Hi I am so upset and confused. The LEAP letter arrived last week for my daughter and yesterday I had a phone call regarding the Leap PIP letter
I wasn't told that the phone call was an actual review until the end of the call
PIP had already made their minds up before the LEAP letter arrived that there would be no change to my daughter’s PIP mobility award. I live in Scotland so I think our letters are late in coming out? I am so distressed and upset esp. at the way I was spoken to and because I was not told that the phone call was the review.
Is there anyone I can talk to over the phone about this as I am not very good at expressing myself in writing and my daughter’s case is hard to explain in writing?
I hope someone can help as I feel so lost and confused. I have mental health issues and I suffer from MS so I get overwhelmed easily Excuse any typos and spelling mistakes Thank you