how to appeal esa.
- geordie
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- bro58
I attended a medical foe ESA. Got 0 points. I have heart problems, angina, diabettes and have been diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and interstitial lung disease after having one lung removed. I already receive DLA. I'm now afraid they will stop my DLA. How do I appeal this. Will my dr. help.Is there a step by step guide in appealing. Please help. George
Hi G,
As you are new to the forum, you may wish to read :
Welcome to Benefits and Work
There are links to relevant information on appealing and ESA in our FAQ's here :
In particular see our very recently updated ESA Appeals Guide,
Employment and Support Allowance appeals New January 2012
Which can be accessed here :
You will also need to gain a fit note from your G.P. to send in as well as the GL24 Form, you should then be entitled to the Assessment Rate of ESA whilst appealing.
On appealing, your case will first be automatically reconsidered by a different DWP Decision Maker, it is possible that the decision may be changed at that stage, if not it will be sent forward to the Appeals Service.
You only have 1 month to appeal from tha date of the letter that you have received informing you of the decision, you should use a GL24 Form which can be downloaded from the link on this page :
How to submit an appeal
After reading the information from the links above, if you have any further general questions. please return to the forum.
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- bro58
Qualifying for the WRAG
Qualifying for the Support Group
ESA medical – what forms to ask for?
ESA Forms
The above links take you to relevant pages in our FAQ's, which are located in the Spotlights Area above the Forum, as I have previously stated there is some very useful information there, and it is well worth checking at regular intervals, as they are updated.
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- geordie
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- bro58
I already had attended an ESA medical in May 2011 and was put on support group. then i was asked to attend one in December when i received 0 points. I'm confused and beginning to feel victimised.
Hi G,
I'm afraid that no matter what group of ESA, (Support Group or WRAG) a claimant is placed in, they will be subject to regular reviews/reassesments.
There is no exemption, such as there was with IB, in being classed as PCA exempt, nor are there any indefinate awards, as with DLA.
The only way to be sure of the length of any award of ESA, is to request copy of the relevant ESA reports, after being assessed, and receiving notification of the decision.
That would be an ESA85 if a face to face assessment took place, or an ESA85A if no face to face took place.
Or there could be an LT54, if an award was made on reconsideration or appeal.
Within these reports will be the (prognosis) the recommended length of award, before review.
Please see :
How often will I be reviewed
ESA medical – what forms to ask for?
ESA Forms
All available in our FAQ's in the Spotlight Area, above the forum.
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- geordie
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