Hi robby
When you reach state pension age you will be classed as a mixed age couple, I would advise you to seek help from your local welfare rights organisation who will be able to take all your circumstances into consideration when giving you and your wife advice. You can find your local Welfare Rights Organisation to help you with advice by clicking on the link below and putting in your post code, it will then come up with a MAP with a list of agencies.
advicelocal.uk There will be a number of changes for both of you, you will not get your new State Pension automatically - you have to claim it. You should get a letter no later than 2 months before you reach State Pension age, telling you what to do.
If you have not received an invitation letter, but you are within 4 months of reaching your State Pension age you can still make a claim.
www.gov.uk/new-state-pension/how-to-claim Gary