Hi, i have been in the support group for over a year now , back problems and bladder cancer, now incontinent urinary ( male )etc have been called in for reasessment medical in next few weeks , call me a cynic but if they down grade me to wrag or worse jsa ,when i appeal do i still get support level of money while it goes on! many thanks.
Hi, i have been in the support group for over a year now , back problems and bladder cancer, now incontinent urinary ( male )etc have been called in for reasessment medical in next few weeks , call me a cynic but if they down grade me to wrag or worse jsa ,when i appeal do i still get support level of money while it goes on! many thanks.
Hi R,
If you were placed in the WRAG, and appealed that decision to be placed in the SG.
You would receive the WRAG rate of ESA whilst appealling.