I am helping my brother with his PIP application. He has a physical disability that causes him pain when he walks and he gets out of breath and fatigued very easily because of his physical disability. It is also dangerous for him to walk out alone because he could suffer seriuos injury if he had a fall.
My question is does he need to focus on how far he can walk or does he also need to focus on how long it takes him to walk that distance. What are the HCP and Descision makers looking for when assesing that activity.
Thank you kindly in advance for your assistance. Waxwing
Your brother needs to concentrate on the difficulties that he has with walking. Is he slower than someone without his difficulties - are there any safety and reliability issues? - (which clearly there are).
Have a look at the advice in the guide about reliability and safety. (This is on page 16 of the old guide) and then more on page 75. Make it clear as you have done here about his need for assistance.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems