I have just appealed to tribunal over my PIP claim.
The DWP have responded saying why they turned down my claim but they have mainly referred to what I said to an assessor when I put in an earlier claim for ESA that was also rejected. They used the term “another claim for UC” to describe my ESA claim. Are the DWP allowed to do this because my appeal was based around the reasons they gave me for turning down my PIP claim?
Your post does not make any sense to me, I would advise you to seek help from your local Welfare Rights Organisation who will be able to advise you. You can find your local Welfare Rights Organisation to help you with advice by clicking on the link below and putting in your post code, it will then come up with a MAP with a list of agencies. advicelocal.uk
Pip descriptors on the whole is different from WCA descriptors.
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