Hi Jenny
Welcome to the forum, you might want to have a look at the following FAQ which explains where everything is
Welcome to Benefits and Work In case you are not aware, your real name appears to be showing in the forum, if you want to change this then follow the instructions in the following FAQ
My full name is showing, how can I stop it?
Forgive me, but it's not clear whether you have yet transitioned from DLA to PIP.
If you are being moved across without having to fill out any forms - whatever you are awarded stands, although you can put in for a mandatory reconsideration if you disagree with the award. Once the transition has happened you cannot go back to DLA.
If you already have an award for PIP mobility and it is only the standard rate you can put in for a mandatory reconsideration within one month of the decision letter and ask them to review your award stating that you think you should be awarded high rate mobility. If they don't agree your award will stay at whatever you have previously been awarded.