during investigations for CFS/ME and Fibromyalgia it has been identified that I have auto-immune disease and will now be on medication for life.
The CFS/ME symptoms are indicative of the auto-immune disease and the specialists have not ruled out me having full blown CFS/ME.
as you may know I am in WRAG and receive DLA LRC & LRM and am appealing all of these decisions as the condition I have makes forcing me to undertake training or searching for work detrimental to my physical and mental health. I also have difficulties with walking due to fatigue and failure of leg muscles as well as needing supervision whilst showering and outside the home, as well as needing a carer who is currently live in.
How do I go about telling the DWP? Is it simply a letter to the appeals people telling them what has been found and let them inform the DWP?
Do you reckon this will help me? It has been suggested that I may have had this condition for up to 2 years and this ties in with the fatigue problems I have had for 2 years.
If you wish to submit further evidence regarding an ongoing appeal, you should submit it to department handling with your appeal. Number all pages & include your NI number.
If its ESA it would be the DWP. In the case of DLA the DLA unit in Blackpool.
You should be aware than an award could be increased or decreased or reduced altogether.
As has been suggested before by a moderator, you may wish to consider getting face to face advice, with a Welfare Rights Officer, as we are not able to offer this, only information on how the B&W guides work and general advice.