hi again, i wrote a thread on here 6 weeks ago stating that i had been put in the support group, i had the varifing phone call telling me this, but had to wait for the letter of confirmation. i was not getting my hopes up yet until i recieved the letter as many people on this site have been told that they are in the support group and when they recieve their letter they are told that actualy they are in the wrag!!. today six weeks later and still no letter,so i rang my benefits office that deals with my claim, they have no details of my esa claim so would have to contact st helens for the info.they sent emails to st helens and 10 minuits later i get a phone call from a very lovely lady, its st helens, she tells me that my office have not sanctioned my case so if i had not wrang today i would still be waiting maybe anothe six month or more or until i contacted somebody. yes i am in the support group thankfully but i have now got to wait for someone else to ring me to let me know what is happening with my case, (will contact me within 3 days) i am told. it is so annoying especialy when people rely on their benefit. best regards darren
HI Darren, very frustrating had similar experience it will be back dated but thats not the point, i always deal with my head office in hastings never with local office, always works for me,team leader phones back with all details on screen ask for contact name as you have done and ask for written confirmation straight away as you have no money!coming in! works for others! why not us! all the best Rap