Apologies if this has already been posted. I tried making a post but it hasn't appeared, perhaps because I've only just renewed my membership under a new name 'cos I couldn't remember my old details.
I'm having to make a claim for UC following splitting up with my ex. We were claiming tax credits and I was getting the disability element and the severe disability element as I am in receipt of PIP at higher rate for both care and mobility, awarded for an ongoing period, back in 2016 when I was asked to move from DLA lifetime award.
My query relates to, if I am not sending in sick notes because I am working part time, how do I get the UC people to assess me as I know that I cannot work any more than the limited hours that I do, nor can I take on any work related activities on top of what I already manage. The amount of work that I do (roughly 2 days per week) is literally all I can manage and this already puts a huge strain on me. I am also looking after my autistic adult daughter.
I am planning / hoping to get the UC people to recognise / agree that being found fit for WRLA will cause harm to me and my daughter. Should I get the doctor to write something on these lines to send with my UC application? The doctor seems to think that they will write to him if there is a query and they need to, but in the past with PIP / DLA and the brief time I was on ESA, I always tried to get evidence first. Nearly all my evidence would be quite old, relating to these previous applications, but my conditions are long term, without much likelihood of change (Complex CPTSA, Severe Asthma, Severe osteoarthritis of spine and knee, Meniere's Disease)
Many thanks for any help or suggestions you can give