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) contact numbers
- What is personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How long do personal independence payment (PIP) awards last?
- Does work affect personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Is personal independence payment (PIP) paid to people in hospital or care homes?
- What are the age limits for claiming personal independence payment (PIP)?
- I currently get an indefinite award of disability living allowance (DLA). Will I be automatically entitled to personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Is it true that people on the lower (lowest) rate of the care component of disability living allowance (DLA) do not get awarded personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Will I have to pay tax on my personal independence payment (PIP)?
- I have been awarded the highest rates of disability living allowance indefinitely. Will I need to have a face-to-face medical assessment for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How often will I have to have a personal independence payment (PIP) medical assessment?
- Are personal independence payment (PIP) medical assessments the same as employment and support allowance (ESA) medical assessments?
- Are issues like pain, fatigue and safety taken into account for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How is a fluctuating or variable condition taken into account for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How are aids and appliances taken into account for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Are there still Motability (mobility) cars under personal independence payment (PIP)?
- Are there still blue badges under personal independence payment (PIP)?
- I am 65 years old and on disability living allowance DLA, how will personal independence payment (PIP) affect me?
- I am on attendance allowance (AA), how will personal independence payment (PIP) affect me?
- Does personal independence payment (PIP) affect children?
- How do I claim personal independence payment (PIP)?
- What does 'assistance' mean for personal independence payment (PIP)?
- How do I contact PIP about an existing claim?
- How do I contact the medical assessment providers who carry out PIP assessments?
- I am receiving Disability Living Allowance. Will I have to claim Personal Independence Payment (PIP)?
- PIP assessment centres
- PIP health conditions
- Claim PIP for Fibromyalgia
- Claim PIP for Bipolar Disorder
- Claim PIP for Stroke
- Claim PIP for Epilepsy
- Claim PIP for Long Covid
- Claim PIP for ADHD
- Claim PIP for COPD
- Claim PIP for Anxiety
- Claim PIP for Depression
- Claim PIP for OCD
- Claim PIP for Learning Disability
- Claim PIP for Anxiety and Depression (Mixed)
- Claim PIP for Osteoarthritis
- Claim PIP for Autism
- Claim PIP for ME and CFS
- PIP review results
- Enhanced Daily Living, Enhanced Mobility
- Enhanced Daily Living, Standard Mobility
- Enhanced Daily Living, Nil Mobility
- Standard Daily Living, Enhanced Mobility
- Standard Daily Living, Standard Mobility
- Standard Daily Living, Nil Mobility
- Nil Daily Living, Enhanced Mobility
- Nil Daily Living, Standard Mobility
- Take the PIP test
- PIP claims
- PIP medical assessments
- PIP appeals
- PIP points system
- 0800 121 4433 PIP Enquiry Line Updates
- Success rates for PIP claims by condition
- Mandatory reconsiderations
- Representatives
- PIP pay rates
- PIP reviews
- PIP awards by condition
- PIP Glossary
- UC
- I’m claiming Employment and Support Allowance, when will I have to transfer to Universal Credit?
- How do I claim Universal Credit?
- What is Help To Claim?
- Universal Credit contact numbers
- What is the Universal Credit work capability assessment?
- Who are Universal Credit health professionals?
- Who goes into the Limited Capability for Work (LCW) Group and how?
- Who goes into the Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) group and how?
- What is the Universal Credit claimant commitment?
- What are Universal Credit work-related requirements?
- What is a Universal Credit (UC) work-focused interview?
- What is the Universal Credit work preparation requirement?
- What are Universal Credit sanctions?
- What is the UC health element?
- Complete your UC50 capability for work form effectively
- Preparing for your UC assessment
- How to ask for a UC mandatory reconsideration
- You can win your UC appeal
- Take the UC WCA test
- Work Capability Assessment (WCA) Latest News
- ESA glossary
- Work-related activity group
- ESA contact numbers
- Employment & Support Allowance rates
- Income-related ESA
- Free prescriptions for ESA
- What is contribution-based employment and support allowance (ESA)?
- What is the ESA50 limited capability for work questionnaire?
- What is ESA?
- Contributory employment and support allowance (ESA)
- Healthcare professional
- Work-focused interview
- Sanctions: employment and support allowance (ESA)
- Main phase employment and support allowance
- Assessment phase of employment and support allowance (ESA)
- Work-related activity group descriptors
- Support group descriptors
- Support group
- Work capability assessment
- How is ESA affected by the introduction of Universal Credit?
- New-style ESA
- Work-related activity
- Take the ESA test
- ESA claims
- ESA assessments
- ESA resources
- ESA appeals
- ESA appeal mandatory reconsiderations
- GP letter
- ESA to UC migration
- ESA glossary
- Guides
- Training
- News
- Back door cuts to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA)
- Incapacity test changed - for the better!
- Take up thy bed and work: minister aims to cut incapacity benefit claims by three quarters
- Discriminatory disability living allowance trials begin
- Incapacity for work safety net slashed again
- Attendance Allowance trials spread to Glasgow
- Incapacity benefit pilot: victims announced
- Committee scrutinises IB change
- Discriminatory disability living allowance (DLA) trials update
- CPAG publishes pro-DWP spin on DLA and AA trials
- Huge fine with your name on it?
- DWP information ban on DLA and AA trials
- 'Mouse driven' incapacity medicals breach human rights?
- Law lords quash Moyna: disabled people cope by "having a wife" or "dining at the Savoy".
- DLA and AA claimants gagged by DWP and abandoned by disability groups
- Compulsory work for incapacity benefit claimants by 2006?
- Gillies case: pantomime dames declare "Trust them, they're DWP doctors!"
- CPAG Bulletin misled readers: no 'fighting chance' for appeals under new disability claims system!
- Disabled claimants benefits put at risk by Community Funded charity's website
- Proving incapacity for work just got - slightly - easier
- Citizens Advice, big business and the DWP
- BOGOF! Old IB medicals reused for new DLA decisions
- Latest DLA pilot form revealed
- Compulsory work, training and medical treatment for ill and disabled claimants moves closer
- "Wasters": press-ganged Incapacity Benefit advisers talk
- Pressure mounts on incapacity benefit claimants
- Spy cameras to replace disability living allowance?
- Lie detector plan for DWP
- Secret, 'unlawful' disability living allowance briefings
- Computers to decide disability living allowance claims?
- Incapacity benefit and income support axed, compulsory action plans in
- Unemployed will die early, minister claims
- Secretive DWP lie detector investigations continue
- Mini disability living allowance claim pack disarray
- Secret disability living allowance doctors standards revealed
- DLA docs say sorry and thank you to Benefits and Work
- "Expert" doctors exposed
- Disability living allowance docs guide confidential? Not any more
- Secret incapacity benefit plans
- Standards not only for disability living allowance reports
- 21 incapacity benefit medical centres axed
- Incapacity benefit software stays secret
- Majority of disability living allowance claims fail
- MPs misled? Stress, depression and ME cured?
- Disability Living Allowance claims fiasco
- New genuinely disabled test to cut DLA & AA awards
- Incapacity lies uncovered
- Sun tan and casual clothes? You
- "Outrageous" secrecy as DWP protects multinational
- Incompetent DWP admits untruth
- 11 medical centre closures confirmed
- DLA winners and losers: leaked document reveals radical new assessment system
- Slash & means-test incapacity benefit, Blair urges Blunkett
- Atos computer controlled nurses to replace DLA doctors
- Confidential docs published - but for how long?
- New DLA 'points' system: zero for heroes - and many others
- DWP's forged incapacity medical reports
- Incapacity benefit reform: bribery, bullying, compulsion & spot checks
- Free incapacity benefit medical video
- DWP doctors earn how much?
- National incapacity benefit conference
- Gillies: pantomime dames were right
- DLA doctors new scare tactics: claimants issued with secrecy warnings
- Doh! Confidential appeal documents let slip
- DWP breaks word to sick and terminally ill
- Department of Social Scrutiny
- Compulsory medical treatment unlawful
- What's your story?
- No benefit if you don't "look mental"
- DWP still breaking the law to keep Disability Living Allowance secrets
- Member gets his 'Easter bonus'
- Terminally ill children & adults will be misled until September - DWP
- GMC U-turn: no-one watches DWP doctors
- Do you know a dodgy doctor?
- The 'What if . . .?' guide to appeals
- Winning before the appeal is heard
- DLA claims revolution - who will be the winners and losers?
- DLA doctors 're-generated' - news round-up
- All claimants to be forced off incapacity benefit
- DWP threatens volunteers who lunch
- Doctors told not to check claimants underwear
- Private sector to punish sick and disabled claimants
- September incapacity test change shambles
- Equality 2025 network
- Claimants given mental health therapy by computers
- Disability Alliance - whose side are they on?
- Can't get through to JC+? Your MP can do it for you
- Tribunal chief slams 'absurdity' of computerised incapacity medicals
- Easier access to claims info for reps and relatives
- Volunteers to get free lunch
- US medical scandal company at heart of UK welfare reform
- Citizens Advice applies to help cut disabled benefits
- Cash for your employment tribunal details concern
- DWP partner company offers potentially criminal advice to claimants
- Citizens Advice secret partner revealed
- Secret complaints investigator for benefits medicals
- Ministers seek to 'resolve' payment of public office claimants
- Stroll/Roll, Rally against the Welfare Reforms
- DWP, Rightsnet and Disability Alliance sing from same sheet
- Call centre misery increases
- Rent-a-quotes wanted
- One company for benefits medicals and appeals IT
- DWP phone scam - they profit from disabled calls
- Atos tightens grip on benefits system
- Citizens Advice comes clean about compulsory Pathways role
- DLA & AA 'special rules' change
- Hatfield disaster firm opens claimants post
- Permitted work changes and protests
- New DLA medical reports and prying docs
- Citizens Advice comes clean about compulsory Pathways role
- Welfare to work linking rules improved
- New incapacity test: physical points slashed, mental points boosted
- Discriminatory Christians only group to carry out compulsory claimant interviews
- Pathways to Work shortlist announced
- Discriminatory Christians only group to carry out compulsory claimant interviews
- 'Harsh' new test for severe incapacity
- No more DWP secrets from us
- Dubious DLA medical report figures
- DWP phone scam - campaigners victory
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome DLA appeal statistics
- Citizens Advice funding cut
- Confidential Jobcentre Plus Manager's updates
- Secret recording of benefits medicals legal
- DWP oral warning u-turn
- 60 question you'll be asked at your incapacity medical
- Drugs case may force DWP to reveal incapacity secrets or lose appeals
- DWP's 'criminal' taping of claimants and reps
- Welfare reform delayed, but Hutton boasts of all party support
- Disability Alliance defensive and on the fence
- Australian DWP to get power to raid claimants homes
- Benefits rates increases revealed
- Dire new CFS/ME guidance for DLA
- Reform Watch
- Site news
- Appeal hearings may be unfair and unlawful, claims secret bulletin
- Reform Watch
- Scottish GPs electronic DLA evidence
- DLA & AA take-up study
- 50+ ways to challenge a DLA medical report
- More religious involvement in benefits
- Reform Watch
- Clampdown on future mental health claimants
- Reform Watch
- Claimants secretly taping medicals: the DWP responds
- Good things do happen
- Giving persuasive evidence about how far you can walk
- Reform Watch
- Radical new DLA claim form goes national in April
- Challenging the claim a commode will replace the need for help
- Reform Watch
- Citizens Advice pulls out of compulsory interviews partnership
- 'Your DWP' to put claims info online
- Is it time to insist on your rights?
- Disclosure of secret incapacity software moves closer
- Secret tribunal 'crib-sheet' exposed
- DLA Disability Handbook Ditched
- 70 questions you're likely to be asked at your DLA medical
- Confirmed: lie detectors to be used on sick and disabled claimants
- Good news from members
- Incapacity change identities kept secret
- Radical new DLA claim form confirmed
- New DLA claim pack revealed
- 'Ready, Steady, Cooking Test' and 'voyeurism' at tribunals
- Reform Watch
- DLA claim form time slashed
- New mini DLA renewal form being tested
- Confidential Jobcentre Plus Managers Updates published
- Confidential decision maker's memos published
- Exempt but still sent a questionnaire?
- Copies of new medical information vital for DLA claims & appeals
- More changes to DLA & AA claim packs
- Incapacity change identities revealed
- Incapacity change identities revealed
- 'Horrific' decision for claimants and advisors
- Controversial DLA medical guidance published
- DLA and dual diagnosis
- Latest Decision Makers Exchanges
- Profits fall as Pathways mystery deepens
- Mini DLA renewal form success
- Medical evidence requirements for higher rate mobility
- Disability living allowance appeals success plummets
- Hain shuns private sector
- Rightsnet poster's dismissal controversy continues
- July Decision Makers Exchange
- Alzheimer's case fails
- GPs to stop issuing sick notes
- Lie detector use spreads
- Citizens Advice and DWP to become "information sharing" partners
- Free Discrimination Courses
- Voluntary sector massacred as Pathways goes private
- Benefits and Work to change
- Unum Provident in Wales disabled push
- Britain's cruellest council?
- Changes to Blue Badge scheme
- DWP says stopping new workers DLA 'unacceptable'
- Court rules DLA & AA can be paid abroad
- Lie detector company poaches benefits staff
- Benefits savings to fund therapy explosion
- AA form to get bigger again?
- New Decision Makers' Exchanges
- Annual uprating
- Almost
- Open training days
- Unum in the spotlight
- CAB food vouchers for DWP call centre victims
- October Decision Makers Exchange
- Tribunal Chief slams 'complete nonsense' computer incapacity medicals
- Beware: trick incapacity questionnaire leads to work interview
- Only terminally ill safe under new DLA check regime
- Only celebrities details to be kept secure by private sector Pathways companies
- Have you been contacted by Pathways providers
- No ifs. No buts. Electoral fraud is theft . . . Mr Hain
- New incapacity test gets easier
- Disabled volunteers and charities threatened with huge costs
- Incapacity parents bad for children
- Tagging disabled poses threat to benefits
- No Ifs. No Buts. No Hains.
- Pathways success for voluntary sector
- More member successes
- Young mental health claimants to be first ESA targets
- Employment and Support Allowance guide for support workers
- Freud
- DWP doctors take over GP surgery
- Lie detectors installed at Jobcentre Plus offices
- Enforced claimant drug treatment a criminal offence
- GPs warned not to discuss DLA with patients
- Benefits and work website to close - but only briefly
- Will you challenge the benefits millionaire maker?
- Pathways companies go bust
- Pathways provider treats claimants
- Atos Healthcare windfall
- Call for sterilisation of claimants
- Charities finally object as ESA rates announced
- Shameful errors in Employment and Support Allowance regulations
- Hull CAB faces closure
- Shockingly harsh employment and support allowance doctors
- Employment and support allowance test free online
- Contemptuous response to Freud complaints
- Avoid the Benefits and Work price rise
- New DWP online 'benefits adviser'
- Unum Provident condemns working whilst sick
- From a measly £88 to over £270 a week
- Massive incapacity benefit u-turn: no move to ESA, no compulsory activities
- Marketing campaign for ESA
- New form threat to disability living allowance and incapacity benefit
- Sick and disabled face more
- ESA honeymoon ends in bitter accusations
- Minister distances himself from Freud comments
- Good news for Costa claimants?
- Pathways to Work not working
- Invaluable appeals resource now only on Benefits and Work
- Insurers cash in on ESA fears
- CPAG supports Freud welfare to work conference
- Secret DLA decision makers
- Incapacity claimants
- Disabled woman
- Freelances wanted
- DWP blames advisers for hopeless DLA claims
- DWP ESA materials for advisers
- Appeals president slams DWP and ATOS
- I could kiss you all
- DLA check regime candidates revealed
- Free equality and human rights training
- David Freud - a very special case?
- Member reports SANE chief to Charity Commission
- Beware benefits helpline rip-off
- New ESA training day
- Hunt for rip-off helpline HQ
- Moderately violent mental health claimants to be put on JSA
- Sane still to respond
- Confidential ESA medical guide now available
- Mail on Sunday editor apologises to Benefits and Work
- Is DWP boss behind benefits check site?
- Claimants to lose homes after two years
- Tory MP apologises to Benefits and Work
- Permitted work uprating
- DWP entirely unprepared for Employment and Support Allowance
- Incapacity claimants ESA transfer date in doubt again
- Another new ESA training day
- Concern over poor disabled access for compulsory interviews
- Political party conference round-up
- Trading standards step up investigation into bogus helplines
- Create your own photofit fraudster
- New Employment and Support Allowance guide
- Confidential ESA assessment guide published
- We ask MPs to investigate DWP website silence
- DWP-backed therapy sessions
- Government breaks its own disabled access laws
- Minister apologises over lost papers
- Atos Origin faces Government probe on lost data
- Shaw Trust receives an apology
- Benefit fraud figures
- Atos Origin denies making silent calls
- MPs request more information on benefit website
- New guide threatens disabled benefits
- Atos nurse switch may help claimants win appeals
- Spot check home visits on incapacity benefit claimants
- Incapacity claimants offered 1355% APR loans
- Disability Alliance in deal with DWP
- Free sample ESA mental health chapters
- Drug tests, compulsory work & abolition of income support
- Pathways agencies face financial disaster
- Disability Alliance admits mistake
- One of my best investments ever
- ESA and DLA open training now booking
- Blunkett failed to declare free trip from Pathways provider
- Partners of disabled claimants forced to obey orders
- 2,000 UK charities team up with Freud and the DWP
- Welfare-to-work: is it turning into a fiasco?
- Freud takes Tory peerage offer and defects
- Do not claim ESA without it
- DLA joy for our members
- DWP to get power to test your urine
- Almost no-one getting into higher paying ESA support group
- New Pregnancy Grant
- Angry allegations as another DWP contractor goes bust
- CPAG hit by credit crunch
- How to claim ESA on physical health grounds
- Delay of forced move to ESA brings hope for incapacity claimants
- DLA spot-check hit list revealed – specific conditions targeted
- BBC apologises to Benefits and Work . . . finally
- Welfare-to-work providers merge as credit crunch bites
- After trying for DLA for four years
- Worst ever DWP secretary resigns
- Lie detectors dropped claims No 10
- Yvette Cooper new DWP secretary of state
- Cash paid for ESA medical reports
- Download our ESA appeals guide
- Atos docs and burger man charge £65 a time for claim help
- Government warns councils against unlawful refusal of Blue Badges
- Everybody on incapacity benefit being retested
- Claimant who can walk and run gets high rate mobility for incontinence
- Late deals on ESA & mental health training
- I just received £294 lump sum
- Claimant’s benefit stopped for recording medical
- ESA medical questions revealed
- Former ATOS doctors face record costs for failed tribunal
- Atos complaints procedure revealed
- How secret medical software decides your fate
- Seven ways to discredit an ESA mental health medical report
- Decision Makers’ Exchange – ‘unfortunate and embarrassing’ errors
- Confidential Jobcentre Plus Managers Updates
- DLA and AA to be abolished
- Successful claims halved under ESA
- 100 days to save DLA & AA from the axe
- DLA and AA fight-back begins
- RNIB comes out fighting for AA and DLA
- Save DLA and AA campaign astonishing start
- Naïve and complacent charities threaten AA & DLA
- Stop press: charities left reeling by your response
- Beware weasel words
- Decision Makers Exchanges available
- Shaw Trust loses millions on Pathways
- Major charities ditch Pathways contracts
- Charities outraged by DWP funded offers
- MSPs join fight to save AA and DLA
- CPAG admits DLA is not safe
- DLA threat website tries to stem hostile responses
- Scrapping DLA is an option confirms DWP
- Is the Big Care Debate being nobbled?
- Scottish and Welsh assemblies campaign for DLA and AA
- No 10 DLA and AA petition needs you
- “DLA is not under threat . . . be very happy” says government minister
- Your chances of getting ESA – the secret’s out
- £35,000 tax bill - could it happen to you?
- “I haven't stopped grinning since”
- Senior minister confirms DLA is under threat
- Lords warn attack on DLA and AA will be “very strongly resisted”
- CPAG victory over DWP bullies
- DLA saved – for some
- Claimants who try lose benefits
- £20,000 shock birthday tax for all
- Burnham refuses to answer DLA questions
- More secrecy around National Care Service
- Getting permission to record your medical
- Hundreds of claimants unjustly imprisoned
- Tabloid support for DLA and AA campaign
- Benefits advice stopped
- I got full mobility and personal care!
- Tories launch save DLA and AA campaign
- Is new DLA form a con trick?
- Your queries about employing carers answered
- How some claimants get thousands of £££ in DWP compensation
- 91 MPs sign motion against DLA and AA cuts – has yours?
- Are claimants at risk from ESA assessment rip-off?
- Can Atos doctors earn more than Gordon Brown?
- ESA for Time Lords
- BBC Scotland overwhelmed by your response
- Honours for DWP and A4E
- Free Upper Tribunal representation for members
- Pathways to work a total failure DWP admits
- Is the tide finally turning against ESA?
- Transfer from IB to ESA – firm date finally given
- Forced move to ESA – your transfer date revealed
- Some 0800 mobile calls to be free
- £1,500 fee for DLA claim form help
- Disability Alliance support for DWP work agenda
- Youreable forum faces uncertain future
- Today I was awarded 24 points
- ESA return to work rip-off
- Fit notes are coming
- Almost 7 out of 10 refused ESA
- Claimant refuses untaped IB medical – and wins
- DLA short form con update
- Staying on ESA forever, even after losing an appeal
- RNID to axe benefits casework team
- Huge new DLA appeals resource
- Exempt incapacity claimants fight back
- ESA claimants must now obey orders
- Good news in the forums
- Benefits medicals – tell us your experiences
- GPs fit note guidance released
- RNID confirms welfare rights team to be axed
- More welfare rights workers to be axed
- Express apologises to Benefits and Work
- Are you missing out on cash while off sick?
- DLA and ESA success stories
- Creamed or parked on Pathways?
- How has DLA changed your life?
- Half-price professional membership
- £1,000 paid into my bank
- Why exempt incapacity claimants get questionnaires
- Even harsher new ESA medical approved
- DLA and AA safe for one parliament
- 50+ organisations sign up for half-price membership
- What chance of DLA supersession success?
- Closure date for RNID team
- Large charities sink deeper into government’s pocket
- Latest ESA figures – long delays and high failure rates
- More than 70 organisations grab half-price membership
- Coalition publishes first benefits statement
- Confidential decision makers DLA documents published
- Major new ESA resource to download
- GPs can’t stop patients recording consultations
- Beyond my wildest dreams
- Recording medicals – excellent strategy from a member
- Major changes to benefits ahead
- Leaked email shows DWP fit notes panic
- Transfer from IB to ESA: coalition timetable latest
- DLA short form – what are they hiding?
