samantha wrote: Hi all i am in receipt of E.S.A support group and i am just wondering when my career has to stay as some days i am unable to get out of bed and need their help and help during the night.My question is are careers allowed to stay so many nights before it effects my benefit or do i need to tell them every time they stay sorry if i have posted wrong.
Are you receiving Contribution Based ESA or Income Related ESA?
If the former, then it doesn't matter, as the claim is in your name only and the DWP take no account of a "partner".
If ESA(IR), then I would have thought you could head-off any issues by informing the DWP of the arrangement in advance. Your local CAB or Welfare Rights office should be able to help you phrase a suitable letter. It will help if you are in receipt of DLA MRC or HRC as this will confirm the need for a Carer.