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Help please re DLA to PIP letter I just received!!

7 years 8 months ago #171015 by cuchillo

I have been on Higher Rate Mobility(DLA) indefinitely since mid 1990's. I got a brown envelope letter last week saying my DLA would be ending and if I wanted to claim PIP I needed to call a number by 25 October 2016!!!!! I will be 59 in January. I am scared to even make the phone call

I haven't slept since the envelope came. I have read that the mobility part of PIP now asks are you able to walk 20yards/metres instead of the previous DLA question based on 50yards/metres. Just based on that question I feel I have no chance and will lose my Motability Car and will have to resign from my job in Manchester as I use the Motability car as part of my commute!!!!!

I have arthritis in most joints(had two hips replaced) but still difficult and painful along with knee and foot and back problems. I have genetic ischemic heart disease, clinical depression and cirrhosis of the liver also. My wife helps me dress in evenings/mornings as I cannot bend to put on socks, underwear, trousers.

I am too nervous, stressed and anxious to make the call even and if I don't call by Wednesday 19/10/2016(as we going on holiday abroad on the 20th), the deadline of 25/10/2016 will have gone while we in Malta on holiday>

Can anyone give me any advice/courage/guidance to make the call and what to expect etc, as I will be shaking so much and don't think I will even be able to speak!!! My wife is from the Philippines so she cannot make the call as her English is quite basic still.

Also my cirrhosis was misdiagnosed two years ago and GP deleted my consultation notes then retired to Pakistan so my long months of complaint came to nothing. And left me not trusting GP's anymore. I am between GP's again now and just registering with a new surgery today. So feel I will not get any support as not had a trustworthy GP for many years.

Anyway, please please can anyone consider explaining to me calmly and clearly what will happen if I manage to find the strength and courage to pick up the phone and call the PIP cliaim number in the next few days and what I need to know and say if I do phone!!!!

I am so frightened and ill and scared of losing my job because of this.

Thank You For Listening


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7 years 8 months ago #171045 by Gordon

We did discuss this last week


To be blunt, if you don't make the call then your DLA claim will be closed anyway, so there really isn't any choice in this.

If you have a look at the PIP Claim guide then it explains the process and the questions you will be asked on the call. The guide is on the following link


When you make the call you need to inform them that you are going away, you don't say how long you will be away for, but you need them to take account of this in setting a return date for the claim form.


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7 years 8 months ago #171055 by sha1971
as gordon says you must ring them if you dont claim wil justl end , read the members pip guides it gives you a step by step guide on what will happen on phone when claiming for pip , also most important get down that doctors , as you havent got long to get supporting evidence i would request all my medical records which i think costs about £50 from doctors , make an appointment now with doctor asap , tell them your willing to pay for a medical report or supporting letter , just saying your willing to pay they might say oh it wont cost anything , the dwp are not the niceest to talk to but when you ring up they just want to know the basics your ni number date of birth address telephone number , name address of doctors etc it all says it in pip guides . you can do this and its not the most plesant of things to do, but dont give up before you start because thats why theve made it nerve racking for you to give up before the first hurdle and hope you will just go away. be strong you can do it , from shaz
The following user(s) said Thank You: Maggie, helenw

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7 years 7 months ago #171092 by Maggie
This is horrible, I felt the same. Phone on the 19th- look at the guide- mostly name, bank details & brief question about your disability, takes 25mins or so. You may have to wait on hold for 20mins or more-free phone call. Breathe & have sips of water. Ask for the person's full name. Write down the details afterwards-theres a form in the guide.

They then send the PIP2 form:how your disability affects you. If you phone on the 19th, they are likely to want the form back by Nov 19th! BUT you can ring & get at least a 2 week extension. I suggest you download the PIP2 form from the GOV/UK website today so you have an idea of what is needed:its not as bad as the ESA form?

Regards Dr's records: try to get copies of your GP & consultant records if you possibly can. Otherwise try the old DLA evidence. Your records will be at your old GP so try to get an appointment there. You could send in a letter from your wife & employer. If you can afford it you could try a private physiotherapist's report.

Use the guides slowly step by step- Gordon also gives fantastic advice. I find I am hysterical for 3-4 days with the shock of it all, then a bit better. Have a look at the success stories to give you hope. Age UK can provide advocacy & help if you are over 50, might be able to phone for you if you are quick.

Hope this helps: don't let these EVIL people break you: they want you to be frightened & fear the worse. Anyone with a disability is used to fighting problems-stay strong. Susie
The following user(s) said Thank You: Maggie, helenw, sha1971

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