- Full list of free to mobile DWP 0800 numbers
- One in five current DLA claimants to be axed
- Second medicals for ESA to be abolished
- ESA appeals skyrocket
- 5 July 2010 newsletter
- Sterilise claimants urges racist treasury website
- Get your MP to sign these DLA motions
- Treasury hate website ceases publishing
- DLA renewal short form to grow
- Risky IB to ESA transfer may affect DLA, leaked DWP letter reveals
- 16 August newsletter
- The truth about bounty hunters
- 6 September newsletter
- MIND thanks B&W subscribers
- Join the disabled protest at Tory conference
- Poor should not be compensated says millionaire Clegg
- No more legal aid for benefits?
- Law centres to close
- Youreable to reopen
- Disability quangos to be axed
- Major breakthrough on recording medicals
- Universal credit gets green light
- Atos to run compulsory work programmes
- Civil legal aid in chaos
- 4 October Newsletter
- IB to ESA pilot begins
- Disabled claimants may lose over £9,000 due to coalition cuts
- Atos docs condemn their own work
- Huge appeals backlog
- DWP’s multi-billion private sector handouts
- Bodyguard and deportation firm bids for back-to-work contracts
- Spending review round-up
- Recording medical triumph for member
- Benefits cuts and changes timetable
- 3 November newsletter
- Find out how much benefit you’ll lose
- Youreable reopens with threats against misusers
- Incapacity benefit claimants to receive tax underpayment demand
- DWP ditches lie detector plans
- 11 November newsletter
- Disabled claimants to be starved into obedience
- Benefits advice to be slashed – with little resistance
- Citizens Advice ESA medical campaign
- Harrington review will not stop harsh new WCA
- Atos gets another three years
- Charities fight for scraps from private sector work contracts
- IB to ESA move faces delay already
- Exempt claimants ESA migration date fudge
- One year ESA time limit to be retrospective
- DLA to be axed and replaced by PIP
- Housing benefit cuts delayed for existing claimants
- 7 December newsletter
- DLA cuts may breach human rights
- Incapacity benefit linking rules end this month
- Charities propose changes to ESA – but would they make matters worse?
- Protests against benefits cuts
- Birmingham Tribunal Unit faces closure
- National demo against cuts on 26 March
- Exempt IB claimants to be early ESA transfers
- Secrecy still surrounds new ESA medical test and form
- DLA higher rate care and mobility for ME
- Disability Benefits Consortium challenges DLA cuts
- 19 January newsletter
- Confirmed: harsh new ESA medical to go ahead in time for IB transfer
- Advice agencies face even more cuts
- Work programme in trouble already
- 900 redundancies at Citizens Advice Bureaux
- Ask your MP to sign DLA early day motion
- Changes to IB to ESA migration start-up
- Revealed: which health conditions get into the support group
- Campaigns against the cuts February update
- Is the tribunals service being nobbled?
- Win a free subscription - follow us on Twitter
- 3 February newsletter
- DWP to hold welfare reform events
- New harsher ESA medical test laid before parliament
- Harrington timeline for year two irrelevant
- Labour supports ESA cuts and DLA reform
- Almost one third fail IB to ESA migration claims DWP
- 18 February newsletter
- Try the new work capability assessment online
- 16 February newsletter
- 16 February newsletter
- Smarten up and try out working, ESA claimants can be ordered
- Mobility to stop at pension age and DLA for children to be axed under PIP plans?
- ‘Huge amount of anguish’ caused by ESA test says expert
- Reporter wants to sit in on your ESA medical
- IB to ESA transfer begins in earnest today
- Lords may challenge harsh new ESA medical
- 3 March newsletter
- U-turn on PIP for over 65’s?
- Tell MPs what you think of welfare reform
- Tribunals are cheap justice
- Opposition to welfare reform is growing
- Lords challenge to harsh new WCA ends in feeble surrender
- Opposition to welfare reform update, 17 March
- Forced work scheme for JSA claimants
- Wash, dress, make tea, travel alone to your new ESA medical? You probably just failed.
- Will you be assessed using an imaginary wheelchair ?
- 17 March newsletter
- Tell MPs what you think of IB to ESA migration
- Justice denied to claimants by appeal delays
- One very last chance for you to stop the harsh new ESA test
- Atos pilots audio recording of medicals
- Voluntary sector wipe-out in contract handouts
- DLA abolition continues following consultation
- New ESA medical questionnaire cons claimants
- 14 April newsletter
- DWP and media continue smear campaign against ESA claimants
- ‘Forced labour’ scheme begins
- 5 May newsletter
- DLA cuts - who will lose out under PIP?
- Benefits cuts timetable update
- This will change my life
- 19 May newsletter
- Benefits check could cost you thousands
- Sex crime investigators to interview DLA claimants
- Is self-employment the best way forward?
- 2 June newsletter
- Threatened with prosecution and homelessness for being self-employed
- 16 June newsletter
- 500 charities to help move sick and disabled into work
- New Work Programme Started
- Archbishop speaks out
- Minister denies fuelling tabloid attacks on 'workshy'
- BBC Ouch forum to close
- Time taken for DLA and ESA appeals
- Harrington pleased and gratified at WCA progress
- Response to PIP consultation
- Voluntary sector excluded from work programme
- Atos grilled by MPs
- Steve Cram is Atos ambasador
- Trial incapacity benefit reassessment
- Terms
- Benefits related suicide
- Unum, a conflict of interests?
- Claimants to be fined £50 for errors on forms
- Legal aid for benefits to be axed
- Should we promote freelance welfare rights workers?
- Your chances of winning your ESA appeal revealed
- Are you a Mr Big Bucks?
- Work programme providers trample on workers' rights claim
- After Atos disappears
- 30 June newsletter
- Welfare cuts "could leave up to 40,000 families homeless"
- Disability Alliance challenges DLA cuts
- Freeze on DLA tribunal recruitment
- Appeals successes remain firm
- Mobile fraud taskforce launched
- Ouch forum closed
- Disability Alliance takes on Skill work
- Harrington review a cop-out
- Are some charities colluding with DLA cuts?
- "I would encourage anyone to subscribe" - feedback from Facebook
- 14 July newsletter
- Protesters occupy Atos office
- Welfare reform bill postponed
- Anne Begg's Article in The Guardian
- GP goes for Atos job
- Commons committee to publish critical report on ATOS.
- High failure rate for ESA reassessments
- End Atos medical monopoly, MP's report demands
- More charities help DWP with PIP trials
- Exchanging ideas on claiming ESA for ME
- Why ESA claimants abandon their claim
- Was report slamming Atos sabotaged by Grayling?
- 28 July newsletter
- Lib Dems challenge WCA
- Marches against Tory and LibDem conferences
- Petition against Atos rejected
- Film producer wants ESA claimants
- Atos worker sneers at claimants
- Letter Anne Begg from Statistics Authority
- New petition from Carerwatch.
- Atos lawyers take down another site
- GMC investigates 12 Atos doctors
- Atos takes down yet another forum
- 2 Year wait for benefits in USA
- Work Programme Destined to Fail.
- WCA Call for evidence
- People on ESA to pay council tax
- Young carers and their disabled parents set to lose out on thousands of pounds.
- Spot checks on sick benefit staff ordered to be 'nicer'
- Professor Harrington "is "staggered and shocked" at the estimated annual £50m cost of appeals".
- 400,000 disabled people to lose all out of work benefits.
- EHRC Disability Harrassment report published
- Ministerial Statement 12/09/11 - DWP Administration & Reorganisation.
- Welfare reform plans at risk
- DWP advertises for assessment service and IT to deliver PIP
- How many people are "Unfit to? work
- Good News for Support Group
- Atos assault on websites backfires badly
- Welfare reform bill dirty tricks
- 15 September newsletter
- Lib Dem conference votes against ESA time limit
- Claimants to get food parcels instead of cash
- Coalition 'ruthlessness' over welfare reform
- DBC Call for Evidence - ESA (Year 2)
- Terminally ill people warned over possible benefit cut
- Mass email of Labour conference
- Hero soldier wins disability allowance fight
- Are 'Fitness for work' assessments fit for purpose?
- UC will be a 'train crash' warning by MPs
- Few ESA Claimants getting back into work
- DWP Awards Seven-Year IT Contract to Capgemini UK.
- Call to ban ATOS
- Support Group Appeals: Your Experiences
- 29 September newsletter
- Whitehall Veteran John Shield Returns To Boost Welfare Reforms
- Nottingham protest rattles Atos
- Work programme results kept secret
- Watch the welfare reform bill discussions
- Cameron continues the ESA con
- Cardiff CAB to close
- BBC News - Four-in-10 disabled children 'in poverty'
- BBC seeking people undergoing WCA in October
- Decision Makers Exchange published
- Inquiry into Press Conduct
- Daily Mail to launch a page 2 correction column
- Charities stitched-up by work programme private companies
- Radio feature on the WCA
- Attending WFIs if appealing to be in the support group
- More ESA claimants to be forced onto work programme
- 13 October newsletter
- Revealed: DWP submission to GMC on urging 'return to work'
- Restrictions on Benefits Whilst Appealing
- UK CPI inflation rate rises to 5.2% in September
- Scope says disabled people 'could lose vital benefits' - BBC News
- New Rules for Motability Lease Customers
- Get ready for the next round of hostile headlines
- Obligatory work programme session for ESA claimants
- DWP keeps result of recording medicals pilot secret
- Time allowed for ESA50 questionnaire slashed
- Appeal waiting times over 6 months
- Pointless Daily Mail correction column
- Latest ESA statistics published
- BBC2 9.00pm 27th October - The Future State of Welfare with John Humphrys
- 27 October newsletter
- Warning over legal aid cuts for disabled people
- BBC Panorama on "Benefits Cheats" Thursday 8pm
- Lib Dem MPs try to halt legal aid cuts
- GPs to tell long-term jobless to find work
- Stopping ESA during appeals not ruled out
- Sec of State DWP on Universal Credit
- Ministers 'Consider Alternatives' to 5.2% Benefits Rise.
- DWP CFS guidance published
- Lord Freud criticises press benefits coverage
- Full Fact questions Freud statement on WCA
- 600,000 to be forced off incapacity benefit
- Phone call that signals ESA claim failure
- Spot check misery for millions
- 10 November newsletter
- Disability Benefits: A 'Nasty Campaign'?
- 'Fit to work' appeals success rising.
- Welfare Reform in a nutshell.
- Latest PIP assessment draft published
- 100,000 support Remploy
- MPs public meeting on DLA to PIP
- Disabled people live in 'terror' of the future
- Young jobseekers told to work without pay or lose benefits.
- What are your chances of having your ESA sanctioned?
- Explanation for reducing ESA form return time
- Average Appeal Waiting Times Increase
- NUJ disabled members call for press to stop vilifying disabled people
- Pain for benefits: inflation link severed
- Employee sick leave decision to be taken away from doctors.
- Benefits appeals system 'on brink of collapse'
- Make malicious fraud reports a criminal offence
- Channel Four news
- DLA appeal times postcode lottery
- Disabled 'suicidal' over Welfare Reform Bill.
- Harrington second report - is the Prof a DWP dupe?
- GP fit notes and ESA assessment phase under threat
- Half-price professional membershi[p
- 24 November newsletter
- Academic report on press disability hate campaign.
- Melton Mowbray CAB to shut down
- "Atos Two" charged with aggravated trespass
- Charities Consider Pulling Out of the Work Programme.
- Care home mobility component saved
- Chancellor confirms Benefits to rise by 5.2% in April 2012.
- DLA climbdown confirmed
- Coalition delays legal aid cuts
- Good news on ESA sensory descriptors
- MPs meet public on DLA to PIP
- Big increase in numbers to get ESA
- Mortgage payments to be clawed back from dead claimants
- DLA and ESA success well below 50%
- DWP targets cancer sufferers
- Crimestoppers campaign against claimants
- IDS fury at benefits rise
- "Bounty hunters" unleashed on claimants
- Cut price Xmas gift coupons
- 8 December newsletter
- Disability Alliance higher education guide for people with disabilities 2012
- Free blue badges in Wales
- Uprated benefit amounts from April 2012
- Challenge to communication activity
- Month of action against Atos and benefit cuts
- Disabled people 'must play part' in fighting blue badge abuse
- Politicians and DWP combine to block answers on Unum links
- Report uncovers scores more NHS 'discrimination deaths'
- New Year Honours: Activist pledges to use OBE to fight cuts
- New Year Honours: Awards recognise 2012 trio
- Politicians given New Year rebuke over care funding reform
- Assisted suicide report is 'attack on disabled people'
- Responsible reform press release
- Mayor Boris Johnson victim of DLA con trick
- Atos Two Trial
- Mayor Boris Johnson victim of DLA con trick
- Charities scared to speak out
- Welfare Reform Bill lobby
- Responsible reform author hospitalised as #spartacusreport soars
- ESA changes savaged in Lords
- Live updates on Welfare Reform Bill debate
- What's the Benefit. BBC Radio 4 16/01/12 11:00AM
- Appeals can now be cancelled without evidence
- DWP tries to discredit Spartacus Report
- 12 January newsletter
- ESA changes savaged in Lords
- Government gagging clauses 'are threatening independent voices'
- Report finds 'serious inaccuracies' in fitness for work tests
- Bitter struggle over PIP continues
- PIP losers revealed
- PIP losers revealed
- Campaigners claim victory in Lords vote
- Big fall in number of ESA appeals
- Campaigners claim victory in Lords vote
- Atos Two Charges Dropped
- DLA reform: DPOs could boycott government consultations
- DLA reform: Dame Anne set to probe DWP's Spartacus evasions
- BBC This Week Programme (Thursday)
- Latest WCA statistics release
- Secret changes to ESA guidance
- Pat's Petition update
- Benefit cap defeat
- Work programme success over-estimated
- Audio recording of medical assessments 'Pilot'
- 26 January newsletter
- Why Iain Duncan Smith is heading for a date with disaster
- Recording WCA - news and an apparent capitulation
- How A Safety Net Designed To Help Those Most In Need Became A Kafkaesque Nightmare
- Alarm after council scraps direct payments support service
- Government admits failing to anylyse results of DLA consultation
- Benefits Protest Blocks Oxford Street
- Government adviser 'failed to declare work for insurance giant'
- Physiotherapists, podiatrists and even drama therapists to help GPs sign patients off sick
- Disabled Petition Queen
- Welfare reform bill: Anger as coalition 'treats parliament with contempt'
- Welfare reform bill: Movement set for court showdown with government
- Atos 'failed to comply with government policy'
- Disabled are at the mercy of ministers and media
- You're dying - but are you trying for a job?
- Ministers admit to ESA backlog
- Atos will record your ESA medical
- 9 February newsletter
- Benefits Protest Blocks Oxford Street
- Buy guides for under £10
- Consultation-Mandatory review before appeal. Concerns about claimants, especially for ESA claimants.
- Cold weather payments being missed by pensioners.
- Unofficial Simplified Summary of the Second Draft PIP Regulations
- 'Abysmal' A4e awarded another handout
- PIP Information hub
- Frustrated peers still fighting for a fairer bill
- Ministers warned over adding fuel to disablist fire
- Work Programme - Helping people... or just ticking boxes?
- The real unemployment figure?
- MPs with disability interests branded 'hypocrites' over welfare reform votes
- Joint Committee on Human Rights Legislative Scrutiny: Welfare Reform Bill
- Mental health claimants most at ESA sanction risk
- Psychiatrists condemn PIP changes
- Tesco advertises salary of "JSA + expenses"
- Disabled people face unlimited work or cuts in benefit
- Disability Benefit Tests 'Must Be Fair'
- Peers win more concessions on welfare reform bill
- Ministers urged to suspend welfare-to-work contracts over fraud claims.
- Tesco outrage and implications for WRAG mandatory work programme
- ESA claimants a rarity in the work programme
- A4e Had Jobseekers Work In Their Own Offices
- Welfare Reform: Thousands of sick and disabled Scots facing poverty
- ESA to end for claimants who want to appeal
- DWP sabotaging right to record ESA medicals
- 23 February newsletter
- DWP reveals billions in benefits unclaimed each year.
- A4e chairman Emma Harrison steps down
- Jobseekers forced to clean private homes and offices for nothing.
- Workfare controversy: Charities think again on government scheme
- Disabled people's organisation faces criticism over ministerial invitation
- Extra Housing Benefit support for Londoners.
- Welfare reform bill now unstoppable
- Government ditches work experience sanctions
- Independent living inquiry: Government reforms 'putting rights in danger'
- Campaigners set for legal action as welfare bill clears final hurdle
- PIP timetable confirmation
- PIP consultation help
- DWP starts calling ESA time-limit claimants
- Welfare Reform Bill passed in full
- 'Cowardly' minister closes Remploy factories
- Peers vote to save benefits help
- Government to continue sanctions for ESA work experience scheme
- Welfare Reform Bill passed in full
- PIP consultation help
- 'Cowardly' minister closes Remploy factories
- 8 March newsletter
- GPC seeks talks with DWP over Atos 'fitness to work' scheme concerns.
- McDonald's spends £10m of taxpayer's cash from employment scheme without creating a single job.
- Despite a string of fraud probes A4e gets two new state contracts worth up to £30m.
- Unum withdraws from individual income protection
- A4e faces new fraud investigation
- Incapacity Benefit reassessment figures hide the real story
- Shock and anger over DWP's hate crime claims
- Silence on future funding raises fears for supported factories
- One third of IB claimants found fit
- ESA video pulled without explanation
- British people are committing suicide to escape poverty. Is this what the State wants?
- Our newsletter gets member into support group
- Only £33 a year for poorer families, says CAB.
- Recording can delay medicals for weeks
- 22 March Newsletter
- Unum withdraws from individual income protection
- ESA video pulled without explanation
- Scottish GPs Vote to Scrap Work Capability Assessment
- Government IT contractors hire staff in India to work on benefits system.
- BUDGET 2012: Granny tax is an outrageous assault on decent pensioners
- Budget 2012: Shock at new £10 billion threat to benefits
- Budget 2012: Tax statements 'could lead to hate crime'
- Advice sector funding slashed
- PIP Latest Consultation Document
- Arthritis sufferer has benefits cuts by £385-a-month after tribunal.
- Oldham Law Centre closes
- New PIP consultation adds fuel to concerns
- Phillips to leave equality watchdog
- Scottish GPs call for 'fitness for work' tests to be scrapped
- Benefits appeals consultation
- Why the WCA isn't working
- Means Testing not Working says Pensions Minister.
- Charities leaving Work Programme
- Law centres begin charging
- Mind jump or pushed from WCA review
- Universal Credit Impact on Passported Benefits
- Universal credit in trouble
- ESA deaths revealed
- Mind brands WCA inhumane
- Advertising complaint against Atos upheld
- 12 April newsletter
- The Cost of the Abolition of DLA.
- Coalition to rob poor kids' meals.
- Protest over Remploy closure plans.
- Welfare benefits legal aid to end
- Government forces legal aid cuts back into bill
- Cuts protest brings traffic chaos to central London
- True impact of DLA cuts 'could wipe out planned savings'
- Granny Tax rebels 'fight on'
- DLA medicals can be recorded
- FAQ on Personal Independence Payment.
- Cost of ESA appeals
- DWP corruption
- Atos doctors sign Official Secrets Act
- DWP admits secret recording not illegal
- 23 April Newsletter
- Half of over-50s 'will have to work beyond state pension age'
- Iain Duncan Smith opposes suggested £10bn welfare cuts
- As sickness benefit cuts take effect, thousands face hard times.
- Access to Work figures plunge again
- Grayling silent on further fall in 'fit for work' figures
- Miller defends firms queuing up to deliver PIP assessments
- DWP questioned over DLA analysis failings
- Government holds out hope for just nine Remploy factories
- Man has both legs amputated, asked: 'So, how far can you walk?'
- DWP stays silent on DLA cuts advice from councils
- Leveson inquiry 'has sidelined disability'
- Tens of thousands lose their ESA as welfare reforms begin to bite
- Iain Duncan Smith attacks disabled workers
- Benefit fraudsters warned they face tougher penalties
- 8 May newsletter
- Half a million to lose DLA
- Transitional protection urged for DLA claimants
- Work Programme not working for ESA
- St Mungo's leaves the work programme
- DWP ignores private sector back-to-work fraud
- 7 out of 10 DLA claimants 'fester'
- ICO To Investigate Civil Service Data Breach Claims.
- Anonymous Attacks DWP Website Over Privacy Breaches
- GP vote set to pressure government over 'fitness for work' tests
- Disability movement divided over Remploy closures
- Disabled workers still face 'bleak' struggle for support
- Court's ruling will have 'huge impact' on discrimination in benefits system
- Byrne suggests a Labour change of heart over benefit cuts
- Paralympic Games organisers defend Atos sponsorship deal.
- 22 May Newsletter
- Tory MPs 'gagged' welfare-to-work whistleblowers.
- Benefits threat for claimants with alcohol or drug dependency
- GPs vote to end WCA
- MSPs pass Bill 'to soften UK cuts'.
- The Work Programme flounders.
- Universal credit to start early
- Doctor's call for action on WCA safety
- GPs say assessment must be scrapped
- 'Fitness for work' test under fire: Campaigners seek judicial review
- Chaos of bus protest will highlight barriers facing DLA losers
- More mandatory work for claimants
- Fury as Tory welfare police order kidney dialysis patient back to work.
- Disability Rights UK faces union anger over Remploy
- Labour squashes hope of u-turn on 'fitness for work' test
- Ministers accused of lying to the UK Statistics Authority.
- Minister bans charities from PIP meetings
- Charity boss resists calls to quit 'fitness for work' committee
- Charities seek witnesses for 'crucial' benefits evidence session
- DWP admits talks with doctors over safety of 'fitness for work' test
- 12 June Newsletter
- Mandatory work scheme does not improve job chances, research finds.
- Draft Universal Credit Regulations.
- Emergency delay in Universal Credit as Ministers don't know how their own programme will work
- 'Well-off' elderly could lose benefits including winter fuel allowance in care shake-up
- Reducing the backlog of social security appeals
- Leeds food demand 'above 1930s Depression era levels'
- Disability and the missing £500 million
- Bus protest brings fears over DLA cuts to heart of Westminster
- Paralympian stresses need for DLA, and praises activists
- New report warns car industry to lose out under welfare reform plans
- The video Grayling didn't want you to see
- Welfare reform plans 'collapsing in chaos', says Labour.
- Work experience scheme challenged.
- Chris Grayling Refused To Hear Case Of Breast Cancer Sufferer.
- 26 June newsletter
- Welfare cuts reward: Fatcat lands £1m bonus for helping to slash disability benefits bill.
- DWP dismisses concerns over specialist job scheme
- DPOs avoid key question over Remploy factory closures
- Doctors demand end to work capability assessment
- Half a million benefits sanctions
- WCA 'pretty crude' says judge
- The Work Programme design is flawed.
