Hi everyone I sent the DWP the formatted letter that you had on this website with regards to the leap payment, two weeks later I phoned them to see what was happening and was kept on hold for 35 mins the operator said they haven't got anything about this letter, then I said well it was recorded delivery and one of your staff signed for it, she then said oh let look again and then found my letter ?, She was going to put it forward the letter to the right department, A week later I got the brown envelope which said due to I had an appeal in 2019 that put my motability up to the higher rate I couldn't get the back payment from 2016 is right. So I phone them again 15 mins later I said to the operator about this letter I received from them but I said what about from 2016 to 2019 when my appeal was put up this got the man this time tongue tied and confused so he said that a case manager will phone me in the next 5 weeks what a joke so now I've got to wait until the 5 weeks is up before I can contact them.