Hi, new to this site.I won my appeal finally at a First -Tier Tribunal after a long stressful time of form filling and interviews.It was a nightmare.I now coming up to five years later have my telephone appointment for PIP assessment again.Nothing has changed as for as my medical issues are concerned and I will be the same for the rest of my life, no operation is possible.I have a large diffuse Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation .I was given 12 points for mobility as I can black out or have an epeleptic seizure at any time without warning.I am on anti seizure medication.The medication is to try to ease the seizures but the AVM just seems to bypass anything and once in a while I will wake up on the floor.I then can’t get up as I can't coordinate my limbs or have strength in them.Having a severely sore head and sleeping for a long time afterwards.I have my interview on the telephone in the morning as I don’t go out and I’m really stressed,worried and panicky about it all.I can’t believe I’m having all af this to go through again.I actually lost my house,job,car .I found out about my AVM whilst at work driving a bus when I blacked out without warning and it crashed.I just wondered if anyone else has had any issues with Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Pip claims before ? There are a lot of chats about epilepsy but not AVM .Most people haven’t heard of it.thanks