- Atos does its own mystery shopping
- Atos miles behind medical targets
- Citizen's Advice drowning in ESA enquiries
- Dignity of vigil highlights importance of 'fitness for work' court case
- Miller pledges expansion of government's 'best-kept secret'
- Remploy workers to strike in new stand against closures
- Mystery over 'fitness for work' recording equipment
- Shadow minister calls for Leveson to think again on media hostility
- Let injured troop work at Remploy
- Families £73 worse off
- The video that won't stay secret
- Recording medicals - what's really going on?
- Atos wants right to reply on Benefits and Work
- Blue Badge consultation opens
- Early day motion against Atos
- Atos staff may strike
- 10 July newsletter
- Severely disabled to be hardest hit by welfare reforms
- MoJ video raised in house
- DWP to delay state pension paper.
- 27 Remploy factories to close
- Work Programme success claims Grayling
- Benefits system fraud and error unacceptably high.
- Has WCA improved, Harrington wants to know?
- Labour attacks work programme 'chaos' after forecasts revised.
- Universal credit and housing costs.
- Blue badge scheme 'will keep focus on physical mobility'
- Universal credit 'spells bleak future for many'
- Government holds out hope for just nine Remploy factories
- Fears confirmed as government announces ILF will close in 2015
- Department for Work & Pensions comms spend nosedives.
- Paupers' picnic gives holidaying MPs something to chew on
- Double suicide draws further tragic attention to 'fit for work' test
- Burstow appears clueless on vital ILF consultation
- Pioneer warns of 'disastrous' consequences of ILF closure
- London 2012: Paralympian warns DLA cuts could 'jeopardise independence'
- Fitness-for-work tests hit by technical chaos.
- Decision makers still bow to Atos
- Some soldiers to be exempt from PIP assessment
- Charities still using Workfare
- 24 July Newsletter
- Using the Law to fight cuts
- Atos assessors told to keep disability benefit approvals low, film suggests.
- Victory in first stage of 'fitness for work' court case
- Government says 'no guarantees' over recording of 'fit for work' tests
- First wave of Remploy workers to lose jobs next month
- Judicial review & WCA
- Harrington to stand down
- Million jobless may face six months' unpaid work or have benefits stopped.
- Sick and disabled people are being pushed off benefits at any cost
- Minister accused of 'trying to censor' video helping people appeal against decision
- Atos win PIP contracts
- 2 August Newsletter
- ESA losers left without income
- Decision to award PIP contracts to Atos is 'twisting the knife'
- MPs suggest minister ignored 'fitness for work' re-test concerns
- Paralympics protest aims to strike 'major blow' against Atos
- Back-to-Work Scheme Ruled Lawful by the High Court
- Jobcentre employees go on strike
- DPOs will pull out of PIP contract if assessments are not fair and open
- Charities silent over secret links with Atos
- 1,000 signatures needed to record medical
- Disability hate crime is at its highest level since records began
- Watchdog finds 'weaknesses' in sickness benefit system
- Atos Paralympics
- Online petiton against current ESA WCA
- Government could face court action over ILF closure
- Lib Dem activists ready again to expose coalition divisions on welfare reform
- London 2012: Paralympian will put Atos sponsorship under the spotlight
- Paralympic sponsor engulfed by disability tests row
- Atos holds £3bn of government contracts
- Stop using word disabled says Atos supporting chair of IPC
- Petition to make Atos pay
- London 2012: Campaigners refuse to target blameless athletes over Atos
- Fit for work cancer victim dies
- Protestors target Atos HQ
- DWP working in secret with Tribunals Service
- Huge new sanctions threat for ESA claimants
- 4 September Newsletter
- Grayling heckled in Atos debate
- DWP sent Norfolk man another person’s medical forms.
- Government Policy is Promoting Suicides
- Royal Mail staff given access to confidential medical details.
- Disabled claimants feel ‘persecuted’ by WCA system, say MPs
- MP calls for inquiry into police protest violence
- Disabled people’s organisations wary over ministerial reshuffle
- Fines for mistakes by claimants
- Appeal success postcode lottery
- Government eyes end to benefits and inflation link
- Former DWP medical boss makes WCA pledge to protesters
- Anger as editor tells Motability-users to ‘hang heads in shame’ after London 2012
- National newspapers ‘add fuel to the hate crime fire’
- Atos gets it wrong on one in five ‘fit for work’ recommendations
- 18 September newsletter
- Parties unite to tackle ‘last legal form of discrimination’
- Anger over government’s new ‘disability quango’
- WCA affects mental health
- More cancer patients to join support group
- ESA losers left without income
- Legal aid con
- ESA may be stopped for claimants who appeal
- Liberal Democrat conference: Party votes for review of impact of welfare reform
- DWP silent on which organisations were tipped off about new ‘alliance’
- New network aims to unite disability movement
- £40m profit for Atos 'a slap in the face of the disabled', say MPs .
- 2 October Newsletter
- Post a news story
- Labour conference: Party ‘must move away from toxic fitness for work policy’
- Labour conference: McGuire attacks ‘reprehensible’ failure to assess cuts impact
- Motability is ‘treating disabled people like criminals’ by fitting trackers
- New EHRC chair faces tough task to repair watchdog’s damaged house
- WCA and suicidal thoughts
- Work programme costs charities dear
- Latest appeal statistics
- Charity sets trio of activists loose on party conferences
- Councils admit ILF closure could force reliance on families and charities
- Conservative conference: Alarm as Osborne announces new £10bn welfare cuts
- Activist secures high-profile backers for electoral assault on Corby
- Atos subcontracts PIP to NHS
- Stop bullying us, Freud told
- Disability Rights UK in deal to help Capita end working age DLA
- Atos versus Capita – who will be best for claimants?
- Just 19 doctors for over a million PIP assessments
- Pensioners will suffer.
- 16 October newsletter
- DWP Revealed As Government Sector With Most Sick Days.
- Row over DPO role in Capita bid for lucrative assessment contract
- Miller faces questions after new minister admits Access to Work spending has plunged
- CPS and police clueless over sharp drop in disability hate crime prosecutions
- Courts to be asked to declare government’s ILF consultation unlawful
- Universal credit ‘could drive hundreds of thousands over the edge’
- Charity sets trio of activists loose on party conferences
- FactCheck: Why leaked A4E data suggests Work Programme isn't working.
- 30,000 ESA claimants to be forced onto work prgramme
- Anger and fear as disabled people march for A Future That Works
- Report 'paints first human picture of impact of cuts'
- Labour calls for urgent investigation over Atos bid information
- 29 October newsletter
- New funding for advice sector
- Iain Duncan Smith's welfare reforms may backfire.
- Elderly and vulnerable in Government phone rip-off 'scandal'.
- Atos benefits bullies killed my sick dad, says devastated Kieran, 13.
- Three more disability charities suggest Atos misled on PIP contracts
- Discrimination case could lead to new rights for volunteers and benefit claimants
- New minister McVey offers little hope on benefit cuts
- Iain Duncan Smith adviser being paid by thinktank lobbying his department.
- Disabled man who fears cuts to benefits goes on hunger strike.
- Mandating claimants to the Work Programme
- New ESA sanctions looming
- The coalition's work programme is failing the unemployed.
- Benefits reform under threat after IT glitch
- The People's Review of the Work Capability Assessment
- Incapacity benefits to ESA statistics
- New figures suggest limited impact of Harrington changes
- Disabled activist stages hunger strike outside Atos offices
- Government adviser raises 'serious concerns' over Access to Work figures
- Shock and concern after EHRC's disabled commissioner is shown the door
- Labour to ask MPs and National Audit Office to probe Atos contract allegations
- 13 November Newsletter
- Disability Rights UK fights back over new alliance, Capita and Remploy
- People's Review of WCA finds its way to Fry's five million followers
- Motability admits it might have to take back 100,000 vehicles
- Experts warn of PIP bombshell
- ESA - prepare for work or lose benefit
- Harrington review - nothing new to say
- Housing reforms and cuts are creating 'perfect storm' for disabled people
- Government finally acts on Access to Work
- MPs add weight to Tanni's safety net concerns
- Cool response to Harrington's final review
- Cameron's EIA attack spells 'danger' for equality
- Atos assessment centres lack disabled access
- 27 November newsletter
- DWP reports suggest Work Programme has failed disabled people
- Leveson offers new hope in fight against hostile newspapers
- DWP disclosure re: recording
- Disabled man abandoned by Atos
- Legal aid cuts defeated
- Capita lie detector tests on claimants
- Anger as government adds disabled people to workfare scheme (members only)
- Just three Remploy factories could be left when the dust settles (members only)
- ODI silence suggests ministers think alliance voices will be more to their liking (members only)
- Budget benefit cuts are 'serious threat' to independence (members only)
- 10 December Newsletter
- PIP delayed for indefinite DLA awards
- PIP higher rate mobility down to 20 metres
- PIP rates revealed
- Government makes ‘significant changes’ to PIP assessment criteria (members only)
- McVey postpones hundreds of thousands of PIP reassessments (members only)
- DWP lies to cover tracks on mobility cuts (members only)
- MP provides prime minister with proof of the fatal impact of welfare cuts (members only)
- Martinez brings star quality to fresh assault on coalition’s ‘war on welfare’ (members only)
- Motability refuses to lobby for disabled customers on DLA cuts (members only)
- DWP blocks vital detail on ILF consultation (members only)
- Government silent on ‘draconian’ PIP mobility plans (members only)
- Disabled claimants more likely to be hit by one per cent benefit cap, DWP admits (members only)
- DWP staff sacked for social media use
- 16 January newsletter
- Disabled people with highest needs ‘will lose 19 times more’ than average (members only)
- Government has ‘emasculated’ EHRC, disabled peer tells minister (members only)
- Protesters await vital ‘fitness for work’ court ruling (members only)
- Government has ‘blood on its hands’ over ‘fitness for work’ test (members only)
- DWP made ‘cynical attempt’ to hide true intentions over PIP eligibility (members only)
- New ‘fitness for work’ test changes ‘could breach Human Rights Act’ (members only)
- Redundancies at Disability Rights UK, but boss says survival not at risk (members only)
- Government stats show most new ESA claimants are not ‘fit for work’ (members only)
- McVey invites ridicule as she dismisses her own PIP figures (members only)
- Report reveals auditors’ uncertainty over DR UK’s future (members only)
- Benefits cap will ‘inevitably’ become law (members only)
- ESA medical test change chaos (members only)
- ESA Medical Test Chaos Has Begun - newsletter
- Concern over DR UK director’s links with insurance investigators (members only)
- Boycott pledge over amputee charity’s PIP links with Atos and Capita (Members only)
- Minister picks PIP link option for blue badge scheme (Members only)
- Remploy job figures underline Work Programme’s failure (Members only)
- DR UK’s role in government’s opening ceremony ticket handout was ‘incredibly wrong’ (Members only)
- ‘Complacent’ DWP needs ‘major shake-up’ on work fitness tests (members only)
- McVey set to face legal challenge over PIP changes that came ‘out of nowhere’
- Forced labour unlawful - DWP must repay sanctioned benefits
- We won't repay sanctions, vows minister
- PIP Enhanced mobility only for indoor problems?
- New ESA Form Guides, Forced Labour Victory, PIP Mobility Con (newsletter)
- Jobcentre ‘harassed’ woman as she received emergency blood transfusion (members only)
- DWP disability report is ‘mine of information’ for campaigners (members only)
- Unum bragged about ‘driving government thinking’ on incapacity benefit reform (members only)
- Atos nurses were told: ‘You’re too nice to work here’ (members only)
- Benefits bill is miserable and mean-spirited, says disabled peer (members only)
- Confusion and anxiety as PIP advisers give out-of-date answers (members only)
- Disabled people on government work schemes ‘deserve better’ (members only)
- ESA appeals nightmare confirmed
- ESA Appeals Nightmare Scenario Confirmed plus Take the New ESA and PIP Tests
- Government ‘manipulated’ DLA figures to try to justify cuts members only)
- London 2012’s golden girl says DLA cuts and reforms are ‘massive step back’ (members only)
- Harrington’s replacement helped devise ‘fitness for work’ test (members only)
- Peers try to smuggle new Motability support into up-rating bill (members only)
- New DLA reform confusion after senior civil servant ‘contradicts McVey’ (members only)
- Motability ‘shifting the goalposts’ with new foreign driver rules (members only)
- Anger at prime minister’s misleading defence of ‘bedroom tax’ (members only)
- 12 March newsletter
- Government’s ‘secret plan to strip claimants of DLA’ (members only)
- Number 10 denies Cameron misled MPs on DLA spending (members only)
- IDS drops housing benefit appeal but claims: ‘This is no climb-down’ (members only)
- McVey refuses to apologise after ‘misleading’ MPs on ‘bedroom tax’ (members only)
- Christiansen adds her voice to DLA transport fears (members only)
- Wheelchair-user to join Jarrow marchers on 300-mile trek to Westminster (members only)
- Ministers ridiculed over Spartacus snub (members only)
- Chancellor eyes up welfare for fresh cuts (members only)
- Disability hate crime has been ‘left behind’ by the criminal justice system (members only)
- Motability’s new driver rules ‘could breach Equality Act’ (members only)
- 26 March Newsletter
- Disabled victims of bedroom tax granted urgent judicial review (members only)
- Disabled people ‘will lose more than £28 billion in benefits’ (members only)
- TUC says no to government’s new disability alliance (members only)
- McVey uses misleading DLA stats to ‘stoke up antagonism’ (members only)
- Government cuts funding for home adaptations... just as bedroom tax looms (members only)
- 9 April newsletter
- Atos pays out to man left in pain and distress by assessment (members only)
- Duncan Smith follows McVey in using misleading figures to whip up hostility (members only)
- Judicial review bid will ‘shine a light on PIP injustice’ (members only)
- Remploy: Union disputes job figures (members only)
- Survey ‘will help build vital picture of rights’ (members only)
- Atos looks second best to Capita as PIP assessments loom (members only)
- PIP factual report form revealed
- DWP ban Capita’s medical recording plan
- 23 April 2013 Newsletter
- DWP stays silent over ‘Stone Age’ benefit claim system (members only)
- Figures show ‘fitness for work’ test has made ‘considerable advances’ (members only)
- ‘Cap in hand’ fear over impact of welfare reforms in Wales (members only)
- Doctors’ leaders could face protests over ‘fitness for work’ campaign snub (members only)
- Daily Mail’s ‘workshy’ map was ‘designed to incite hostility’ (members only)
- Bedroom tax battle set for high court (members only)
- PIP 20 metre trio win first round of court battle (members only)
- 15 May 2013 newsletter
- MPs set to quiz minister over ‘misleading’ benefit stats (members only)
- Disabled people ‘are being forced to scavenge for food from supermarket skips’ (members only)
- TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference: Activists demand ‘fight back’ against cuts (members only)
- TUC Disabled Workers’ Conference: Fighting talk could lead to direct action (members only)
- Campaigners ask: Just who are the Atos champions? (members only)
- Government admits there can be no PIP online applications (members only)
- Tory boss ‘rebuked’ over party’s latest misuse of benefit figures (members only)
- DWP ordered to improve mental health WCA
- 4 June Newsletter
- Miliband offers work hope for long-term disabled unemployed (members only)
- Government quietly opens door to easier WCA recordings (members only)
- Minister defends lack of action on Motability PIP concerns (members only)
- ‘Serious concerns’ over Atos PIP contract promises (members only)
- Funding crisis means UKDPC will go volunteer-only within days (members only)
- Labour’s poverty taskforce set to target ‘fitness for work’ test (members only)
- Atos doctor ‘sickened’ by claimants’ requests (members only)
- Poverty figures ‘offer no protection from the cliff edge’ (members only)
- DWP to launch new PIP mobility consultation
- MP and peers bid for answers on Atos PIP contract (members only)
- Government announces new PIP consultation, weeks before court case (members only)
- PIP mobility consultation begins
- 26 June 2013 newsletter
- Welfare Rights Support Worker Vacancy
- Osborne ‘forgets’ to assess impact of benefits cap on disabled people (members only)
- McVey’s conference withdrawal ‘ (Members only) shows high-handed disregard’
- DWP admits ‘real’ disability poverty rose under coalition
- ‘Worrying’ consultation document brings new PIP concerns (members only)
- Figures show Work Programme is leaving disabled jobseekers behind (members only)
- Watchdog will be asked to examine Atos contract promises (member only)
- DWP finally reveals ‘shocking’ number of Atos PIP assessment sites (members only)
- Osborne’s benefits spending cap will include DLA, PIP... and ESA (members only)
- Nine more Remploy factories to close, says government (members only)
- McVey and McGuire put Commons battle ahead of disability conference (members only)
- ‘Fitness for work’ appeal ruling ‘makes mockery’ of call for evidence (members only)
- Disabled people ‘must find their voices again’, says Tanni (members only)
- Debate on disabled benefits cuts
- Mandatory DWP health advice for ESA claimants
- 9 July 2013 Newsletter
- Disabled MP silent over ‘extremist’ claims (members only)
- Anxiety from service-users as Atos appears in mental health units (members only)
- Benefits pilot is steering a ‘dangerous’ course (members only)
- Watchdog rolls over for Treasury despite Spending Round equality fears (members only)
- DWP press chief faces grilling by MPs over disability stats (members only)
- Equality watchdog ignored calls to assess impact of cuts on disabled people (members only)
- Equality watchdog to scrap vital disability committee (members only)
- Maynard retreats from ‘extremists’ comments (members only)
- DWP makes progress on opening up Access to Work (members only)
- Atos loses WCA monopoly
- Judge rules Atos physio’s evidence of no value in mental health case (members only)
- 24 July 2013 newsletter
- DWP orders new ‘fitness for work’ providers, but Atos clings on (members only)
- Court claim after ‘fitness for work harassment’ during blood transfusion (members only)
- Court ruling ‘gives green light to bedroom tax discrimination’ (members only)
- Atos PIP contract is ‘area of interest’ for spending watchdog (members only)
- Double yellow plan could cause blue badge trouble (members only)
- Tory peerage for equality watchdog’s disability chair (members only)
- Minister to meet Atos campaigners
- Universal credit project ‘soul-destroying’ and ‘divisive’ say DWP staff
- London councils set to pose question DWP fears to ask (members only)
- DWP stays silent on benefit cap impact on disabled people (members only)
- NHS backs GP over ‘inflammatory’ comments on ‘fitness for work’ (members only)
- Crow puts faith in welfare facts over fiction for new campaign (members only)
- BBC fails to solve mystery over Humphrys documentary complaints (members only)
- Benefit claimants to be £31 a week worse off say local councils
- Ministers ‘misuse’ figures to show UK ‘is world leader’ on disability spending (members only)
- Government’s benefits advisers say PIP changes could cause ‘catastrophe’ (members only)
- DPAC hopes history lesson will help reclaim the future from austerity (members only)
- Work Choice must go, say campaigners (members only)
- New campaign aims for 50,000 contact centre jobs in three years (members only)
- Ministers silent after being caught ‘pulling lies out of thin air’ (members only)
- Byrne’s speech reveals ‘major gaps’ in understanding of disability (members only)
- Government admits ‘hiding’ benefit cap stats (members only)
- Atos fails to find a PIP assessment centre in north London (members only)
- DWP dismisses talk of ‘fitness for work Catch-22’ (members only)
- Reclaiming Our Futures: Manifesto launch signals fight back on rights (members only)
- Reclaiming Our Futures: Activists target BBC over welfare reform ‘bias’ (members only)
- PIP roll-out delayed by mobility controversy
- UN expert says disabled people feel ‘targeted’ by bedroom tax (members only)
- Meeting with minister sparks plan to build replacement for ‘fit for work’ test (members only)
- Capita’s Duckworth clams up after comments on benefit claimants (members only)
- PIP delay raises questions over government’s 20 metres decision (members only))
- ‘Shocking’ report suggests number of blind service-users is plunging to zero (members only)
- Huge variation in ESA appeal success rates.
- 17 September 2013 newsletter
- Watchdog to probe £184 million Atos contract concerns as part of major PIP investigation (members only)
- Lib Dem conference: Party launches first review of social security since the 1940s (members only)
- Lib Dem conference: Clegg loses vote as party rebels over ‘bedroom tax’ (members only)
- Lib Dem conference: Peer and MP suggest DLA reform fears are exaggerated (members only)
- Lib Dem conference: Replacement for WCA wins cautious backing (members only)
- Lib Dem conference: Lloyd’s anger over disabled people failed by Work Programme (members only)
- Labour to scrap bedroom tax but not WCA
- Homeless ten times more likely to be sanctioned
- Campaigners score ‘bedroom tax’ court victories (members only)
- Labour conference: Alarm as industry plots to top up welfare ‘safety net’ (members only)
- Labour conference: Party hears of plans to copy Aussie single assessment (members only)
- Labour conference: Call for action on disability rights (members only)
- Labour conference: Welfare reform sees disability inch up the agenda (members only)
- DWP cancels week long celebration of causing claimants sickness and despair
- DWP fraud investigator convicted of fraud
- ESA claimants to be treated like troubled families.
- 30 September 2013 newsletter
- Bedroom tax means more tenants face eviction
- Government’s new workfare scheme is ‘unethical’ and ‘unworkable’ (members only)
- Motability to hand £2,000 to every customer who falls foul of PIP (members only)
- Conservative conference: Hoban clueless on IB job figures (members only)
- Conservative conference: No regrets for Tory architect of ‘fit for work’ test (members only)
- Conservative conference: Minister ‘would not rule out’ scrapping WCA (members only)
- Conservative conference: McVey stays silent over ‘cuts’ to DLA (members only)
- Conservative conference: Government is told to boost support for job-seekers (members only)
- Carpet of flowers turns Parliament Square into memorial to WCA victims (members only)
- Number of Jobseekers Allowance sanctions November 2011 – October 2012
- Taking Control of Employment Support
- There's no cure for brain damage so why is ATOS retesting Francesca Martinez?
- Council Tax Benefit cuts forcing families “to choose between staying on the right side of the law or feed themselves”
- Duncan Smith’s former spin doctor is new disabled people’s minister (members only)
- McVey gets caught out on stats for the third time (members only)
- ‘Crisis meetings’ over shortage of doctors for Atos assessments (members only)
- ‘Huge appetite’ for personalised work support (members only)
- Couple’s tribunal win adds weight to bedroom tax campaign (members only)
- New jobseekers will have to account more clearly for their efforts to find work to get their benefit.
- Charity calls for official inquiry as food bank use triples in a year
- Skinner on Atos work tests for disabled people
- Figures show tens of thousands of people have complained about the controversial fit-for-work assessments.
