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Contact Form

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Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information:

To save you time, please use the Technical Help contact form if you have a technical problem with the site, such as a problem with subscribing, logging in or downloading a guide.

If you want to contact us for another reason, such as to give feedback, share information or ask about training, then please use this form.

Please note: we are a publishing company, not the DWP or an advice agency.

Please don't send us claim forms, bank statements, proof of identity, medical evidence or anything else connected to a benefits claim or appeal.

These are some of the contact details you may find helpful:

PIP existing claim,   PIP and WCA assessment companies,  UC telephone claims, UC Help To Claim,  UC existing claimsESA new and existing claims.

Because of the huge number of calls we receive from people needing advice or thinking we are a government agency, we are no longer contactable by telephone.

Company information

Benefits and Work Publishing Ltd.
Registered office: 8-10 Queen Street, Seaton, Devon EX12 2NY
Country of registration: United Kingdom
Company Registration No. 05962666
VAT Registration Number: 931571333