I have already notified the UC that even though I qualify for the carers element of the UC, I do not wish to claim it as I do not want to adversely affect the cared for benefits, quoting the following:
Example 2
Kath has claimed UC. She is the carer for her elderly father who is in receipt of AA. Although Kath is caring for her father for at least 35 hours a week, she has not claimed CA and does not want to. With regards to her award of UC, Kath is placed in the no work-related requirements group and this means that work-related requirements cannot be imposed on her.
J2055 Where the claimant
1. has caring responsibilities for one or more severely disabled persons for at least 35 hours a week and
2. does not satisfy the conditions of entitlement to CA and it would be unreasonable for the claimant to comply with a
2.1 work search requirement including a limited requirement and
2.2 work availability requirement including a limited requirement then work-related requirements cannot be imposed on them1.
1 UC Regs, reg 89(1)(b
assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/governm...le/1012496/admj2.pdf, page 11