- Work Choice provider ‘skips vital criminal records checks on staff’ (members only)
- Spending on DLA and PIP will be cut next year, says new disability minister (members only)
- Benefit claimants become filmmakers to challenge stereotypes
- The Mary Macarthur Trust- Grants for women who need respite
- Atos gets vote of no confidence from council
- DWP today confirms harsh 20 metre limit for PIP enhanced mobility
- Record numbers found incapable of work and put in support group
- Claimants to lose DLA permanently if falsely accused of fraud, DWP decides
- 23 October 2013 newsletter
- DLA to PIP transfer postponed except in Wales and Central England
- Atos denies doctor shortage is to blame for new PIP delays (members only)
- WCA survivors return to court to continue fight for justice (members only)
- DWP ‘rides roughshod’ over responses to ‘sham PIP consultation’ (members only)
- Work Choice provider in government probe over job outcome ‘scam’ (members only)
- Universal Credit Scheme rolls out
- Mandatory reconsiderations have begun
- The UK’s highest court rules that the ‘Back to Work’ schemes are ‘legally flawed’ but are not ‘forced labour’.
- Universal credit: £120m could be written off to rescue welfare reform
- 'Historic' disability summit is next step in WCA fightback (members only)
- Benefit cuts 'risk widening disability health gap' (members only)
- Council vote means Glasgow 2014 faces direct action over Atos sponsorship (members only)
- New questions over Seetec Work Choice 'scam' allegations (members only)
- MPs claim ‘up to £6,000’ to heat second homes
- Benefit delays 'hit hundreds of terminally ill patients'
- Recession hits family spending on fresh food
- ESA claimants forced to have regular meetings with workfare ‘doctors’
- Single mothers lose legal challenge to benefit cap
- Disabled people win living fund case against government
- New sanctions see more benefits cut, DWP figures show
- Should you record DWP phone calls?
- 6 November 2013 Newsletter
- Universal credit scheme faces withering criticism from MPs as committee reports on poor management
- Independent Living Fund victory: Joy and relief after court win (members only)
- Independent Living Fund victory: McVey silent over possible resignation (members only)
- Independent Living Fund victory: Court win ‘is boost for movement’ (members only)
- Labour’s new shadow suggests Motability is a model for the future (members only)
- High-rate 0845 phone tariffs for government services 'inappropriate'
- Leeds law centre closes
- Are you in the Work-Related Activity Group (WRAG) for ESA?
- Independent Review of Jobseekers Allowance sanctions
- Labour MP Slams The ‘Harsh’ Use Of Benefit Sanctions As ‘Brutalising’ The Poor.
- NAO: Atos & G4S paid no corporation tax last year despite £2 billion public-funded work
- Government admits fiddling figures to hide failings of fit for work test
- Tories ‘deleted past broken promises from party website’
- Former DWP employee slams department for "risk averse" strategy and seeking tabloid approval
- JSA battle for unemployed Jews
- Over 50,000 disabled people could lose jobs as vital support is cut
- Couple's despair at welfare payment delays
- UN expert to hear disabled people's austerity testimony (members only)
- Atos move leaves DLA decision-makers guessing (members only)
- DWP ignores whistle-blowers' claims on criminal records (members only)
- McVey resists resignation calls after ILF court defeat (members only)
- Call for inquiry in wake of ILF appeal court win (members only)
- 'Pernicious and vindictive' bedroom tax must be scrapped, say MPs (members only)
- Paralympics champion Sophie Christiansen facing disability benefit cuts
- Have you been sanctioned?
- 19 November 2013 Newsletter
- Negative portrayals of claimants in UK press
- Food bank Britain
- DWP staff told to judge whether disabled deserve benefits by GOOGLING their illnesses
- £1,430,000,000,000 (that's £1.43 trillion): Britain's personal debt timebomb
- MP Esther McVey likens jobseekers to naughty schoolchildren
- The number is finally up for 'cruel and incompetent' Iain Duncan Smith
- Shameless MPs who voted to keep the bedroom tax claimed £3.2million for their own 'spare bedrooms'
- Atos 'refuses' to review assessments by sacked 'drunk' nurse (members only)
- IDS appears clueless over Atos medical advice withdrawal (members only)
- False information from minister raises fresh questions over Atos tender (members only)
- Rapporteur postpones UK visit to hear austerity testimony (members only)
- Training people to use universal credit 'could cost hundreds of millions'
- Interview with a Job Centre Advisor: sanction targets & corruption revealed
- Iain Duncan Smith 'targeting seriously ill claimants' in benefits overhaul
- Bristol woman 'killed herself after benefits were stopped'
- Minister for Disabled People to be quizzed by select committee over PIP
- Iain Duncan Smith in front of select committee to account for use of stats and Universal Credit delays
- ESA mandatory reconsiderations to take just 14 days, claims McVey
- Food poverty: MPs call for 'delayed' food banks report to be published
- Playwright looking for ESA stories
- DWP 'cover-up' over Work Choice allegations (members only)
- WOW Petition heading for 100,000 names... and a debate in the Commons (members only)
- New fears of PIP 'chaos' (members only)
- Independent living 'is a treasure that should be celebrated, not stolen' (members only)
- Testimony for UN hears of food banks and suicides (members only)
- 'Welfare reforms forced me to scavenge for supermarket food' (members only)
- 100,000 sign War On Welfare petition asking for assessment of cuts to the sick and disabled
- Claimant alleges Atos travel cheque bounced
- Newsletter 3 December 2013
- Food poverty in UK has reached level of 'public health emergency', warn experts
- Victory for welfare campaigners as government loses appeal against benefits ruling
- Coalition meets just 0.2% of Universal Credit target
- Why the Work Capability Assessment is fundamentally flawed
- PIP assessments: 'Lengthy delays and staff rebellion' hit Capita's PIP programme (members only)
- PIP assessments: Reports mount of long waits, as government admits delays (members only)
- 'Fit for work' test is rigged to keep benefit numbers down, research suggests (members only)
- Appeal court delivers second setback to coalition's welfare reforms (members only)
- WOW petition hits target... and is now heading for parliament (members only)
- The devastating impact of the WCA – and the cynical politics at its heart
- Work-related activity group post-election threat
- Iain Duncan Smith’s use of statistics scrutinised by Work and Pensions Select Committee
- 'Social' Supermarket Opens To Benefit Claimants
- Iain Duncan Smith confronts claims DWP staff given targets to stop benefits
- Personal independence payment delays 'unacceptable', says top civil servant
- Welfare reforms cut food budgets to as low as £20 a week, finds survey
- Fourth Review of the Work Capability Assessment
- 43% of ESA appeals are decided in favour of the claimant at Tribunal hearings.
- George Osborne announces fresh attack on welfare budget
- Harrington accuses minister over 'fitness for work' test (members only)
- 'Fitness for work' test: government 'should start again from scratch' (members only)
- PIP provider punished for assessment failings (members only)
- Peer challenges new minister on austerity impact (members only)
- Penning fixes on fraud for first encounter with all-party group (members only)
- Key recommendations from the Work Capability Assessment Review
- 18 December 2013 Newsletter
- ESA backdating following mandatory reconsideration
- IDS armed police point weapons at disabled claimants
- The work capability assessment and experiences of mental health claimants
- PIP reassessment areas extended
- Tory MPs jeer at foodbank users as IDS slinks off
- Row grows over Harrington's WCA advice to Grayling
- Surveys, studies and a Commons debate paint grim picture of austerity
- DPOs face election campaign 'gagging risk', says disabled peer
- Penning causes confusion over Atos contract comments
- Claimant killed himself after benefits stopped
- IDS refuses to meet food bank charity
- Multiple sclerosis charity says benefits reform is creating anxiety amongst sufferers
- Benefits overpayments being targeted by new campaign
- One of Britain's best-known landlords has sent out 200 eviction notices to tenants on Housing Benefit
- Government to stop funding for low-income families facing emergencies
- Tories making 'monumental mistake' with lopsided cuts, says Nick Clegg
- Cabinet split over George Osborne's plan for £12bn more welfare cuts
- Benefits Street footage may have shown criminal activity, say police
- DWP launches advice on getting a job and ‘dressing for success’ on Social Media
- How to complain about your personal independence payment (PIP) medical
- DWP pours scorn on Court of Appeal ESA mental health ruling (members only)
- Government's flagship benefits scheme faces more delays after rift
- Bedroom tax loophole could exempt 40,000 wrongly identified as liable
- The bedroom tax on bereavement: Grieving families to face spare-room benefit cut within three months
- What can we do to help you in 2014?
- 'Unacceptable' ruling on 'bedroom tax' set for court of appeal (members only)
- DWP admits mistake in 'bedroom tax farce' (members only)
- Bone cancer patient refused ESA because she “contributed to her medical condition”?
- 15 January 2014 newsletter
- 34% of claimants to miss out on top mobility payment under PIP
- DWP press office mask slips as they resort to hate language
- Youths can be forced into DWP subsidised adult industry
- Could claimants choose the next government?
- Legal threat over GP refusal to support benefit appeals dropped
- Gloating Tories don't care that people are dying of poverty on the real-life Benefits Street
- Divisions in Coalition as MPs demand independent inquiry on poverty
- The Cost of IDS – a Blog by Dr Éoin Clarke
- Benefit claimants losing record amounts of money due to mistakes
- Bedroom Tax loophole discovered by “hero” then immediately Lords plan to close it
- DWP declares 'business as usual', despite appeal court ruling (members only)
- 'Shocking' PIP figure raises new Motability concerns (members only)
- Disabled woman 'left in coma by welfare reforms' (members only)
- MPs tell of six-month PIP delays (members only)
- Atos National Demo February 19th 2014
- Bedroom tax challengers appeal High Court ruling
- Food bank issues parcels for those too poor to heat dinner
- Woman told to find work is in a coma
- Benefits Street reveals 'ghetto' reality, says Iain Duncan Smith
- Cameron quizzed over 'suppressed' food bank report
- Council challenged over DLA in latest 'bedroom tax' court case (members only)
- Reports show fall in number found 'fit for work' (members only)
- A selection of competition feedback
- Universal Credit Report published
- January 29th 2014 Newsletter
- More claimants are being awarded ESA
- Free support on offer to organisations dealing with ESA, DLA or PIP claims, reconsiderations or appeals.
- Report by Work and Pensions Committee on role of Jobcentre Plus
- Revealed: the PIP medical computer software (members only)
- Can we see your PIP medical report?
- Atos boss accused of 'living in a parallel universe' after claiming hated benefits assessor is popular with public
- Committee meeting with Iain Duncan Smith announced
- Iain Duncan Smith Spent £75,000 On Media Training For Lord Freud And DWP Staff
- MP urges probe into whether benefits are unfairly stripped from claimants
- Advisers outnumbered 600 to one by ESA claimants, say MPs (members only)
- Former Sun Editor Takes Over DWP Communications
- Heart-attack victim in cash-axe shock
- Extra support for terminally ill people who claim PIP
- Inquiry announced by Work and Pensions Committee into ESA and Work Capability Assessments
- Confusion for latest DLA to PIP transfer claimants
- Welfare reform plan deemed 'staggering' waste of money by Labour
- Bedroom tax loophole closed
- Confirmed: calls to fraud hotline will trigger DLA to PIP transfers
- DWP fails in attempt to hijack twitter account
- UN expert says UK disabled people are 'between a rock and a hard place' (members only)
- Tens of thousands face magistrates over council tax demands (members only)
- Bedroom tax 'is pushing disabled people in Wales into complete despair' (members only)
- Large rise in PIP face-to-face assessments 'has caused delays' (members only)
- Almost two out of three PIP claims refused
- Newsletter 12 February 2014
- Have PIP health professionals been nobbled?
- Sanction numbers for Employment & Support Allowance claimants revealed
- First PIP figures 'confirm reports of lengthy delays' (members only)
- Ministers give no ground as MPs call for 'bedroom tax' exemptions (members only)
- Atos may lose WCA contract
- Welfare state presides over 'culture of fear', charities say
- David Cameron defends 'moral mission' on welfare
- 27 bishops slam David Cameron's welfare reforms
- Record number of sanctions made against benefits claimants in 2013
- RNIB threatens DWP with court action for failing to cater for blind
- Claimants could be forced to pay to appeal
- Benefits testing firm Atos wants to quit £500 million government contract EARLY
- Court of Appeal rules hated bedroom tax and benefits cap ARE legal
- 'Bedroom tax five' will fight on after 'baffling' appeal court defeat
- Government figures provide strongest evidence yet of Atos bias
- More than 100,000 disabled people had benefits 'sanctioned'
- Tight lips among Atos staff as protesters tell them 'enough is enough'
- Whistles, ripples... and a giant inflatable rat, as Atos faces day of action
- All repeat WCA medicals to be stopped
- Newsletter 26 February 2014
- Atos turns on claimants in acrimonious break-up with DWP
- Did minister for disabled mislead Commons over WCA
- Repeat ESA medicals deferred for two years
- Jobcentre whistleblower warns of helplines chaos for job seekers
- Disability benefits contractor runs into trouble
- Atos responds to news on reassessments for ESA claimants
- Benefit mismanagement hurting sick and disabled, watchdog says
- Minister apologises after woman in coma was told to find work
- The WOW petition succeeds as MPs vote for full assessment of the impact of Welfare Reform
- WOW petition debate: Campaigners ready to plot their next move
- WOW petition debate: Government refusal is due to 'fear of revolt'
- Peer to quiz watchdog over failure to probe Atos PIP contract concerns
- Anger over 'libellous' Atos 'death threat' claims
- PIP reforms could affect 100 different services, councils warned
- Penning in tangle after secret order is revealed
- Minister finally admits ESA repeat medicals suspended
- Atos targets critical Facebook pages
- 5 free membership subscriptions via Facebook, last chance to enter
- Government's Universal Jobmatch website 'bedevilled with fraud'
- The families priced out of their London homes by benefit cap
- Dr Litchfield to conduct fifth independent review of the work capability assessment
- “I just got a weird phone call...”
- 'Brutal' new death sentence for ILF, but activists vow to fight on
- MPs' excuses for missing 'historic' debate lack the WOW factor
- DWP cuts put government's welfare reforms at risk, says leaked document
- Iain Duncan Smith's 'Statistical Foul Play' Exposed For Fourth Time In Year
- Councils using controversial lie detector tests to catch benefit fraudsters
- UK should discuss prioritising NHS treatment for workers
- Newsletter 12 March 2014
- DWP on verge of meltdown over big welfare projects
- DWP plans to ditch ridiculed jobs website
- Credit check plan to crack down on benefit cheats
- Atos and Capita could soon become part of 'shadow state', warn MPs
- Life in the PIP queue: Man struggles without PIP as he waits for transplant
- Life in the PIP queue: Family lose Motability vehicle due to PIP delays
- Latest Tribunal Service statistics published
- Anger as DWP decides to remove public phones from Jobcentres
- MPs criticise DWP for 'spin' on official statistics and benefit claimants
- Changes to benefits announced in the Chancellor’s Budget statement
- Spending cap won't tackle causes of welfare dependency, say critics
- 'Liars!' MPs use DNS investigation to accuse Atos over PIP contract
- Life in the PIP queue: DWP, Atos and Capita shamed over new cases
- Urgent action needed on PIP, say MPs
- Newsletter 26 March 2014
- MSPs suggest five changes to Iain Duncan Smith on improving the Work Capability Assessments
- Benefits assessment led to woman's suicide says watchdog
- Real Life Reform publishes latest report
- Atos is out: Government seeks new company to carry out fit for work tests
- Atos out. Five things that will stay the same and one thing that will change – but not for the better.
- No changes to discredited WCA test, DWP announces
- Advice to the new WCA contractor
- Government admits Mark Wood's benefits cut before he starved to death 'was wrong'
- Poorest homes face £120 council tax rise as safety net goes
- Bedroom tax forces 6 percent of claimants to move house
- No WCA medical for almost three quarters of ESA claimants
- Almost 600,000 poorest families facing second successive council tax hike
- Work & Pensions Committee: Vulnerable are suffering as result of housing welfare reforms
- Doctors and nurses unite in condemning the WCA
- Civil servants deployed to help Capita clear PIP assessments backlog
- The ‘Bedroom Tax’ one year on
- Carer’s allowance earnings limit to be increased from 20 May
- New chapter in 'bedroom tax' saga - now councils run out of emergency funds to help worst cases
- The vile hypocrisy of Maria Miller
- DWP target mental health claimants for ESA sanctions
- Newsletter 9 April 2014
- Still not clear Universal Credit IT will work warn MPs
- Report: Bedroom tax has left 50 per cent of tenants in arrears - but savings aren't being made
- Need for food banks is caused by welfare cuts, research shows
- Atos judges dying scientist fit to work - despite serious heart condition and brain tumour
- Personal independence payments are a punishment of the poor and ill
- IDS spends more on his unwatched YouTube channel than most people earn in a year
- Channel 4 Benefits Street producers struggle to cast second series
- The food poverty scandal that shames Britain: Nearly 1m people rely on handouts to eat – and benefit reforms may be to blame
- Labour pledges to overhaul the hated fitness-for-work tests that it introduced
- Food banks see donations surge after being criticised by Mail on Sunday
- Two million poorest families hit by welfare reforms, says Oxfam
- Councils sit on £67m in emergency help for poor
- Disabled people are trapped in assessment 'nightmare' by benefits regime, says Dr Stephen Duckworth
- DWP publishes its spending figures
- Send Us Your Top Tips For Surviving Life On Benefits
- The facts behind Atos death threat claims
- SSAC recommends that the government produces analysis of cumulative impact on vulnerable groups
- The Biscuit Fund: The band of secret strangers giving crumbs of comfort to needy
- Newsletter 30 April 2014
- Disabled people forced to make 88-mile trip because Norwich assessment centre is on second floor
- Judge refuses DWP leave to appeal ruling on Universal Credit reports
- Commons select committee inquiry into Employment and Support Allowance and Work Capability Assessments
- Have your say on Employment and Support Allowance and Work Capability Assessments
- So-called 'in-work poverty' soars by 59% under Coalition as more people with jobs are forced to claim housing benefit
- Is DWP looking for yet another new chief for Universal Credit?
- Dramatic fall in ESA appeals
- DWP to send presenting officers to PIP appeals
- Newsletter 14 May 2014
- Stitching-up claimants is all part of the job, says Jobcentre insider
- Half of GP surgeries providing patients with medical evidence for ESA appeals charge a fee
- Ministers urged to publish more accurate figures on benefit fraud that show it is 0.7% of claims
- New DWP proposal will trap people in their homes, and in debt
- New DWP statistics show a 334% increase in ESA sanctions
- Universal Credit fraud fears raised by MPs
- Iain Duncan Smith used false statistics to justify disability benefit cuts
- Capita offering £900 a day to PIP assessors
- MPs meet their match at St James’ Park
- Harrington: 'I did not trust Atos . . .'
- The DWP must explain how it will adjust Atos WCAs for mental health claimants
- Government welfare minister receives £10,000 from aggressive loans company
- Watchdog now treating universal credit as 'new project' after successive delays
- Government proposal to extend benefit waiting days leaving claimants £40 - £50 worse off
- The real cost-of-living-crisis: Five million British children 'sentenced to life of poverty thanks to welfare reforms'
- Alarm over rumours about PIP changes
- Disappointing ruling for Grandparent carers
- Newsletter 4 June 2014
- Three-quarters of PIP claims still undecided
- Second court case to challenge Independent Living Fund closure
- Top judge proclaims ‘virtual collapse of WCA process’
- DWP believes universal credit is dead, tribunal president reveals
- DWP overturns more than half of its own decisions under new mandatory reconsideration system
- DWP embarrassment over misread date caused tribunal chaos and claimant hardship
- Fifth Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment launched
- Atos was 'lightning rod' for anger over benefit changes
- Fewer than 6,000 universal credit claimants
- 700,000 ESA medical backlog as claimant count starts to rise
- More details emerge of ESA backlog
- A fine problem for Atos
- Work Programme pushing people with disabilities further from work
- 'Benefit sanctions can lead to a spiral of decline and potentially destitution', says Welfare Reform Committee
- Trussell Trust told ‘the government might try to shut you down’
- Massive collapse in ESA appeal numbers
- ‘Benefit Cap’ Judicial Review issued for disabled Grandmother and her carer
- ESA support group chances increase almost sixfold under coalition
- Who is currently being sent for an ESA medical?
- Newsletter 18 June 2014
- Minister accuses tribunal president Judge Robert Martin of conflict of interest
- Unsupported – Unpaid – Unnoticed. Recognise Family Carers!
- Thousands left in limbo in benefit appeals system grinding to a halt
- DWP admits ESA is a failure
- Implementation of Personal Independence Payments nothing short of fiasco
- Government 'could breach its own welfare spending cap'
- Universal Credit policy to expand to 90 jobcentres
- Deprivation Britain: Poverty is getting worse - even among working families, according to major new study
- Tens of thousands march in London against coalition's austerity measures
- Labour pledges to 'pause' universal credit if elected in 2015
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment: first independent review
- The PIP chaos reveals the government's contempt for disabled people
- IDS loses legal appeal to keep universal credit problems secret
- Independent Living Fund protest takes place at Westminster Abbey
- Citizens Advice Scotland launch ‘Challenge It: Benefits Sanctions’ campaign
- DWP leads the way on statistical complaints
- BBC correspondent to increase disability coverage
- DWP called to debate its failures in the House of Commons today
- Newsletter 2nd July 2014
- ESA claimants subject to massive increase in sanctions
- DVLA website lets visitors check on neighbours benefits
- DVLA refuse to back down over revealing benefits details online
- High Court challenges UK work schemes
- UK 'sleepwalking into violating disabled people's human rights'
- Assessing the Assessors
- Data protection expert agrees DVLA is breaching rights of disabled claimants
- Treasury has not signed off on Duncan Smith's universal credit, MPs told
- Legal aid cuts cause benefits appeals to fail
- Mentally ill people need to be helped, not hounded
- Government in court over disability benefit changes
- Real Life Reform publishes fourth report
- Threat of mandatory mental health treatment for ESA claimants
- Examples of ESA sanctions
- DWP awards Atos £10 million IT contract for healthcare assessments
- Newsletter 16 July 2014
- Bedroom tax bites as low-income tenants choose between 'heat or eat'
- DWP tries again to stop release of Universal Credit reports
- Right-wing thinktank calls for jobcentres to be privatised
- PIP court challenge fails
- Benefit sanctions hit most vulnerable people the hardest, report says
- Employment and Support Allowance needs fundamental redesign, say MPs
- York University releases research report for DWP on early PIP claims
- Council tax rises hit Britain’s poor hardest
- Why the DWP’s costs for fighting Judges' decisions will never be known
- Newsletter 30 July 2014
- Five week wait before eligible for universal credit
- Cumulative impact assessment is possible and shows disabled families being targeted
- Former DWP staff fight for sanctioned claimants
- One year wait for PIP, says Capita insider
- Housing costs forcing up benefits bill
- Over 70,000 sign sanctions death petition
- Labour sets out its plans for benefits
- IDS claims to be making Britain ‘more contented’ and ‘fixing society’
- Expenses row MP voted for bedroom tax
- Coalition wages war on disabled with 580% increase in ESA sanctions
- Lib Dems propose 'yellow card' system for benefit rule breakers
- Sick benefit numbers rise, UC stagnates, as IDS continues to lose grip
- IDS doubts claimants are disabled
- The 11 most senseless benefit sanction decisions known to man
- Spending watchdog accuses DWP of hiding universal credit's failings
- UK ‘is first country to face UN inquiry into disability rights violations’
- DVLA website still lets visitors check on neighbours benefits
- Conservatives defeated over bedroom tax
- Have the Lib Dems had a change of heart on benefits?
