Hi Caroline,
Well done for getting ready to fight on!
The first thing you need to do, unless you already have it, is to ask the DWP for a copy of the assessor’s report (PA4), this is the document which the assessor wrote, on which the decision maker made their decision.
You also need to read our guide about how do go about doing a MR.
PIP resources Scroll down to PIP APPEALS.
I think everyone has slightly different ways of writing the MR submission, but the important thing is to go through the PA4 and for each descriptor say what you agree with you and what you disagree with. When you are doing this have a copy of the descriptors open, so you know what earns you points and what does not.
Basically the MR is a letter to the DWP saying what you think they got wrong and why.
Hope that helps, and please do come back to us if you have any more questions,