Listened to the budget today am pleased with what was said , at least no increase in electric and gas cap , I work a 16 hour part time employment and a top up of universal credit and I get standard pip
The rules for universal credit is 18 hours I’m just under as my hourly rate is more than the minimum wage next tax year , will I get forced to work more hours as have disability with arthritus hands and feet and do a four hour shift due to my feet as I have a fused joint in foot at the end of the shift I can’t move as in so much pain
I keep going as sick pay I would not be able to live on it , I have four years until I retire. Not good and worried all this is going to cause a lot of mental health problems for every one even the WLC is being abolished ….what are they trying to do force people on pip into work so it gets stop Some help and advice would be appreciated.
If you have not been assessed as having Limited Capability for Work then you are subject to the standard UC rules for working unless your Claimant Commitment limits your hours I would expect you to be asked to increase your hours.
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