- 10 September 2014 newsletter
- ESA assessment crisis worsens
- Over 90% fall in ESA appeals
- PIP waiting times continue to grow
- More than half of new PIP claims fail, almost one third of DLA to PIP transfers fail
- Watford FC season ticket holders still outnumber UC claimants
- ESA death statistics – DWP say they will publish details, but won’t say when
- Does more Scottish devolution mean IDS is now undefeatable?
- Can universal credit survive Westminster’s devolution promises?
- 24 September 2014 newsletter
- Tony Blair blamed for claimant hate
- Labour near silence on disability benefits
- Will you be joining Disability Labour?
- Legal aid cuts savage sick and disabled, Lib Dems look the other way
- Universal credit timetable undeliverable
- Housing association supports 600 tenants to appeal bedroom tax
- ESA for work group to be frozen under Tories
- IDS cons Tory conference with two missing universal credit words
- The Chancellor's hidden blow to disabled people.
- Benefits delays are main cause of foodbank use, experts find.
- Huge suffering caused by PIP delays
- All ESA claimants to be hit by Tory benefits freeze
- IDS plans to tax PIP and DLA
- Lib Dems support benefits cuts and bedroom tax
- Newsletter, 8 October 2014
- Council’s prepaid benefit card scheme cancelled
- Doorstep lender paid for chance to dine with Iain Duncan Smith
- Pay disabled £2 an hour, Lord Freud suggests
- IDS losing control of DWP as ESA numbers rise for fourth quarter running
- Freud row councillor rents accommodation to people with learning disabilities
- Workers 'could be forced to pay £5 a week' to get benefits
- More claimants forced off DLA and onto PIP from November
- Atos WCA replacement deadline will be missed
- ‘Significant number’ of tribunal cases not completed after 8 years
- Charging for tribunals – MoJ has already done the work
- What do the parties really have planned for claimants after the next election?
- 22 October 2014 newsletter
- Commons committee to investigate benefits sanctions
- Universal credit falls even further behind schedule
- Thousands with degenerative conditions classified as 'fit to work in future'
- Claimant issues court challenge to PIP delay, whilst it’s still possible
- DWP brings new hope to payday lenders
- Leaked universal credit memo shows jobcentre staff struggling with rollout
- House of Lords votes against Grayling’s plans to restrict judicial review access
- Payday loan comparison sites target claimants in legalised scam
- Maximus to take over WCA from Atos
- Government plan effective abolition of work-related ESA
- New tax statements used to increase claimant hate
- Latest foodbank figures top 900,000: life has got worse not better for poorest
- Newsletter 5 November 2014
- ESA claimants suicidal over Work Programme says whistleblower
- Seetec top sanctions list as private sector breaks promise to spend cash on ESA claimants
- Maximus executive removes details of his Atos past
- Oldham MP tells minister: ‘People are dying because of these sanctions!’
- 500,000 sanctioned JSA claimants have disappeared
- MPs to investigate ESA and JSA sanctions regime
- WCA backlog could take 18 months to clear
- Welfare reform reinforces growing prejudice against disabled and unemployed, report finds
- GPs could be paid to get patients back to work, says NHS official
- Disgrace of disappearing ESA sanctions
- Labour proposes three ‘crucial’ changes to the WCA
- Welfare sanctions make vulnerable reliant on food banks, says YMCA
- George Osborne spending £25bn more on benefits than planned, says Labour
- Only 4% of people in Liverpool fighting bedroom tax have had lost money paid back
- Welfare reform savings 'less than expected', says IFS
- DWP’s secret death reviews spare Atos
- Support group chances increased by upper tribunal decision
- 19 November 2014 newsletter
- Heat or eat choice for families with disabled children
- Benefit changes are killing the vulnerable, say campaigners
- Labour say they will end sanctions targets
- Over half a million trapped in assessment phase of ESA
- Only 7% of IB to ESA transfers found fit for work
- Universal Credit is not providing value for money
- WCA review author condemns claimants to 5 more years of misery
- ESA Medicals Now Decide PIP And Vice Versa
- Untrained staff being drafted in for PIP decision making
- Regulation 35 (2) (b) is now the main route into ESA support group
- 3 December 2014 newsletter
- Autumn statement fails to reveal where benefits cuts will fall
- Archbishop of Canterbury shock at Britain’s food banks
- Nick Clegg calls for rethink on benefits sanctions to help tackle food poverty
- Delays add £2bn to the cost of Chancellor's planned benefits bill
- Benefit problems main cause of food bank rise says Church of England
- Disabled men lose high court bid to stop Independent Living Fund closure
- Food banks: Duncan Smith promises positive response after critical report
- Treasury has still not signed off universal credit
- 80% of January to March ESA claimants still waiting
- DWP urged to publish inquiries on benefit claimant suicides
- Work programme increases mental health support needs for 86%
- New ESA50 claim form on the way
- Over 50% fall in ESA challenges under mandatory reconsideration dirty tricks system
- Latest PIP statistics show hundreds of thousands still waiting
- 17 December 2014 newsletter
- Atos and Capita accused of poaching paramedics to cut benefits instead of saving lives
- Employees cannot be forced onto Fit For Work scheme
- General election - what will you do?
- Government urged to suspend benefit sanctions regime
- Statistics on having your WCA audio recorded
- Call for publication of review into man who killed himself after benefits cut
- 14 January 2015 Newsletter
- Maximus to get more than double the money for WCA
- More than 100 people per day with mental health problems are having their benefits sanctioned
- ‘Jobs revival’ in spotlight as most of those who lose benefits fail to find work
- Maximus WCA blunder
- “I’m scared” – what the Coalition have done to 84% of sick and disabled claimants
- 18 new PIP areas announced
- Disability Charity Signs Maximus Contract
- Claimant count vs parliamentary majorities
- Claimants vow to topple Coalition
- 28 January 2015 newsletter
- Working age benefits to be cut by almost a quarter
- Charities gagged by Lobbying Act
- Retired gardener takes his own life after change in benefits system, inquest hears
- As a jobcentre adviser, I got ‘brownie points’ for cruelty
- Work Programme staff were told to increase sanctions against clients, says former employee
- Benefit sanctions are effective, employment minister says
- Grieving relative confronts DWP minister Esther McVey after benefit sanctions inquiry
- Jobless women suffering domestic and sexual violence having their benefits penalised
- Sobbing decision makers plead with claimants not to appeal
- Help Full Fact expose DWP election lies
- 11 February 2014 newsletter
- ‘Hate Sick and Disabled Claimants Week’ launched by rattled Tories. Three ways to fight back.
- More than one in six get JSA sanction
- Fit for work death claimant’s sister backs Full Fact project
- Universal credit 'a nightmare', says claimant who advertised welfare reform
- IDS refuses to say who the victims of massive benefits cuts will be
- DWP’s own report shows Cameron's new JSA scheme is a sanctions factory
- Bishops condemn demonising of claimants
- ESA sanctions hit new record high
- IDS hides poverty statistics until after the election
- Suicides at 10 year high and linked to benefits
- Work capability assessments: One million disability checks planned
- Tories accused of trying to bribe pensioners with pre-election handouts
- New scoring system for ESA substantial risk
- The election will be fact checked - but your help is still needed
- 25 February 2015 newsletter
- 7 million weeks of benefits sanctions in one year
- Full Fact raises more than 30% over target
- Church report condemn sanctions that hit 100,000 children
- Day of action against Maximus begins
- 3,000% increase in cash saved by making claimants starve under coalition
- Tory minister calls benefits sanctions 'inhuman' – then changes his mind
- Missing forms and missing medicals
- Benefits sanctions and deaths survey
- 11 March 2015 newsletter
- Support group entry now harder for women, Freud confirms
- Motability cars taken away from one in three DLA to PIP claimants
- 10 new PIP areas from 30 March
- What horrors for claimants is Osborne hiding in his budget statement?
- Latest on your chances of a PIP award
- “People are dying because they are being hounded” warns coma death claimant’s father
- “Big cuts to disability benefits” if conservatives win, warns IFS
- Benefits cuts in the media
- Massive survey majority believes 'inhuman' DWP causes and then covers-up claimant deaths
- ‘Police Complaints’ type body should investigate benefits deaths, says commons committee
- Tory minister mocks claimants
- £19 per week benefits cut for working age claimants under Tories
- Missing forms, missing medicals, missing qualifications
- 25 March 2015 newsletter
- Sick and disabled claimants to lose up to £80 per week under leaked Tory plans
- Leaked Tory cuts would not be deep enough to hit targets, says IFS
- IDS plans “dramatic and “life-changing” benefits cuts
- Paying for your own funeral could be an offence, DWP warns terminally ill claimant
- Cameron refuses to rule out taxing disability benefits
- Vote for your life – “dramatic”, "life-changing" cuts are coming
- Election 2015 – how you really can make a difference
- How would Tory cuts affect you?
- Campaigners call for welfare reform ceasefire and ‘thunderclap’
- ESA mental health claimants being denied chance to complete vital ESA50 form
- ESA changes may increase "self harm and even suicide" amongst women, warn Scottish Directors of Public Health
- 8 April 2015 newsletter
- “Everyone is sent a form” claims Maximus
- Food bank use linked to sanctions and benefit cuts, British Medical Journal reports
- PIP to be rolled out to 49 new areas
- Labour manifesto holds little comfort for sick and disabled claimants
- Tory benefits cuts would prevent new coalition, claims Clegg
- Tory manifesto: no clues on benefits cuts but threats of compulsory treatment
- UKIP manifesto supports Osborne’s £12 billion cuts to benefits
- Election special: who can you vote for to prevent “life-changing” benefits cuts?
- Years of ESA suffering and deaths for just 3% drop in awards
- Unapologetic Cameron challenged by Andrew Marr over benefits deaths and ILF closure
- SNP manifesto not afraid of supporting claimants
- DWP tells Capita that PIP assessors must reveal qualifications
- After Harper no-show on Newsnight, will IDS duck his benefits debate too?
- 22 April 2015 newsletter
- Vote swapping and tactical voting – should you get involved?
- Vote swapping and tactical voting - take the survey
- IDS flees from sister of dead claimant
- Election special newsletter: should you swap votes with a stranger or support the enemy?
- Voting survey results
- Benefits cuts plans leaked to Guardian
- Information Commissioner orders publication of ESA death statistics
- PIP safety net pulled
- 6 May 2015 newsletter
- Shock Tory majority is worst possible news for claimants
- Five more years of IDS
- New minister for disabled strongly against disability benefits and human rights
- PIP delays crisis now over, claim DWP
- ESA sanctions for being too ill to work up by 25% in one month
- Benefits and Work member takes on Maximus and wins
- Benefits cuts to be revealed on 8 July
- 20 May 2015 Newsletter
- Sick and disabled targeted for low pay insecure jobs to stop claimants “watching Jeremy Kyle”
- Maximus deny refusing to allow up-to-date ESA evidence
- ESA death statistics may never see light of day
- BBC launches anti-claimant poverty porn ‘Hunger Games’ show
- Labour leadership hopefuls queue to kick claimants - even in speech to tax avoidance auditors
- Work programme providers put ESA claimants lives at risk by not doing costly pre-sanction home visits
- MPs to get 10% pay rise whilst benefits face 10% cut
- DWP’s dangerous new guidance on ESA substantial risk safety net
- 3 June 2015 Newsletter
- Petition calls for publication of ESA death statistics
- Court rules PIP delays unlawful, but disability minister mocks ‘absurd’ claim disabled have human right to timely support
- Harriet Harman joins Labour’s claimant hate campaign
- Tomlinson refuses to delay DLA to PIP transfers due to start in October
- Completely overhaul the WCA, British Psychological Society demands
- British Medical Journal condemns forced psychological testing and training of claimants
- 1 in 3 ESA claimants waiting more than 8 months for a decision
- 17 June 2015 newsletter
- Child poverty figures to be rigged to allow tax credit cuts
- IDS promises ‘utmost kindness’ for disabled claimants ‘who cannot manage’ – but refuses to rule out ESA and PIP cuts for the rest
- IDS condemns ‘absurd’, ‘disgraceful’ and ‘unbelievable’ questions about ESA death statistics
- ILF protestors attempt to get into Commons chamber
- Cameron’s promise to release ESA death statistics is a life-threatening con trick
- Indefinite DLA award transfer to PIP starts early, postcodes announced
- 1 July Newsletter
- Leaked DWP plan to abolish ESA WRAG and alter support group
- Terminally ill asked how long they will take to die by PIP assessors
- Budget 2015 update
- Which benefits are being frozen for four years?
- PIP and DLA spared, but ‘perverse incentives’ for ESA claimants axed
- ESA work component likely to stay for current incapacity benefit claimants
- DLA can be claimed by children in hospital thanks to Cameron Mathieson’s extraordinary parents
- MPs call for ESA death statistics to be published
- 15 July 2015 newsletter
- Benefits cuts pass first vote as Labour MPs rebel
- ESA changes from April 2017 will improve “life chances” of 500,000 people by making them poorer
- Support for mortgage interest changes will hit current claimants
- Government website petition calls for IDS no-confidence vote
- Tens of thousands of DLA to PIP lower rate mobility claimants could lose due to new decision
- 49 claimant deaths – evidence of DWP negligence cover-up grows
- 29 July 2015 newsletter
- Take the DPAC WCA survey
- Massive rise in ESA sanctions raises fears of new crackdown
- Jeremy Corbyn backs new WOW petition
- PIP now the number one problem for CAB users
- DWP caught using bogus claimants and fake photos to justify vicious sanctions regime
- ESA death statistics to be cynically released over August bank holiday
- IDS plotting major changes to WCA to cut ESA numbers
- Thousands die after being found fit for work
- UN investigates UK violation of disabled people’s rights
- Lifetime DLA claimants forced to apply for PIP early in 29 more postcode areas
- 9 September 2015 newsletter
- PIP appeals now outnumber ESA appeals and success rates keep climbing
- Multiple sclerosis claimants harmed by WCA
- Tiny fall in ESA numbers underlines IB to ESA transfer failure
- Well below half of all PIP claims are successful as award rates continue to fall
- Crackdown on DLA to PIP challenges means failure rates soar
- Botched WCA triggered claimant’s suicide, coroner rules
- Information Commissioner asked to rule on vulnerable claimant deaths
- PIP – living in the wrong area can halve your chances of an award
- 23 September 2015 Newsletter
- DWP deliberately misled O’Sullivan coroner in order to cover up WCA failings
- DWP continues to cover up vulnerable claimant deaths
- Disability charity wins major cash boost from Maximus
- Lifetime DLA claimants now being forced to apply for PIP nationally
- ESA claimants hit by unlawful HB stoppages
- ESA and PIP to be merged?
- £84k Maximus salaries raise repeat WCA fears
- 7 October 2015 newsletter
- Would you let Maximus help you complete your ESA50 questionnaire?
- Disaster prone universal credit take-up slows down
- UN benefits cuts investigators arrive in UK
- 61% to lose higher rate mobility as court rejects DLA to PIP appeal
- PIP refused for spending too much time on Facebook
- Maximus release ‘Helpful Video’ of an ESA medical assessment
- Capita training pack’s stereotypical claimant
- 21 October 2015 newsletter
- DWP yellow card for sanctions scheme widely condemned
- Quick tax credits cuts calculator
- Malnutrition Britain – claimant hunger is on the rise
- PIP medical report forms – review and sample
- Claimants Lives Valued At Less Than £5 As DWP Ignore Pledge To Coroner
- 4 November 2015 newsletter
- Speak out about ESA cuts
- Another WCA coroners ‘Risk of future death’ warning uncovered
- Shocking 668% rise in ESA mental health sanctions
- ESA sanction heart attack death
- Housing benefit now in the firing line
- IB to ESA work capability assessment linked to almost 600 additional suicides
- Will claiming PIP online soon become compulsory?
- 18 November 2015 newsletter
- WCA causes mental health relapses
- Suicide study authors call for DWP to release data
- Ken Loach making benefits sanctions film
- Osborne’s u-turn will still leave many worse off
- Benefit cap for carers ruled unlawful – but DWP keeps it anyway
- Forced DLA to PIP transfer hits major delays, but over a quarter still set to lose out altogether
- ESA support group numbers continue to rise
- Mandatory work schemes for benefits to be scrapped – but replacement to be announced
- How far were you asked to travel for a PIP assessment?
- Maximus losing millions on WCA contract
- 2 December 2015 newsletter
- DWP ordered to apologise over suicide of claimant
- ESA reassessments to begin again
- DWP moves to slash number of PIP awards by 35% - vouchers may replace some payments
- Claimants win 6 out of 10 PIP appeals
- 16 December 2015 newsletter
- Now you need a maths degree to decide if you get PIP
- DWP told woman she was not ill enough for benefit on day her life support was switched off
- Attendance allowance to be abolished by Tories
- Mystery survey asks about cutting PIP/DLA by £20 to £30 a week
- Costly chaos of PIP and ESA medical assessments
- Scandal of marathon PIP assessment journeys
- Have you been to an Atos PIP assessment centre?
- 13 January 2016 newsletter
- Atos, Capita and Maximus to be investigated by MPs
- Fewer claimants being awarded ESA
- Hundreds of thousands of ESA claimants may be missing out on PIP
- IDS launches new attack on ESA claimants
- DWP U-turn on benefit cap for carers.
- Snooping and sale of your medical records unless you opt out very soon
- You reveal the truth about PIP assessment centres
- 27 January 2016 newsletter
- DWP refuses to admit defeat over bedroom tax
- DWP defeated in Lords over ESA cuts
- Motability cars lost by 45% of DLA to PIP claimants
- Amazon boss appointed as director at DWP
- 10 February 2016 newsletter
- ESA sanctions on the rise again
- ESA/IB claimant numbers fall but PIP/DLA rise
- 32 years for full roll-out of universal credit at current speed
- Should the EU referendum matter to claimants?
- 24 February 2016 Update
- 80% fall in social security appeals
- Lords block ESA cuts again
- ESA permitted work time limit to be abolished
- Claimants to march on GP surgery that is giving space to the DWP
- ESA cuts to go ahead as Lords back down
- Government to review all Atos contracts
- Maximus accused of unreasonable ESA targets by former assessor
- Help get justice for a claimant killed by sanctions
- ESA cuts passed by House of Lords today
- 9 March 2016 Update
- PIP to be made harder to claim – 640,000 claimants will lose out
- Big difference in PIP success rates
- 200,000 will lose PIP altogether due to rules change
- Further increase in ESA support group successes
- Will Tories back down on PIP cuts?
- IDS resigns, allegedly in protest at benefits cuts
- PIP cuts will not go ahead ‘in their current form’ PM says
- Crabb, IDS replacement, clueless about benefits system
- DWP recruits 180 presenting officers to cut ESA and PIP appeal success rates
- Have the Tories promised no more benefits cuts?
- Could IDS return from the ministerial graveyard?
- What does the future hold for claimants?
- 23 March 2016 Update
- MPs condemn PIP and ESA medical system
- IDS replacement to target Maximus
- Dehumanising image raises prospect of Jobcentre targets to get claimants off ESA
- PIP is another DWP failure – predicted 20% savings slashed to 5%
- 6 April 2016 update
- Universal credit will increase benefits bill massively
- Crabb confirms that universal credit is here to say
- Capita assessor mocks disabled and boasts of earning £20k a month
- Benefits deaths secret reviews victory
- Foodbank use highest in areas with most sickness disability
- 20 April 2016 update
- ‘Punishing and vilifying’ sick and disabled people is making DWP staff ill
- DWP loses sanctions case . . . again
- DWP forced to stop PIP lung test by plucky charity
- DWP had plan to charge for benefits appeals
- 4 May 2016 update
- PIP and UC coming to Northern Ireland
- Time limit for DLA claimed by children in hospital axed
- IDS may face criminal investigation over ESA deaths
- Crabb confirms ESA cuts will go ahead
- Why claimants died - the 49 peer reviews
- 18 May 2016 update
- Is this the cover-up that will put IDS in the dock?
- Labour call for inquiry into benefits deaths
- Thousands of WCAs cancelled because of staff and recording equipment shortages
- Benefits sanctions lead to suicide, crime and being “bullied off the books”
- Partially paralysed man with one third of head missing overturns fit for work decision
- DWP still trying to cover up ignoring pledge to coroner
- 1 June 2016 update
- PIP appeal success rate hits new all-time high
- Disability benefits assessments to be made fairer and payments higher - but only in Scotland
- Back to the age of the cassette for recording benefits medicals
- Massive fall in success rates for ESA mandatory reconsideration
- Cassette recorders can be used for PIP medicals, minister confirms
- “I am truly sorry”, Baroness Altman forced to issue humiliating apology over PIP mobility
- 15 June 2016 update
- 30% of DLA to PIP claimants get no award at all
- DLA to PIP mandatory reconsideration success rate halves in a year
- What do you think Brexit will mean for claimants?
- 29 July Update
- New WCA handbook published
- Benefits prepaid cards move a step closer
- Consultation on abolition of attendance allowance begins
- Misuse of jobcentre funds to cut claimant numbers
- Sale of NHS records scrapped – for now
- Claimants forced onto work programme were among 49 peer review deaths
- 13 July update
- Independent PIP reviewer wants to hear from you
- Phone app for benefits payments raises snooping and spending control fears
- New PIP review form
- Large number of claimants wrongly paid DLA and PIP at the same time
- Three years before existing claimants transfer to universal credit
- Small fall in number of ESA awards
- 27 July update
- Secret list of forced labour companies and charities finally published
- Online benefits appeal hearings could last for weeks, says tribunal president
- New PIP claims and reviews guide now available
- Just 4% of fit for work decisions overturned by mandatory reconsideration
- Support group awards plummet by over 40% in three months
- DWP panic and cover-up after claimant death publicity, WCA medics warned ‘We cannot defend you’
- 14 September 2016 update
- New PIP case law resource
- Cash Not Care: the planned demolition of the UK welfare state
- Virtual abolition of PIP, DLA and ESA appeal tribunals as we know them
- Labour would scrap the WCA
- 28 September 2016 Update
- End of ESA reassessments for some chronically ill claimants
- ESA reassessment exemptions – are the Tories reinventing the wheel?
