flowergirl wrote: I won my appeal two weeks ago. Do I stay in support group?the orignal decison to be put in WRAG was made last year andthe move to support group goes back to this date. Iam still being paid wrag rate? if i get paid support rate from now on, Is it backdated. Also will i finally be left alone or reiewed? and do i still need to send in sick notes. will i stay in support group?
You did not say whether your ESA claim was a new claim or on migration from Incapacity Benefit.
However, you should be back paid any ESA Support Group addition over what you have been receiving from the original WRAG decision date (or week 14 in the case of a new ESA claim).
As to when you will be reviewed, how long is a piece of string - It could be when your original WRAG award was due for review or it maybe later. Please see:
How often will I be reviewed It maybe worth asking for current copies of your paperwork as this should contain your prognosis date (ie when it is expected you are due to be reviewed).
ESA medical – what forms to ask for? Well done on winning your tribunal anyway