Hi all, with the much appreciated help of this site, both forum & guides i was awarded the lower rate of PIP mobility earlier this year. My health conditions are slowly but surely deteriorating & has recently been explained to me as a degenerate spinal condition. I now have issues in all 3 major sections of my spine & suspected Fibromyalgia (still waiting on appointments for this). My question is that as time passes & my condition worsens, how do I ask for a review of my condition? Do I just ring up? Will this trigger the whole process again? I desperately hope not. last time, I got 8 points on mobility & 6 points on daily living, not quite the required 8 points. At the time I was really happy with this as it entitled me toa blue badge & bus pass which has been a fantastic help. Sorry if this is covered somewhere in one of your guides but there is a lot of imformation out there & it's not that easy to find! Thanks in advance.