- Wanted: someone just beginning the PIP or ESA assessment process
- ESA and UC on mental health grounds guide
- PIP and ESA cuts are a massive failure, says OBR
- 12 October 2016 Update: Which Claimants Will Be Spared Continual ESA Reassessments – and When?
- Malnutrition quadruples in last decade
- Claimants set to lose £9 a week
- ESA numbers continue to fall
- DWP protect their own – complaints against staff not investigated
- PIP and ESA appeal winners to face further legal threat
- 26 October 2016 update: PIP and ESA Appeal Winners Face Further Legal Threat Plus DWP Protect Their Own
- Government plans to make many ESA support group claimants undertake work-related activities
- New inquest sought into death of David Clapson
- UN accuses UK of ‘systematic violations’ of disabled people’s rights
- Lower benefit cap begins to bite
- Capita putting patient safety at risk, claims BMA
- 9 November 2016 update: Claimants Rights Systematically Violated Says UN, Plus Support Group Under Attack
- Campaigners win bedroom tax victory
- ESA sanctions on the rise again
- Stop PIP videos released
- MPs vote unanimously in favour of pausing ESA cuts, but nothing changes
- DWP will continue making claimants pay up to 45p a minute to call them
- Higher rate mobility awards for physical health plummet under PIP
- 23 November 2016 Update: PIP Enhanced Mobility Awards Plummet Plus DWP 45p Per Minute Call Charges To Continue
- Major PIP mobility improvements are on the way, minister claims
- Freud retires with “full confidence in the future of universal credit”
- No evidence that sanctions work, says NAO
- DWP to have access to claimants internet history
- Mandatory treatment threat for substance users and obese claimants dropped, but worrying proposals remain
- 7 December 2016 Update: Major PIP Mobility Improvements On The Way, Minister Claims Plus Compulsory Treatment Threat Dropped
- Forum Christmas closure
- PIP renewal feedback wanted
- Christmas greetings from all of us
- 21 December 2016 Update: Happy Christmas To You From Everyone At Benefits and Work
- PIP renewal risks and how to reduce them
- 18 January 2017 Update
- 1 February 2017 Update: PIP Mobility Update, PIP Review Form (1043), New Appeals Guide
- Home medicals for PIP and ESA, what's your experience?
- 15 February 2017 Update: PIP and ESA Home Medicals
- Spartacus response to "shocking" green paper on health and work
- Public Accounts Committee condemns sanction regime
- Have you been asked to join the DWP’s claimant panel?
- Government rushes in heartless changes to PIP mobility for mental health
- Top Tory says PIP is only for the “really disabled” as row over cuts grows
- Online appeals to begin in September
- Regulations removing work-related activity component of ESA finally published
- 1 March 2017 Update: Heartless PIP Cuts Latest, ESA WRAG Cut Regulations Published
- PIP mobility changes update
- “The assessor sat in a different room to me as he needed a table for his laptop.” PIP and ESA Home Assessments Uncovered
- 15 March 2017 Update: PIP Cuts Update, PIP and ESA Home Medicals Uncovered
- Thousands of claimants with epilepsy have income slashed on transfer to PIP
- Safety and supervision ruling could mean PIP for many more claimants
- Massive 44% of claimants have PIP cut or stopped on review
- Are repeat ESA medicals being deferred for a further two years?
- 29 March 2017 Update
- Benefits and Work website down
- DPAC seeks help with legal challenge to ESA cuts
- Enhanced rate mobility for mental health – DWP examples
- 12 April 2017 Update
- General election: is there anyone for claimants to vote for?
- Atos and Capita make surprise extra millions from PIP
- Huge rise in claimants getting zero points for PIP
- Motability claimants to keep vehicles whilst appealing DLA to PIP decisions
- PIP rapid reclaim after time abroad
- Full details of Motability scheme for claimants appealing a DLA to PIP decision
- 26 April 2017 Update
- PIP fails to cut benefits bill
- A quarter of PIP appeal winners start with zero points
- 10 May 2017 Update
- DWP staff expected to turn down 80% of mandatory reconsiderations
- Labour promise to scrap PIP and ESA assessments and sack Atos, Capita and Maximus
- Can you help overturn the PIP changes?
- 24 May 2017 update
- Labour manifesto for disabled people published
- Overturning the PIP changes - a big thank you to our readers
- 7 June 2017 Update
- New Work and Pensions secretary helped firms avoid tax
- Huge fall in DLA to PIP reassessments
- Atos changes its name
- IDS takes over from Jeremy Vine
- 21 June 2017 Update: Huge Fall In DLA To PIP Moves Plus Atos Reborn As IAS Plus IDS To Replace Jeremy Vine
- Over half of foodbank users are households with a disabled person
- Work capability assessments “too harsh” says IDS
- Public now see disabled claimants as more deserving of extra cash than pensioners
- 5 July 2017 Update: Tide Finally Turns On Hatred Of Claimants, IDS Says WCA “Too Harsh”, ESA WRAG Most At Risk Of Foodbank Use
- Universal credit roll out massively behind schedule
- DLA to PIP roll out behind schedule
- Being asked about your values could lead to an ESA sanction
- 19 July 2017 Update: Final Money-Off Coupon Plus More Delays in DLA to PIP Roll-Out
- DWP fights to withhold details of WCA ‘under-performance’
- DWP loses fight to stop claimants appealing
- One in three DLA to PIP claimants with MS lose higher rate mobility
- DWP fights to cover up differences between Atos and Capita PIP assessments
- Test your PIP knowledge
- DWP spends £39 million a year trying to stop ESA payments.
- 6 September 2017 Update: DWP Loses Fight To Stop Claimants Appealing But Tries To Cover Up Possible Differences Between Atos and Capita PIP Assessments
- PIP assessments are harmful to health
- Universal credit a ‘disaster waiting to happen’ says Citizens Advice
- DLA to PIP award rates fall to almost record low
- Appeal waiting list rockets as claimants continue to win
- WCA repeat assessments at highest ever level, now outnumbering new claims
- Universal credit rollout will be ‘a human and political catastrophe’ warns select committee
- 20 September 2017 Update: DLA To PIP Award Rates Fall Close To Almost Record Low Plus WCA Repeat Assessments At Record High
- Have you used our PIP GP Notes?
- End to repeat WCAs for some claimants
- Scottish claimants to get better deal than rest of UK
- Full roll-out of UC goes ahead
- Claimants 3 times more likely to be sanctioned under UC than JSA
- 4 October 2017 Update: No More Repeat ESA Assessments - Who Will Benefit? Plus, A Good Time To Move North
- End to repeat WCAs – many mental health claimants will miss out
- Secret PIP assessment recording leads to appeal tribunal win
- When will your area become full service universal credit?
- Grim confessions of a UC case manager
- DWP hides evidence about UC
- Post a comment on the Parliament website about PIP and ESA assessments
- 18 October 2017 Update: Secret PIP Recording Tribunal Win, When Will Your Area Switch to UC?, Many Mental Health Claimants Not Exempt From Repeat Medicals
- All DWP phone lines to be made freephone, but UC rollout continues
- Commons Committee urgently calls for UC wait time cut
- UC has potential to be catastrophic, councils warn
- Online appeal tribunals to start within 18 months
- Massive increase in complaints about PIP assessments
- 1 November 2017 Update: Huge Increase In PIP Complaints, Online Appeals Coming Soon, All DWP Phone Lines To Be Free
- 99.5% cut in benefits legal aid cases
- Almost 1 in 5 DLA to PIP claimants get no award at all
- DWP starts search for PIP claimants entitled to more
- Seven ministers for disabled people in seven years
- Most benefits cases are ‘no brainers’ that the DWP can’t win, says most senior tribunal judge
- DWP already trying to get round PIP safety ruling
- 15 November 2017 Update: DWP Starts Search For PIP Claimants Entitled To More, But 1 In 5 DLA to PIP Claimants Get No Award
- 75,000 ESA claimants owed thousands each
- Benefits and Work members contribute hugely to parliamentary PIP and ESA inquiry
- DWP presenting officers at half of all PIP tribunals
- UC changes less than expected
- PIP and DLA claimants to get minimum 65p increase, ESA support group up by £1.10
- New style ESA claims sabotaged by DWP
- 29 November 2017 Update: PIP And DLA Claimants To Get 65p Increase, Hunt For 75,000 ESA Claimants Owed Thousands Each
- Why the DWP is happy to lose so many cut-price PIP and ESA appeals
- Almost 60% of PIP assessment reports found to be unacceptable
- DWP tried to con PIP inquiry
- Tory MP weeps at description of plight of claimants
- 13 December 2017 Update:Why The DWP Is Happy To Lose So Many Cut-Price PIP And ESA Appeals Plus Tory MP Weeps At Plight Of Claimants
- Deeply detested McVey is new work and pensions secretary of state
- PIP mobility and psychological distress update
- Almost 90% of benefit fraud tip-offs are wrong
- Atos ‘would fully support’ the recording of PIP assessments
- 17 January 2018 update: PIP Mobility For Mental Health Update, McVey Returns, Bogus Tip-Offs
- Complete DWP surrender in PIP mental health mobility cases – victory funded by our readers
- Blue badges to be extended to people with conditions such as autism and dementia
- Hundreds of new DWP staff taken on as number affected by PIP mobility u-turn rises to 220,000
- Universal credit misery will cut less than 2% from benefits bill
- Blue badge changes were forced on DWP
- 1.6 million PIP claims to be reviewed for extra mental health awards
- 31 January 2018 update: Hundreds Of Thousands May Get PIP Increase As 1.6 Million Claims Looked At Again
- Will Capita ditch PIP assessments?
- No face-to-face and nobody worse off from 1.6 million PIP reassessments
- DWP faces another potentially explosive court case
- Fewer than 7,000 take-up support for mortgage interest replacement
- Imaginary dogs and x-ray vision: the world of PIP and ESA assessments
- Huge fall in PIP medical evidence
- 14 February 2018 Update: No-One Worse Off Due To 1.6 Million PIP Reviews, Plus Huge Fall In PIP Medical Evidence
- DWP blames Brexit for going back on promise to issue warnings instead of sanctions
- DWP unfairly target disabled claimants for sanctions
- MPs say it ‘beggars belief’ that PIP and ESA assessments aren’t recorded
- Were you intimidated into giving good feedback to a PIP or ESA assessor?
- DWP presenting officers have target to nobble top PIP and ESA awards
- 28 February 2018 Update: DWP Aim To Nobble Enhanced PIP And ESA Support Awards Plus Were You Intimidated Into Giving Good PIP Or ESA Feedback?
- 43% of DLA to PIP Motability claimants lose car
- 69% of claimants win their PIP and ESA appeals
- DWP produces mandatory reconsideration form they don’t want you to use
- Mystery of glowing PIP and ESA feedback deepens
- 14 March 2018 Update: DWP Mandatory Reconsideration Form They Don’t Want You To Use Plus 43% Of DLA To PIP Motability Claimants Lose Car
- ESA claimants to get up to £20,000 in missed payments, but many will miss out
- PIP award rates stay steady
- No need for explanations
- Self-employed to be hit by huge cuts under universal credit
- 28 March 2018 Update: Claimants Get Up To £20,000 In Back Pay But Many Miss Out Plus Huge Cuts For Self-Employed
- Specialist MS nurses condemn benefits assessment process
- Tribunals face dumbing down as they go digital
- ICE taking almost 18 months to even begin investigating complaints against DWP
- Appeal a PIP decision online
- DWP advise failed PIP claimants to try again, but admit they will still unlawfully turn them down
- Claimants losing benefits because PIP assessors say there was nobody home
- 11 April 2018 Update: Try Again, DWP Tell Failed PIP Claimants, But Admit They Will Be Unlawfully Refused Plus Claimants Losing PIP Because Assessors Say There Was Nobody Home
- Are charities working for the DWP being gagged?
- Have your say about benefits sanctions
- CPAG launches court battle on behalf of ripped-off ESA claimants
- 99% drop in legal aid for disability benefit cases
- Disabled Scottish claimants to get right to independent advocacy
- All PIP assessments to be recorded and forms made more friendly, DWP claims
- Food bank use soars in universal credit areas
- 25 April 2018 Update: All PIP Assessments To Be Recorded Plus CPAG Begins Court Fight For Ripped-Off ESA Claimants
- Do you still want to hear from us? Action needed.
- Millions saved by preventing claimants getting legal help
- 70% of DWP staff want UC stopped
- DWP deliberately inflicting hardship on ESA appeals claimants
- Scandal of positive PIP feedback
- 9 May 2018 update: Scandal Of Positive PIP Feedback Plus DWP Deliberately Inflicting Hardship On ESA Appeals Claimants
- 20% of UC claims fail due to ‘non-compliance’
- PIP assessors paid bonuses for getting through more assessments a day
- Claimants 20 times more likely to be sanctioned on UC than JSA or ESA
- DWP abandons plans for yellow card sanctions warning letter
- Can you help publicise Sick Stories?
- Motability scheme monopoly under threat over huge salaries and reserves
- Most extensive report yet finds sanctions regime is harmful to disabled claimants
- 23 May 2018 Update: PIP Bonus ‘Incentive To Ride Roughshod Over Claimants’ Plus Sanctions Yellow Card Ditched
- Waiting times grow as Tribunals Service struggles with flood of PIP appeals
- Online PIP appeals pilot extends over more of England
- Legal changes to tribunals
- DWP to keep ESA repayments as small as legally possible
- DWP admits to getting PIP law wrong again, many thousands of claimants will get back-payments
- 6 June 2018 Update: DWP Admits Thousands Of PIP Daily Living Decisions Were Wrong And Will Be Reviewed Plus ESA Back-Payments To Be Kept As Small As Legally Possible
- Major court defeat for DWP over ESA to UC transfers
- NAO condemns UC but says there is now no alternative
- Do you want your PIP assessment video recorded?
- Fall in PIP award rates
- Over one third of a million DLA claimants refused PIP
- Unnecessary PIP reviews to end, says government
- PIP appeal success up 7% on last year to 71%
- 20 June 2018 Update: Unnecessary PIP Reviews To End, Plus Over One Third Of A Million DLA Claimants Refused PIP
- Have your say on ESA to UC migration
- New PIP mobility guidance for assessors finally published.
- Updated guidance on PIP safety
- Government finally announces start of review of over 1.6 million PIP cases
- Three different decisions may have to be made on the same PIP mobility claim
- New guidance for decision makers on PIP mobility
- 4 July 2018 Update: New Guidance on PIP Mobility Plus Will You Have To Reclaim PIP Instead Of Getting Backdated Award?
- DWP advise some refused PIP claimants to reapply as more PIP review details are released
- McVey escapes benefits style sanction
- John Pring’s Disability News Service needs your help
- DWP reviews PIP haemophilia claims
- 18 July 2018 Update: Final Money-Off Coupon Plus John Pring’s Disability News Service Needs Your Help
- DWP surrenders on ESA backdated payments
- ‘Overwhelming’ response by Benefits and Work readers to John Pring at DNS
- Do you have a copy of a new PIP AR1 form?
- As waiting times rocket, we ask ‘How long have you spent on hold?’
- No progress on PIP video recording or claim form improvements
- Warnings grow over ESA to UC migration
- 19 September 2018 Update: Warnings Grow Over ESA To UC Migration, Plus As Waiting Times Rocket, We Ask How Long Have You Spent On Hold?
- PIP video recording preparations have begun
- Secret DWP death reviews have doubled in two years and now include UC
- Help Unite fight universal credit
- DWP to pay Citizens Advice £51 million to help with universal credit
- Maximus make ‘jaw-dropping’ profits from ESA assessments
- Atos and Capita to be sacked in Scotland
- 3 October 2018 Update: DWP Pay Citizens Advice £51 Million To Help With Universal Credit Plus Maximus Make ‘Jaw-Dropping’ Profits From ESA
- Failed DLA to PIP claimant suffered severe starvation related illness
- Trussell Trust calls on DWP to move claimants from ESA to UC with no gap
- Thousands to be fined and prosecuted as DWP targets carer’s allowance overpayments
- Mixed reaction to Citizens Advice providing support as opposition to UC grows
- Former top civil servant calls PIP a ‘hostile environment’
- CPAG launches Write to your MP campaign to pause UC
- Two former PMs warn against UC rollout
- ESA to UC claimants get temporary reprieve
- 17 October 2018 Update: ESA To UC Reprieve, PIP Hostile Environment And War Zone Condition, DWP Crackdown On Carers
- Huge increase in number of £5,000 ESA back payments
- Astonishing fourfold rise in cost of benefits assessments – over £450 million a year now paid to private companies
- DWP considering making claimants wait even longer for the phone to be answered.
- Librarian concerned at inappropriate role in UC claims
- Disabled households to be £6,500 a year worse off
- Some single disabled people more than £300 a month poorer under universal credit
- Crumbs of comfort for UC claimants in today’s budget.
- MPs condemn universal support
- 31 October 2018 Update: Librarians With 'Rudimentary' Training Forced To Give Benefits Help Plus Disabled Households Still Face Huge Income Cuts
- ESA to UC managed migration regulations published
- MPs condemn sanctions against sick and disabled
- Food bank use up by 13%
- “Horrified” and “really depressed” library assistants required to give UC support
- Mind hits back at McVey over alleged support for DWP
- 14 November 2018 Update: ESA To UC Forced Migration Rules Announced, Mind Hits Back At McVey, MPs Condemn ‘Pointlessly Cruel’ Sanctions Against Disabled Claimants
- McVey resigns – but not over universal credit
- Universal credit increases suicide risk
- Disgraced Amber Rudd takes over at DWP
- UN report condemns poverty in UK
- Video recording of PIP assessments begins as customer satisfaction skyrockets
- Rudd dismisses UN report on poverty and calls DWP a ‘force for good’
- Commons committee wants your evidence
- Commons committee wants to hear from carers allowance overpayment victims
- 28 November 2018 Update: PIP Video Recording Begins, Disgraced Rudd Takes Over At DWP, MPs Need To Hear From You
- Homeowner faced repossession and destroyed credit score due to DWP mortgage interest backlog
- Legal aid for benefits appeals would be restored under Labour
- 46,000 ESA claimants hit by cuts so far
- Motability boss to resign over ‘obscene’ pay, while customers overcharged by £390 million
- 1 in 4 PIP claimants lose entire award on review
- Almost half of DLA to PIP claimants get lower award or no award
- 12 December 2018 Update: 25% Off Final Coupon, 1 in 4 PIP Claimants Get Nil On Renewal, 46,000 ESA Claimants Hit By Cut Say Labour
- ESA to UC transfer postponed
- DLA to PIP transfers: some claimants to get a year’s reprieve
- DWP begins moving existing PIP claimants to 10 year ‘light touch’ reviews
- SDP claimants protected from losing out
- Universal credit software can’t cope with new court ruling
- 4,600 more PIP claimants entitled to arrears
- 15 January 2019 Update: DLA to PIP transfers, some claimants to get a year’s reprieve
- DWP’s PIP disaster, costs have gone up instead of down
- DWP tries to encourage claimants to take on more debt
- Call for DWP to be abolished
- ‘Perverse’ DWP discriminated against disabled employee
- DLA to PIP discrimination, 1 in 3 mental health claimants get zero award
- Plans for digital and video appeals announced whilst MoJ IT system crashes for days
- 30 January 2019 Update: 1 In 3 DLA To PIP Mental Health Claimants Get Nothing, Plus Disaster For DWP As PIP Costs Outstrip DLA
- Tory MPs laugh and jeer In support of minister who says it is ‘shameful’ to link benefits and suicide
- Will DWP robots boost claimant satisfaction?
- Commercial software used to decide if you are a universal credit fraud risk
- Growing misery of two PIP assessments for one decision
- DWP to continue sanctioning ESA claimants into ‘grinding poverty and hardship’
- Rudd admits universal credit has led to increased food bank use
- 13 February 2019 Update: DWP Researches Robots, UC Fraud Software Causes Concern And ESA Claimants Still Sanctioned Into ‘Grinding Poverty’
- DWP developing NHS ‘data-slurping’ tool to access claimant medical records
- Family of PIP claimant who died, successfully sue Capita for £10,000
- ESA backdating widens, with average awards of £6,000
- DWP ordered to pay £10,000 compensation following claimant’s suicide
- DWP staff strike over universal credit
- 27 February 2019 update: Is This The Value Of A Claimant’s Life? Plus DWP Plans To ‘Slurp’ Claimants Medical Records
- Paralysed claimant refused PIP on transfer from DLA
- Benefits system exacerbates mental health issues
- PIP reassessment to end for pensioners, announcement due today
- Text box tribunals to replace most PIP and ESA appeal hearings
- UC identity system another digital disaster
- PIP pensioners WILL still be reviewed
- More private firms to get slice of PIP and WCA cake
- ESA to UC managed migration pilot to start in Harrogate
- 13 March 2019 Update: Text Box Tribunals Replace PIP & ESA Appeals | PIP Pensioners Will Still Be Reviewed
- PIP and ESA appeal success at highest rate ever
- Increase in ESA claimants placed in the support group
- Commons committee investigates sex for survival amongst UC claimants
- DWP uses foul expletive to describe claimant in appeal papers
- Sign the Justice for Jodey Whiting petition for an inquiry into DWP deaths
- Claimants health put at risk by fit note scandal
- 27 March 2019 Update: DWP's Foul Insult To PIP Claimant, ESA Support Group Entry Rises, PIP and ESA Wins At Record High
- PIP mandatory reconsideration times increase by 86%
- Special discount on PIP Case Law Pack
- New minister for disabled people consistently votes in favour of their harm
- PIP online tribunals begin this month
- Use our free factsheet if you need a fit note whilst appealing an ESA decision
- 10 April 2019 Update: PIP Online Tribunals Begin, Free GP ESA Appeals Factsheet, New Minister For Disabled Consistently Votes For Their Harm
- PIP restored to claimant foully insulted by DWP
- Derisory response to the Justice for Jodey petition
- ESA claimant who left hospital bed to fight for benefit dies
- DWP kept UC problems report secret for 18 months
- Over one third of a million PIP ‘light touch’ awards
- Another billion pound benefits scandal may be on the way
- Acid attack victim forced to endure ESA tribunal
- 24 April 2019 Update: Over One Third Of A Million PIP ‘Light Touch’ Awards; Another £1bn Benefit Scandal; DWP Kept ‘Alarming’ UC Report Secret
- Trussell Trust calls for end to UC 5 week wait
- Overwhelming rejection of SMI loans by claimants
- DWP failures lead to £20,000 plus bills for some carers
- Royal College of GPs calls for urgent fit note advice changes and warns of danger to patients
- Feasibility testing of combined PIP and ESA assessment has begun
- PIP complaints against nurses not being properly investigated says watchdog
- 8 May 2019 update: Work On Combined PIP And ESA Assessment Begins, GP Body Calls For Urgent Fit Note Changes, Help Decide Our Forum’s Future
- The future of the Benefits and Work forum
- “Gruelling journeys” warning for appeal tribunals
- DWP pays compensation for misadvised UC claims and would “welcome” more
- Just 8% of disallowed PIP claims overturned at appeal
- 3 year benefits sanctions to be axed
- Row grows over DWP’s fake UC news campaign
- Overwhelming response on our forum’s future
- 22 May 2019 Update: Only 8% Of Disallowed PIP Claims Overturned At Appeal; Gruelling Tribunal Journeys Warning; 3 Year Sanctions Axed.
