I replied earlier to a post regarding PIP 10 year ongoing awards, and this is my experience regarding them.
How these ongoing PIP awards work is.
1, Your condition(s) disability are so severe/chronic that you will hardly be ever be able to cope, or manage that well. Lots of proof needed regarding how you cannot function.
2, Also it's down to your age, that's also fractured in, when is was 57 in 2017 I got a PIP ongoing light touch at the 10 year. (light touch) what does this really mean? Regulations was supposed to have been published in 2018? But now stated 2023 for them to be drawn up, I don't believe that it will be a light touch, but more bull ache like an AR1 form. Will see?
3, if you are at, or pension age? but yes there's a BUT. If you condition(s) disability are NOT so severe/chronic you'll get a lower award of say 5 year's, if the DWP believe there's a chance of any change?
I read all the legislation on this inside out. What the DWPs thinking at that time Amber Rudd was Minister, it was those over 57 and their Conditions/disability wasn't ever going to improve, or got worse they would get a ongoing award for PIP, I was on indef DLA and moved to PIP luckily I didn't need a face to face assessment I had some very helpful medical people, team that got mine sorted.
Another thing to note the DWP was originally only given ongoing awards to enhance and enhance of both parts of PIP? But I've seen claimants on standard awards getting ongoing awards now, I believe personally this was changed to save money giving standard awards in the long run it saves people appealing the decision because there happy they've got a ongoing award?
Hope this is helpful
I was formely known as (GoingOffMyHeadWithThisGovernment) Won PIP November 2017 ongoing award HR both. Now kept and got my ESA Support group but took a while.