Hi everyone received another letter from the DWP not a phone call in the five week time scale that they gave me in regards to the leap payment. The letter said we cannot look at PIP claims where a decision was made at an appeal tribunal and therefore the upper ruling of MM vs DWP could not be considered. Unfortunately, we also cannot consider the MH vs DWP tribunal judgements. Where previous decisions were made by a first tier tribunal the department does not have any legals powers to override tribunal decisions, We are unable to review these cases as part of this exercise.
But my appeal tribunal was 2019 for mobility to be increased to higher rate where i was successful but what about before 2019 to 2016 i was on the lower rate, can anyone put any light onto this subject at all, Does having an appeal just cancel all those years from 2016 to 2019 or is this just the DWP trying to fob me off.