- Almost 1 in 5 PIP reports unacceptable or have to be altered
- Over half of DLA to PIP mobility claimants lose out
- UC claimants risk losing out when helped by Citizens Advice
- New almost-pensioner PIP claimants to get 10 year awards
- Charity complains to ASA about DWP fake news
- Terminally ill claimant fights to raise awareness of broken reassessment promise
- 5 June 2019 Update: Almost-Pensioner PIP Claimants To Get 10 Year Awards, UC Claimants Risk Losing Out When Helped By Citizens Advice
- EHRC asked to investigate DWP deaths cover-up
- Major fall in PIP success rates, now only 1 in 3 chance for new claims
- Increasingly long wait for PIP MR decisions
- Almost three quarters of PIP and ESA claimants win their appeals
- New guidance on extending blue badge to people with hidden disabilities
- 50% off PIP caselaw pack - out now
- 19 June 2019 Update: Blue Badge For Hidden Disabilities; Fall In PIP Claim Success, Rise In PIP And ESA Appeal Success
- Further complaint about DWP fake news
- DWP claim to have corrected misleading fit note letter
- PIP underpayments highest ever recorded for any benefit
- DWP gets away with unlawfully destroying report on failure to safeguard claimants
- Has PIP changed your life? Help us inspire others.
- PIP claimants who are 3 times more likely to get a home assessment
- Text of new GP fit note letter published
- 3 July 2019 Update: Where PIP Home Assessments Are 3 Times More Likely; New GP Fit Note Letter; PIP Underpayments Reach Record High
- Legacy benefit claimants targeted by fraudsters
- Existing PIP pensioners covered by light touch review from today
- ASA launches formal investigation into DWP fake news
- Missing claim form misery highlighted
- Disabled Scottish claimants to get free advocacy support
- Disabled claimants benefits cut by £1,200 a year, disabled households by £4,300
- PIP training day – early bird discount
- 17 July 2019 update: PIP Light Touch Review Extended; Disabled Claimants Benefits Cut By £1,200; PIP Training Discount
- DWP massively increases advertising spend
- Universal credit back-payments finally start
- Universal credit managed migration has begun
- DWP lied about PIP recordings
- 31 July 2019 Update: Final Money-Off Coupon; DWP Lied About PIP Recordings; UC Back Payments Finally Start
- 44% of disabled people have to go without food says Citizens Advice
- Therese Coffey, new DWP secretary of state, voted 52 times to reduce welfare benefits spending
- Appeal tribunals webchat service launched
- PIP new claim award rates hit all-time low
- PIP mandatory reconsiderations now take almost 10 weeks
- PIP and ESA tribunal success rates hit all-time high of 75%
- 18 September 2019 Update: PIP Claim Success At All Time Low; PIP and ESA Appeal Success At All Time High; Over Half ESA Claimants Put In Support Group
- Over half of new ESA claimants placed in support group
- Labour would scrap universal credit
- Labour would fund 200 community lawyers and network of People’s Law Centres
- Conservatives to raise national living wage to £10.50 an hour by 2024
- Updated PIP guidance should improve chances for claimants with chronic pain
- Tories vow to improve universal credit
- 2 October 2019 Update: PIP Guidance Should Improve Chances For Claimants With Chronic Pain
- Over £37 million paid out so far to SDP claimants
- Only one UC con artist preying on claimants prosecuted so far
- UC staff taped making vile comments about claimants
- Should we publish a guide to complaining about the DWP?
- DWP creating over 100 types of benefits robots
- Do you want us to put on open-training near you?
- 16 October 2019 Update: DWP Building 100 Benefits Robots, Con Artists Free To Prey On Claimants, Do You Want A Guide To Complaints?
- DWP launches Facebook page
- DWP to check PIP claims for possible increases
- ESA back payment claimant numbers cut by over 40%
- PIP assessor suspended after alleged threats and damage to claimant’s home
- NAO to investigate suicide monitoring by the DWP
- 30 October 2019 Update: DWP To Check PIP Claims For Possible Increases, Plus Assessor Allegedly Asked For A Fight And Damaged Property
- Benefits freeze to end in April 2020
- Tribunals Service unable to keep up with rise in appeals
- Claimants “need putting down” Tory candidate should still stand, says DWP secretary of state
- Health and benefits problems are main causes of food bank use
- DWP found guilty of publishing misleading universal credit ads
- Will benefits policies decide your vote?
- PIP training day discount
- 13 November 2019 Update: Claimants ‘Need Putting Down’ Scandal, Tribunals Overwhelmed By PIP Appeals, Benefits Freeze To End
- Bedroom tax supreme court defeat for DWP
- UC fraudsters becoming bolder in targeting claimants
- BBC and Channel 4 both to air Jobcentre friendly documentaries
- Green Party manifesto benefits highlights
- Lib Dem manifesto benefits highlights
- Labour Party manifesto benefits highlights
- Law graduate seeks your urgent help to outlaw mandatory reconsiderations
- Brexit Party contract benefits highlights
- Plaid Cymru manifesto benefits highlights
- Conservative Party manifesto benefits highlights
- The manifestos are out, but will they influence your vote?
- Fight to outlaw mandatory reconsiderations has begun – can you help?
- Only 40% of universal credit claimants get their full entitlement
- 27 November 2019 Update: Can You Help Outlaw Mandatory Reconsiderations Plus What's In The Manifestos For Claimants?
- SNP manifesto benefits highlights
- Labour launches a manifesto for disabled people
- Over 100,000 DLA to PIP claimants have lost their Motability vehicles
- GPs call claimants work-shy slobs in comments on article critical of DWP
- Pressure for criminal investigation of ministers for claimant deaths increases
- Fantastic readers response smashes legal crowdfunding appeal target
- 11 December 2019 Update: £5 Off Final Coupon, Crowdfunding Target Smashed, GPs Contempt For Claimants
- Claimant subject to foul abuse by DWP awarded £5,000
- Tory landslide brings little hope of positive change for claimants
- Election Result: No Sweeping Changes At The End Of Grim Year For DWP
- PIP success rates plummet to fewer than one in three
- Most new PIP awards last less than two years
- Almost half of DLA to PIP claimants have benefit stopped or reduced
- PIP and ESA appeal success rates rise again
- Legal fight for new inquest into death of Jodey Whiting
- Almost 6 out of 10 new ESA claimants put in support group
- Changes to appeal process
- 15 January 2020 Update: Almost Half Of DLA To PIP Claimants Benefit Stopped Or Reduced, Fewer Than One Third Of New PIP Claims Succeed
- 5,000 ESA claimants died before arrears were paid
- No more claimants to be contacted about ESA underpayments
- Claimants wait over a year for ICE to even begin investigations into DWP
- Complaints about ATOS on the rise
- 192,000 claimants may have had PIP claim unlawfully stopped
- Are bogus observations being used to refuse PIP awards?
- Another claimant starves to death after benefits stopped
- 29 January 2020 Update: Are Bogus Observations Stopping PIP Awards, No More Claimants To Be Contacted About ESA Underpayments
- Just 13 people moved onto UC during first six months of pilot, full roll-out may be delayed
- DWP loses yet another court battle as it fights to grossly underpay disabled claimants
- Atos still fails to meet targets for level of unacceptable PIP reports
- Full UC roll-out delayed again because claimants are scared to transfer
- Tribunal call centres open for longer
- Dutch court outlaws use of benefits ‘robots’ of type being built by DWP
- Boris Johnson misleads MPs about claimant deaths and about UC
- More than 69 claimant suicides in six years, says NAO, after DWP decided £600 was too much to spend on counting the deaths
- DWP goes back on promise to review 1.6 million PIP claims as back payments plummet
- 12 February 2020 Update: DWP Breaks Promise To Review 1.6 million PIP Claims As Number Of Backdated Payments Slashed, More ESA To UC Delays
- Secretive Serious Case Panel will not investigate individual deaths
- ESA claimants will struggle to move onto UC, warns Salvation Army
- Does your council owe you money?
- Attendance allowance claims taking three times as long
- Exclusive: DWP has saved over £75 million by losing 70,000 ESA underpayment claimants
- ESA sanctions regime virtually abandoned, but UC sanctions remain
- SSAC wants to know if the DWP listen to you
- Minister accused of smirking and being amused by claimant death debate
- 26 February 2020 Update: DWP Loses 70,000 ESA Underpayment Claimants And Saves £75 Million. Does Your Council Owe You Money?
- DWP claimant deaths cover-up
- Errol Graham family begin legal action against DWP
- Independent experts find claiming UC increases mental health issues
- Universal Credit increases crime
- DWP to be quizzed over claimant deaths
- DWP announces bogus PIP and WCA assessment changes at same time as offering new private sector contracts
- DLA age limit to be raised to 18 in Scotland
- DWP pressuring PIP claimants into dropping appeals
- 11 March 2020 update: Bogus PIP And WCA Changes Hide New Private Sector Contracts Plus PIP Appellants Pressured To Take Low Offers
- Coronavirus benefits changes
- PIP and ESA appeal success rates hold steady
- Why has DWP hired Ipsos MORI to quiz PIP mandatory reconsideration claimants?
- Almost two thirds of new ESA claimants placed in support group
- Face-to-face assessments suspended for three months for PIP, ESA and UC
- Most social security appeals to be paper only for next 6 months
- Coronavirus resources on Benefits and Work
- PIP awards extended, benefits reviews and reassessments suspended
- 25 March 2020 Update: PIP Awards Extended, Face-To-Face Assessments And Benefits Reviews Suspended, Most Appeals On Paper Only
- Disabled legacy benefits claimants to be hit by coronavirus changes
- Changes to Scottish benefits postponed
- Carers allowance whilst isolating and for emotional support
- Benefit overpayment recovery suspended for three months
- Free PIP webinar
- 8 April 2020 Update Some Disabled Claimants Could Be Thousands Worse Off, Charities Warn, Plus Free Benefits Webinars On The Way
- Treat your home as a court room, tribunal appellants warned
- Remarkably similar figures for IAS and Capita unacceptable PIP reports
- Commons committee to investigate PIP and ESA assessments
- Have you had a PIP telephone assessment?
- PIP telephone assessments 2020: members’ experiences
- 22 April 2020 Update: PIP Telephone Assessments: Members Experiences, Updated Guide, New Survey And Free Webinar
- PIP awards due for reassessment extended by six months
- New PIP claims plummet by more than half
- Minister confirms right to have someone join you for PIP assessment call
- Beware of blocking ‘No caller ID’ calls if you have a PIP assessment
- Some PIP appeals will be treated as urgent under new guidelines
- PIP urgent appeals guidance disappears
- PIP appeals guide update
- Free PIP webinars: find out what’s changed for PIP claims, assessments and appeals
- PIP telephone assessment survey, early results and shocking issues
- 6 May 2020 Update: PIP Telephone Hearings - Be Prepared With Our Updated Appeals Guide, Register For A Free PIP Webinar, How Private Are PIP Assessments?
- Minister confirms short-term PIP awards will be extended
- ESA claimants wrongly forced onto UC win Court of Appeal battle
- PIP webinar feedback, will you attend the next one?
- What PIP telephone assessments are really like
- 20 May 2020 Update: The Truth About PIP Telephone Assessments, Short-Term PIP Awards Extended, More Free Webinars
- DWP not guilty of advertising breach after all, government inquiry finds
- Labour calls for ‘missing’ coroners reports on deaths of claimants to be published
- What PIP telephone assessments are really like, part two
- Public Law Project welfare benefits webinar
- 3 June 2020 Update: Shouting Assessors, Barking Dogs, Unread Forms – PIP Telephone Assessments, Plus Download Our Vital, Updated PIP Guide
- Can you help other PIP mobility claimants by sharing your experience?
- 275 disabled claimants jointly sue DWP over universal credit
- Face-to-face assessment ban being reviewed
- PIP coronavirus changes webinars, watch the recordings now
- PIP and ESA appeals success rate continues, but numbers plunge
- Dramatic fall in new PIP claims
- Marcus Rashford hits back at DWP minister Therese Coffey
- Mystery surrounds telephone assessment continuation
- 17 June 2020 Update: Face-To-Face Assessment Ban Uncertainty, PIP Claims And Appeals Plummet
- Will face-to-face assessments return soon?
- Check other awards if your PIP is extended
- Which would you choose, PIP telephone or face-to-face assessment?
- Video hearings coming soon for benefits claimants
- Revisions and reassessments still on hold but Jobcentres to reopen and sanctions to return
- Claiming PIP mobility component on mental health grounds – who gets an award?
- Claiming the PIP mobility component on mental health grounds – free, members webinar
- 1 July 2020 Update: Who Gets PIP Mobility For Mental Health? Are Face-To-Face Assessments Returning?
- Stop benefits deaths petition launched
- EHRC refuses to investigate benefits deaths
- Coffey refuses to say if a single apology has been issued to benefits deaths families
- Sharp rise in PIP claimant deaths as DWP says it won’t pay to check figures for other benefits
- UC coronavirus sanctions exemption removed
- Face-to-face assessments still suspended but PIP reviews, reassessments and renewals restart
- How PIP claimants are cheated out of mobility component awards for mental health
- 15 July 2020 Update: How The DWP Cheats PIP Claimants, Face-To-Face Assessments Still Suspended
- Errol Graham family begin judicial review of DWP failures
- Over 300 disabled claimants sue DWP
- Mandatory reconsiderations ruled unlawful for ESA, Benefits and Work members thanked
- DWP change guidance on stopping benefits as they face court action from Graham family
- Pain, humiliation and failed claims caused by being forced into wrong PIP assessment
- 29 July 2020 Update: Final Discount Coupon, ESA Mandatory Reconsiderations Outlawed, Call To End PIP Assessment Humiliation
- Volunteers wanted to try out training
- Give us your views on how we’re doing
- Five Glasgow CABx face closure under new funding proposals
- DWP spends tens of millions more to lose even more PIP and ESA appeals
- Online PIP claims by the end of the year
- Northern Ireland PIP claims and challenges plummet
- Have you been awarded PIP for arthritis and will you help change lives for the better?
- Glasgow CABx get temporary repreive
- 9 September Update: Online PIP Claims Coming, DWP Spends Extra Millions To Try To Win Appeals, Claim Numbers Plummet
- DWP found guilty of coronavirus health and safety breaches
- PIP claimants wrongly accused of failing to return PIP forms
- Is DWP failing to send out PIP review forms?
- Switch to PIP telephone assessments has not greatly harmed fresh claim success
- PIP fresh claims on the rise again, but mandatory reconsiderations still low
- 14,000 PIP reviews in July
- Has the Benefits and Work website helped you in any way?
- 23 September Update: DWP Searches For Thousands Of PIP Claimants Owed Up To £13,000
- PIP and ESA video assessment trials have started
- PIP assessments now being audio recorded
- What does the Benefits and Work website mean to you?
- Previously unseen PIP and ESA documents
- 7 October update: PIP, ESA Video Assessments And Audio Recordings Begin, New PIP And ESA Telephone Documents Uncovered
- Online appeal system scrapped before it begins
- Having someone replace you at your PIP telephone assessment
- Capita PIP assessors slam employer and claimants
- 21 October Update: Capita PIP Assessors slam Employers And Claimants, Online Appeals Scrapped
- Independent Case Examiner fails claimants
- Scottish disability benefits system to be envy of UK and threat to private providers
- DWP slammed by judge for trying to rely on evidence of disgraced Capita assessor
- 4 November Update:Judge Halts Use Of Discredited Assessors PIP Report, Ice Fails Claimants, Scotland To Get Fairer PIP System
- Claimant dies after being refused home PIP assessment
- Thousands of PIP claimants NI numbers published online for years
- New inquest for Jodey Whiting moves closer
- DWP tries to stop Philippa Day inquest examining its role in her death
- 18 November Update: Unlawful and Humiliating PIP Telephone Assessments, NINOs Published Online, DWP Fight To Avoid Inquest Scrutiny
- MPs raise concerns about PIP and ESA decisions during pandemic
- Volunteer moderators training programme
- PIP and ESA to increase by just half a percent next year
- Goodbye and thank you, Gordon
- AA renewals restart
- 275,000 DLA claimants still waiting to be forced to claim PIP
- 60 charities and bishops call for £20 uplift to legacy benefits
- 2 December Update: Derisory Half Percent Benefits Rise, PIP and ESA Decision Delays and Doubts, DLA To PIP Still Not Over
- Grim 2021 benefits rates published
- Claimants to be told about PIP extensions by early 2021
- Scottish claimants asked for their experiences of benefits claims
- PIP new claim success increases, DLA to PIP falls
- Benefits and Work Christmas gift subscription
- 16 December Update: 25 Per Cent Off Coupon, Grim 2021 Benefits Rates, PIP Award Extension Update, Latest PIP Stats
- Increase disability benefits survey
- Warning: failure to attend PIP telephone assessment penalties reintroduced
- Guidance for claimants taking case to upper tribunal
- Walking at an airport is not enough to disqualify you from PIP mobility
- Tribunals must explain why it is fair to refuse your video evidence
- 13 January 2021 Update: Missed PIP Assessment Penalty Returns, 850K PIP Claimants Not Told Award Extended, Walking At Airports Ruling
- 850,000 claimants still not told their PIP award extended
- DWP incompetence and institutional callousness caused claimant’s death
- Disability News Service victory in secret DWP report battle
- Northern Ireland looks to dump Capita
- DWP and Capita both fail to provide crucial recordings in claimant death case
- How confidential will your data be with DWP staff working from home?
- Nine month PIP extension letters flood out
- 27 January 2021 Update
- Financial stress caused by DWP and Capita failings main factor in death of Philippa Day, Coroner rules
- Heart-breaking Philippa Day call the DWP didn’t want people to hear
- Cabinet Office Disability Survey
- DWP denies disabled claimants need more help, despite evidence
- Unacceptable number of PIP and AA telephone calls left unanswered
- PIP extension letters closely followed by review forms
- PIP reading and budgeting points for claimants with apparently good literacy and numeracy
- 10 February 2021 Update
- Philippa Day Prevention of Future Deaths report published
- Fear of dogs can be relevant to PIP mobility
- DWP makes mockery of calls for change
- Free online training places
- 24 February 2021 Update: DWP Mockery Of Calls For Change, PIP Mobility For Fear Of Dogs, Free Online Training
- Integrated PIP/ESA/UC assessment trials to resume
- DWP has paid out £32 million to claimants so far for PIP errors
- PIP aids and appliances survey
- No joy for claimants in budget
- Claimant successfully sues Atos and sends in the bailiffs when they don’t pay up
- Telephone and video PIP and ESA assessments now enshrined in law
- Errol Graham case fails
- 10 March 2021 Update: Claimant Sues Atos And Sends In Bailiffs, New PIP And ESA Video Assessments Law, Combined PIP and ESA Assessments Trial
- Video PIP and ESA assessments now enshrined in law
- New PIP2 ‘How Your Disability Affects You’ form
- PIP assessment success rates continue to fall
- How PIP aids and appliances are used against you and how to fight back
- Latest PIP statistics, the good and the bad
- Vast majority of ESA claimants placed in support group
- 24 March 2021 Update: Almost Six In Ten PIP Claims Now Fail, Find Out How To Protect Yours
- PIP, ESA and UC video assessments rolled-out across GB
- PIP, ESA and UC face-to-face assessments to resume from May
- £12,000 for claimant who challenged sham PIP review, but many more missing out
- University researchers reveal sanctions targets and prejudices of Coalition government and warn they may return
- 7 April 2021 Update: PIP, ESA, UC Face-To-Face Assessments Resume, Are You Missing Out On £12,000 PIP Arrears?
- UC claimants hit with historic overpayment bills
- Claimant overturns PIP appeal tribunal decision using Google Maps
- How the DWP has rigged the LEAP review system to deprive PIP claimants
- GPs to prescribe benefits and debt advice in pilot project
- Campaigning charity Z2K asks for your views
- DWP sends a million misleading letters to prevent PIP back pay
- 21 April 2021 Update: DWP Sends One Million Misleading Letters To Prevent PIP Back Pay, Free Coaching Sessions For 6 Readers
- Claimants left with nothing when PIP claims end before review
- Over 42,000 carers hit with overpayment bills
- DWP admits LEAP letter was untrue
- Conditions DWP say most likely to get PIP back payment
- Legal challenge to failure to give £20 uplift to ESA claimants
- 5 May 2021 Update: Fight For £1,000 ESA Back Pay For All, LEAP Letter Untrue DWP Admits, Assessment Backlog Stops PIP Renewals
- DWP faces more legal action as BBC reveals 150 benefits related deaths or episodes causing serious harm
- Combined PIP/ESA/UC assessment postcodes revealed
- Lower cost fibre broadband for claimants
- DWP denies using algorithms for LEAP review, but admits to using automated ‘business rules’
- Huge discount on PIP Case Law Pack
- Free members webinars on using case law with Mark Perlic
- DWP issues Long Covid guidance for child DLA, but where is PIP and UC information?
- 19 May 2021 Update: Combined PIP/WCA Assessment Postcodes, Low Cost Claimant Broadband, Miraculous LEAP Discovery
- DWP stonewalls Freedom of Information requests about LEAP
- Fewer disability assessments, more recordings, more free advocacy on the way, minister claims
- PIP awards fall in spite of claimant court victories
- Do you have a PIP or ESA appeal coming up? John Pring wants to hear from you
- Claimants can argue against PIP telephone or face-to-face assessments via new review system
- 2 June 2021 Update: New Chance To Ask For Different PIP Assessment As Face-To-Face Returns For WCA And PIP
- Face-to-face assessments to be the norm again for PIP and WCA
- 100 terminally ill claimants a month die still fighting for their benefits
- ESA support group numbers fall
- PIP, ESA and UC appeal numbers and success rates fall
- DWP resort to dirty tricks to try to prevent second inquest for Jodey Whiting
- DWP admits to 175 secret benefit death reviews, but destroys records of others
- Claimants lose out as PIP mobility awards appear to be manipulated
- 16 June 2021 Update: Claimants Lose Out As PIP Mobility Awards Appear Manipulated, DWP Dirty Tricks To Prevent Second Inquest
- ‘Fantastic’, ‘incredibly helpful’ PIP case law webinar is a big hit
- 23 June 2021 Update: LEAP Review May Be Unlawful Leading Barrister Tells Us, Now We Need Your Help
- After 8 long years, still no progress on recording PIP face-to-face assessments
- DWP’s secret Long COVID PIP and WCA guidance
- Almost 2,000 PIP claimants a month miss out following switch to telephone assessments
- 30 June 2021 Update: 2,000 More Fail PIP Telephone Assessments Every Month, DWP’s Secret Long Covid Guidance, Free PIP Webinar Video
- Long-Covid Benefits Timebomb
- Have the DWP ended LEAP awards?
