Hi I’ve had a difficult time with claiming New style ESA. Have only just been paid within the last month even though I applied last March. Had a back payment of 11 months worth paid to me recently.I had a work capability assessment in November and have only heard today that I only score 12 points so benefit will stop tomorrow. There’s no point doing a MC or appeal cause I won’t get into Support group and benefit will stop anyway cause it will be a year since claiming soon anyway. What I want to know is will they ask for a refund of the monies paid?
When you claimed NS ESA you would have been placed in the assessment phase whilst completing your WCA therefore there would have been no overpayment.
You need to get a copy of your assessors report called a UC 85 to see how they awarded you the points. You may want to apply for a MR, also check our guide to see if you might qualify for LCWRA group; help-for-claimants/esa1
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