Hi Paul
Have a look at our latest WCA guide: Our ESA/UC Claim guide has a section on the questions you are likely to be asked during the call, look at page 116 onwards.
www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/help-for-claimants/esa1 - Write yourself a bullet point list of any particular points you want to get over, so you have it by you during the assessment, tick them as you cover them during the assessment.
- have paper and pens to hand to make any notes such as the assessors name, date, time
- make sure you are seated in a comfortable chair, you are going to be there a while and at table to make notes
- if you can't hear or understand what is being asked then ask them to repeat the question
- don’t let the assessor rush you and get you flustered.
- don't forget to have a glass of water if needed so you don't get a dry throat and lose your voice!
Unlike a PIP assessment where you can ask for a copy of the assessors report within 48 hrs of the assessment, with a WCA you have to wait until you have a decision before you can request a copy of the assessors report.
Let us know how you get on.