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New application for PIP ( risk losing motability )

7 years 10 months ago #165227 by Gordon

Remember, you have to do the PIP activities reliably and on the majority of days not to score points so think about how you cannot do things reliably and why and think about the time you cannot do them and why.

Try and think about how one problems spans multiple PIP activities, you are more likely to score points if you put forward a consistent view of your disabilities.


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7 years 9 months ago #166026 by worrywart
Afternoon all - I have my PIP face to face tomorrow at home, I'm dreading it. I don't thnk it's cut and dried as my conditions are numerous - yet I look well and I find this influences people. For example my consultant says whilst my body is coping with this, he wnt operate. My main problem is complications that arose from a perforated bowel - I have abdominal fistula which means I have 4 holes in my stomach and I wear two bags, I am also prone to infections and my bladder has been damaged, I am suffering from anxiety depression and PTSD. Is it ok if I write these things down using ne of your templates for the face to face or should I have sent that with the app. I just know I will forget to say things and I think written prompts would help me but would this go against me in any way.
Thank you

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7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #166042 by slugsta
Hi WW,

Are you saying that you have information you did not include in the PIP2 form? If so, you should ask the assessor to look at it before s/he starts.

There is an assumption that the claimant will know how their illness affects them without needing to resort to notes. If you do need to refer to reminders, you should explain why - just tell them what you have told us.

I hope the assessment goes smoothly and the person doing it is one of the many who are fair and professional.

Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by slugsta.

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7 years 9 months ago #166121 by worrywart
Thanks for reply - I did send all info with the original form Mrs.H, it's just I forget things and wanted something to prompt me.

Anyway all academic - the appointment was at home for 9am - they cancelled at 8.55. Annoying. Feel so fed up with it all, it's bad enough having a damaged bowel without this worry.

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7 years 9 months ago - 7 years 9 months ago #166144 by slugsta
I'm afraid this is quite a common occurrence :(

You might find this helpful


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Last edit: 7 years 9 months ago by slugsta.

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7 years 9 months ago #166658 by worrywart
Well had assessment - she was half hour late but at least it went ahead, she was very thorough and spent a lot of time on my medical history back to 1986! By the time we got to the actual questions I felt it was a bit rushed, she was nice enough and was here almost 3 hours, she had a laptop and typed constantly. She made me do some musco skeletal tests, some of which I refused.
I'm just not sure how it went to be honest,
Can they film the assessments, I just have this feeling it was filmed - not that that makes any difference to me but be interested to know.
I will let you know the outcome but they have said 4-6 weeks .

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