- John Pring and Channel 4 Dispatches need to hear from you
- New Long Covid PIP claims supplement
- 14 July 2021 Update: Unique PIP Elearning, Exclusive Long Covid Guide, Have LEAP Awards Ended?
- PIP 28 day hospital rule challenged
- DWP caves in over high-pressure pre-tribunal tactics
- Bereaved relatives call for public enquiry into DWP deaths
- Green Paper proposes Severe Disability Group – no assessments or detailed application forms
- Universal Credit cut goes ahead
- 1 in 10 2020 PIP claims still on hold
- 28 July 2021 Update: Final Discount Coupon, No Assessments Or Detailed Forms For Proposed New Group, 1 In 10 PIP Claims On Hold (2)
- Guide to online PIP claims now available
- Misleading PIP letters re audio recording
- PIP long-covid claims high success rate
- Major change planned for PIP and WCA assessment system
- Final attempt to challenge LEAP review
- Justin Tomlinson sacked as Minister for Disabled People
- Legacy benefits case delayed due to lack of a judge
- 175 DWP cover-ups prevent a second inquest into Jodey Whiting’s death
- Dramatic fall in PIP awards, 7 out of 10 now fail
- Search finally begins for claimants owed up to £16,000 in PIP back-payments
- New date set for legacy benefits court case
- Jodey Whiting second inquest fight continues
- Government breaks own rules to cover-up how disabled claimants are treated
- Work and pensions committee wants your views on disability benefits assessments
- Could you be eligible for Household Support Fund help?
- Too many people getting PIP and being placed in ESA support group, says DWP secretary of state
- Use Royal Mail collect if you can’t get proof of postage
- Four hour telephone assessment slots misery
- DWP accused of copying 'kidnappers’ to verify UC claims
- Claimant died underweight, ‘unkempt and dirty’ after ESA and PIP wrongly stopped
- Pensioner with just £5 left took own life after state pension wrongly stopped
- ICE wins PIP claimant £17k, could they take up your case?
- New volunteer moderators needed
- Capita pay substantial compensation to family of Philippa Day
- 340,000 PIP claims to be checked for back-payments of up to £16,000
- DWP gets billions for forced move to UC, tailored sanctions for disabled claimants and online claims
- New, tailor made sanctions threat for disabled ESA and UC claimants
- Don’t let them off the hook, give your evidence about DWP and assessment providers
- Claimant commitment sanctions reintroduced for new style ESA and JSA
- Ignore costly DWP advice, warns MSE Martin Lewis
- Australian welfare to work company carrying out combined PIP and WCA assessment pilot
- Many tens of thousands missing out on PIP for Long Covid
- DWP refuse to hand over copy of disability benefits report
- UC sanctions rocket 15-fold in four months
- £2 billion bonanza for PIP and ESA assessors and DWP will decide percentage of phone and face-to-face assessments
- Online PIP2 form offered to all new claimants from 6 December 2021
- How damning is secret disability benefits report?
- Secret algorithm unfairly targets disabled claimants for fraud investigation
- Claimant death reports were kept from WCA reviewer
- Reviewer slams continued lack of PIP transparency
- Growing evidence of DWP dodgy dealings over secret disability benefits report
- Send our readers your Christmas greetings
- Forum Christmas break from 17 December to 10 January
- DWP held illegal parties ‘all the time’ during lockdown
- The Truth About Disability Benefits The DWP Don’t Want You To See
- Coffey ordered to publish secret disability benefits report or MPs will do it for her
- Christmas greetings from our readers
- Mystery of missing Long Covid PIP claimants grows
- Record number of PIP claims, but DLA to PIP success falls
- Severely ill claimant died after DWP forced him to leave hospital to make claim
- DWP admits secret report was altered but takes more time to decide if it will release original
- New PIP mobility component on physical health grounds training module
- New PIP mobility component on physical health grounds training module
- MPs to go ahead with publishing secret report
- Multiple warnings that claimants may have to choose between heating and eating from April
- PIP renewal knife edge, what’s your experience?
- ESA claimant gets £7,500 compensation, but 118,000 more unjustly missing out, says Ombudsman
- DWP now allows claimants to audio record PIP assessments on their mobile phones
- DWP to ramp up UC sanctions as time to find preferred work slashed
- Improved PIP guidance on absence of mental health medication
- £200 fuel payment for eligible Welsh claimants
- Free PIP training module for members
- Secret disability benefits report finally published
- DWP’s new excuse for refusing to publish unaltered secret report
- Website upgrade
- DWP secret survey set to blame claimants for going cold and hungry
- Universal credit sanctions rocketing
- Legacy benefits £20 uplift case fails
- PIP renewal chaos
- Claiming PIP for adults with ADD/ADHD
- Has your DWP call been answered by a ‘human-like’ voice?
- Legacy benefits fight goes on
- DWP inhumanity traps claimant in intensive care unit
- DWP refuse to release draft secret disability benefits report
- DWP blocks potentially life-saving sanctions research
- PIP, DLA, ESA and UC appeals success rates all fall
- Almost one third of a million waiting for PIP assessment
- Terminal illness special rules to change for the better for ESA and UC
- DWP allegedly increasing pressure on sick and disabled ESA and UC claimants
- DWP confirms PIP awards will continue while waiting for planned review
- More positive changes for Scottish PIP claimants as ADP rolls out
- DWP hide falling PIP assessment success rates – but we publish them
- PIP assessments – 9 out of 10 are telephone or paper
- Which DWP number are you struggling to get through on?
- PIP payment calculator
- As cost of living crisis bites DWP refuses to release secret survey information
- How is the biggest real-terms cut in benefits for 50 years affecting you?
- Deaf and hearing impaired claimants have missed out on PIP points
- PIP assessment poll results - what do claimants prefer?
- Why are universal credit WCA statistics still secret, regulator asks
- PIP awards automatically extended by DWP software
- Blue badge misery for PIP review backlog claimants
- EHRC lets the DWP off the hook over claimant deaths
- 500,000 ESA claimants to be worse off under UC as managed migration begins
- Forced move to universal credit too dangerous to continue, charity warns
- First UC forced migration notices sent to claimants in Bolton and Medway
- Bank warns unfair UC deductions driving 2 million claimants into poverty
- EHRC statement will not stop PIP Long Covid awards
- DWP to get powers of arrest, search and seizure
- First forced UC migration claimants to be given additional time
- Record level of UC sanctions
- PIP review chaos spreads to other benefits, Motability cars, bus passes
- £1,200 extra support for many claimants
- UC claimants illegally forced to repay entire award by DWP
- Atos employ just 3 doctors to carry out PIP assessments
- PIP and UC appeal success rates hold steady, DLA and ESA fall
- Will help to take on a mortgage improve your life?
- Nurses, OTs, physios and pharmacists can issue fit notes from next month
- UK doctors with Long Covid denied PIP
- Nine secrets the DWP is desperate to keep
- First cost of living payments due from 14 July
- PIP mandatory reconsideration wins plummet, new claims small fall
- Mortgage help for claimants – poll results
- How hard is it to get medical evidence for your benefits claim?
- Big cash hit for first UC managed migration claimants
- Coffey stays silent on nine DWP secrets then adds another
- Should you use apps to produce evidence for benefits claims?
- New Benefits and Work Youtube videos
- Universal credit roll-out will double total crime rate
- Claimants in two more towns begin forced UC migration
- Coffey’s contempt for MPs over secret reports
- Medical evidence - readers top tips
- Assessment dirty tricks to be urgently investigated
- £150 cost of living payment to be paid to disability benefit claimants from 20 September
- ADP launch means no more ‘degrading functional examinations’ for Scottish claimants
- DWP refuses to contact over 100,000 ESA claimants owed compensation totalling many millions
- Automatic 12 month PIP extensions begin
- Coffey replaced by Smith at DWP
- Macmillan Cancer Support need your help with new PIP campaign
- Massive increase in PIP appeals as backlog soars
- DWP refuses to help claimants during cost of living crisis
- £1,000 cost per benefits appeal is a massive money saver for DWP
- DWP lie exposed - new evidence is not why they lose 7 in 10 PIP appeals
- Fewer than 4 in 10 PIP claims successful
- Forced ESA to UC transfer timetable
- £150 cost of living payments – vast majority to go out next week
- DWP officially confirms automatic 12 month PIP extensions
- Serious threat to benefits uprating
- Missing £150 payment report form
- Benefits threat – act now
- Second cost of living payment dates confirmed
- Jodey Whiting family win Court of Appeal battle
- Pay PIP Now campaign launched by MacMillan
- After 20 years, what are your memories of Benefits and Work?
- Universal credit WCA success rates – the secret is finally out
- Cover-up and incompetence mark ‘scary’ forced UC transition process
- 20 years of Benefits and Work – what you told us
- Four opposition parties call for inquiry into benefit deaths
- Will Sunak uprate benefits in line with inflation?
- New DWP secretary warned against benefits uprating cut
- 25 fold increase in PIP Long Covid awards, one in five getting maximum amount
- DWP call centres will cause life-threatening destitution
- Are PIP, DLA and AA to be means-tested?
- 8 month wait for PIP and UC appeals
- New DWP boss targets long-term sick and defends record UC sanctions
- Automatic 12 month extensions of PIP not happening yet
- PIP and DLA will not be means-tested, minister finally confirms
- Sign up for free ‘My UC Alerts’
- Benefits uprated by 10.1%, ESA to UC move delayed, more cost of living payments
- Second cost of living payment, have you had yours yet?
- Beware cruelty of UC system, warning by Disability News Service
- 2023 benefits rates revealed
- PIP payments missing today
- What do I call a Judge?
- Legacy benefits uplift case livestream hearing Wednesday
- PIP appeal numbers up by almost 120%
- Is your £10 Christmas bonus missing?
- DWP’s ICE overwhelmed by complaints
- UC sanctions ‘back with a vengeance’ MPs are warned
- £1,350 cost of living payments, 2023 timetable
- WCA may be scrapped or overhauled
- DWP’s unacceptable delay in reaching agreement to save lives
- Delays and confusion hit PIP and WCA assessment changes
- Legacy benefits appeal fails
- Jodey Whiting second inquest appeal to be livestreamed
- DWP implicated after claimant's body left undiscovered for three years
- If you can’t get through to the DWP on the phone, is this the solution?
- Delays for Scottish disability benefits, but some PIP claimants waiting years
- Who has helped with your benefits?
- Are Tory MPs less helpful to claimants?
- Making the mobility component fairer in Scotland
- Scottish claimants already better-off than English
- Alarming increase in PIP disqualifications
- DWP uses secrets and lies to unlawfully snatch back money from claimants
- UC sanctions hit almost 7% of claimants
- Over 400,000 PIP claimants should be protected from punishment for failing to return PIP form
- Revealed - the hardest and easiest conditions to claim PIP for
- Prepayment energy meters, are you due compensation?
- New sanction trap for UC claimants with £250 incentive for DWP staff
- Almost 7 in 10 new ESA claimants join support group
- Appeals backlog rises as success rates fall for all but PIP
- Chances of PIP success may be better than you think
- WCA to be abolished, claimants to be sanctioned by bots
- Spring budget and Health and Disability White Paper updates
- New sanctions regime a ‘massive attack on claimants’ says DWP staff union
- Jodey Whiting inquest appeal victory
- DWP secret sanctions and secret deaths reports to be released
- Why are people so worried about the abolition of the WCA?
- First 2023/24 cost of living payment date
- New terminal illness rules for PIP, DLA and AA
- Government denies bots will dish out UC sanctions
- Newly published secret report shows sanctions don’t work
- Existing PIP claimants may lose support group status as early as 2026
- DWP disability benefits fraud film disgrace
- Pay PIP claimants for late assessments, say MPs
- PIP points for over-eating
- DWP telephone disaster puts claimants at risk
- DWP needs to come clean about how many desperate callers they deliberately disconnect
- DWP work coaches: no qualifications, appointed without ever being met, interview questions supplied for under a tenner
- DWP plans to improve telephone services with AI virtual agents will take years to put in place
- Should you think of a PIP appeal as having three stages?
- Proposed WCA abolition update: no legal safeguards
- UC calls answered 24 times faster than PIP calls
- Dates for next £150 Disability Cost of Living Payment announced
- Over half a million UC claimants sanctioned in a year for not attending interview
- Atos wiped out in PIP bidding war
- Media hate campaign against support group claimants begins
- Why are so few claimants choosing broadband social tariff?
- DWP cut off almost one million callers to a single helpline in a month
- Almost half a million PIP helpline calls deliberately disconnected in April
- PIP v ADP success rates – the results, and a mystery, are in
- The truth is finally out about WCA outcomes for ESA and UC
- Average waiting time on PIP helpline rises to over 40 minutes
- Fall in appeal success rates for PIP, DLA, UC and ESA
- PIP telephone nightmare to continue until end of summer
- What are your chances of being forced to have a face-to-face PIP assessment?
- One in four PIP review forms not returned within deadline - how many are DWP's fault?
- With readers reporting huge monthly savings, why aren’t more switching to social tariff broadband?
- Report a missing Cost of Living payment
- PIP AR2 light touch review form, details and sample copy
- Have you used a commercial PIP appeals service?
- DWP spent over £700 million on disability benefits appeals in the last 10 years
- Pharmacists now do PIP assessments
- PIP review delay claimants missing out on £24 million a month
- Consultation on slashing support group launched by DWP
- Is this the person who will save the WCA?
- Take the Worst Case WCA test
- Free WCA consultation support for organisations
- Second 2023 cost of living payment dates
- More WCA reviews to be carried out, DWP warns
- Stride promises incentives for DWP heroes, firmer sanctions and human beings freed by work
- Staffing chaos makes mockery of WCA changes
- Little comfort for claimants from Labour conference
- Labour would scrap harsher WCA, DNS reports
- Atos wiped out as DWP reveal who will carry out your assessments from 2024
- WCA consultation, points to consider
- DWP considers powers of arrest, seizure and collecting information on where claimants spend money
- New pre-WCA employment interviews rolled out to 12 new areas
- Quarter of a million PIP claimants may still be owed thousands in back payments
- Over half a million UC claimants sanctioned in the last year
- Tougher sanctions target claimants cash, medication and access to justice
- One in seven UC migration claimants losing out
- Autumn statement live updates
- Work capability assessment (WCA) changes explained
- Has the DWP already stopped reassessing support group and LCWRA claimants?
- Almost 9 million claimant bank accounts to be put under continuous surveillance
- Benefits uprating amounts for 2024 to 2025
- Third Cost of Living Payment date published
- ESA with child tax credits claimants to begin forced migration to UC in 2024
- Reassessments for support group and LCWRA have not stopped
- Free AA case law training as appeal numbers skyrocket
- Number of PIP reviews increases by 68% as new claims continue to rise
- Post Office Horizon software originally aimed at claimants
- Scottish ADP success rates continue to fall
- Forcible entry for pre-payment meters returns
- Would you feel safe with a DWP ‘police force’?
- New claimants with mobilising issues will be largest group hit by WCA changes
- Updated ESA to UC migration materials
- DWP bank surveillance prompts three petitions and a letter to the Times
- Only one in a hundred PIP appeals won on new claimant evidence
- Government dismisses bank surveillance petition and ignores DWP blueprint for fraudsters
- PIP review statistics hide the truth about success and failure rates
- Mental health inpatients were ordered to attend work coach interviews
- 400,000 claimants to be migrated to UC in 2024-25
- DWP deny paying bonuses to fraud staff.
- DWP maintains harsh UC sanctions rate
- Jobcentres ordered to stop referring benefit claimants to food banks
- Fast-track Severe Disability Group criteria revealed, would you qualify?
- Could you become a tribunal panel member?
- Claimant bank accounts surveillance warning
- Shambolic Severe Disability Group assessment system revealed
- Members get from £5,000 to £12,000 backdated PIP awards.
- Seven in ten PIP appeals succeed, latest figures show
- 3.5 million claimants now getting PIP
- Stride derides ‘down and bluesy’ claimants as two thirds found to have LCWRA
- Still not too late to apply to be a tribunal panel member
- Member gets additional £5,000 on top of backdated PIP, as more payments trickle in
- Energy companies make mockery of prepayment meter compensation scheme
- DWP tests sharing PIP assessment reports before making a decision
- Have you used our guides to change other people’s lives?
- DWP carer cruelty proves they should never get police powers
- DWP’s own figures prove PIP decision making is a sham
- Mail and phone meltdown threatens PIP claimants legal rights
- DWP illegally breaching claimant confidentiality in seven out of ten jobcentres
- Tory plans: PIP no longer always cash, WCA harder to pass, UC migration sooner, no GP sick notes, DWP power to arrest and fine
- PIP changes 2024: Modernising Support Green Paper to be published today
- Replace PIP with a catalogue and decide whether food or medication is more important for disabled people - 2024 PIP changes Green Paper
- Fewer than 1 in 25 claims paid on time for child DLA, only half for PIP
- DWP to save £5 billion as claimants fail to migrate to UC
- DWP pockets £5 million in fines in dirty tricks war on unpaid carers
- ESA to UC migration to begin in September 2024
- Disabled claimant gets £50k compensation for work coach bullying
- Zero percent fraud rate for PIP, DWP figures show
- Half of migrated UC claimants have failed to make a claim
- DWP snatching back £251 million from carers as secret report finally published
- PIP changes and UC migration – how will the election affect them?
- DWP bank surveillance law dropped
- DWP to be investigated by EHRC
- NAO launches new investigation into Carer’s Allowance overpayments
- Some PIP claimants owed many thousands due to mobility error
- Guide to claiming carer’s allowance and challenging overpayments
- Liberal Democrats election manifesto: welfare benefits promises
- Conservative Party election manifesto: welfare benefits promises
- Green Party election manifesto: welfare benefits promises
- Labour Party election manifesto: welfare benefits promises
- Reform UK election manifesto: welfare benefits promises
- Would Labour be better than the Conservatives for disabled claimants?
- Record breaking quarter of a million PIP claims in three months
- Why are so many more people claiming PIP?
- PIP award review backlog could take ten years to clear
- Poll results - Would Labour be better than the Conservatives for disabled claimants?
- Post-election benefits updates
- The fate of Tory DWP secretaries of state
- Labour DWP ministerial team
- Time running out to challenge PIP vouchers as Labour stay silent
- King's speech 2024 updates
- Labour spins out PIP voucher anxiety as it looks at consultation responses
- Massive response to PIP vouchers Green Paper consultation
- Can you help inspire Labour MPs to fight benefits crackdown?
- Just £500 more needed to send every MP the truth about the deadly DWP
- One third of UC migration claimants fail to make a successful claim
- Claim attendance allowance online – but possibly only on a Monday
- ESA to UC migration – no sign of postponement
- Strong evidence ESA to UC migration is going ahead this year
- HAAS Health Assessment Advisory Service has taken over all PIP and WCA assessments
- Latest ESA and UC WCA statistics
- Audio record your WCA on your phone
- Record 3.5 million people now getting PIP, latest statistics show
- More PIP reviews but fewer assessments
- Your experience of Capita, Ingeus, Maximus and Serco assessments
- ESA to UC migration – your questions answered
- Labour adopts hated Tory bank surveillance and DWP search and seize powers
- ESA to UC managed migration has begun
- DWP now more likely to give in before an appeal hearing
- Managed migration – readers experiences
- DWP confirms “small numbers” of ESA managed migrations from September
- Damning DWP secret report on ESA claimants finally published after six years
- DWP oral questions - 31 old reports but not a word about PIP vouchers or UC migration
- Incapacity benefits claims to reach all time high
- Weight loss jabs for unemployed
- PIP vouchers proposal dead – at least for now
- Astonishing number go from PIP zero to double enhanced
- Mental health patients to get job coach visits
- DWP admits illegal demands being made of some UC migration claimants
- ‘Living allowance’ text and ‘UC App’ scams warnings
- PIP Enquiry Line unavailable today
- Minister denies saying work coaches would visit hospital wards
- Labour 2024 budget news
- Benefits uprating amounts for 2025 to 2026
- Managed migration update, more money to accelerate the move as failures continue
- ESA to UC mandatory migration FAQ update
- Successful ESA to UC managed migration guide for members
- PIP survey secrecy
- 63,000 ESA claimants to migrate to UC every month from February
- Over a quarter of UC migrations have failed so far
- Fall in UC sanctions, but still near record levels
- Huge PIP review waiting times due to DWP, not assessment providers
- White paper brings months more uncertainty for disabled claimants
- Is Labour planning to scrap the WCA?
- ESA migration fit note problem allegedly fixed
- How will the White Paper provisions affect disabled claimants?
- Britain’s Benefits Scandal, Channel 4's shame
- PIP survey secrecy grows
- DWP pursuing unpaid carers for quarter of a billion pounds
- Latest WCA statistics for ESA and UC
- Why are Labour defending Tory WCA con?
- DWP meltdown spreads to PIP MRs
- PIP vouchers “nonsense” says chair of work and pensions committee
- Latest PIP statistics show small fall in success rates
- Beware latest PIP AR1 review form
- Vital managed migration safeguard for disabled claimants
- DWP loses WCA changes High Court battle
- Labour says it will re-consult on WCA changes
- Lords Committee calls for benefits cuts
- DWP to get entry, search and seizure powers while banks forced to hunt for benefit frauds
- Grim climate of fear on both sides revealed by Citizens Advice work coach report
- Panicked chancellor to make early benefits statement
- Another High Court loss for DWP
- Rachel Reeves statement
- PIP consultation secrets revealed
- PIP and DLA claimants underpaid by over £1.6 billion because DWP phones aren’t answered
- Thousands of UC claimants entitled to £5,000 compensation
- DWP survey says 200,000 disabled claimants are work ready
- DWP upbeat about managed migration but resort to cheap tricks to avoid scrutiny
- Greater proportion of PIP face-to-face assessments planned
- DWP reveals how long claimants delay UC claim after getting migration letter
- A quarter of managed migrations end in no claim, but ESA success rate much higher
- UC sanctions hit record high
- UC mandatory migration guide for members update
- PIP awards by health condition and success rates
- Face-to-face WCAs have lowest success rate
- One thousand work coaches for disabled claimants
- PIP face-to-face assessments seriously reduce success rates
- Green Paper due tomorrow
- Liz Kendall speech
- DWP launches entirely bogus Green Paper consultation
- About