My Tourettes is very bad at time. I get such bad anxiety about actually ticking in public that i rarely go out and mix socially, or even get public transport. Sometimes i cant even communicate due to ticks. I have full time job and I drive to work to avoid any anxiety on the walk to work as i have been know to swing my arms out and hit other people on the path. My tourettes has also landed me in confrontations where people think i am trying to cause offence, a few of which has ended up in me being physically harmed. I was wondering what evidence would be good to submit for this as is a complex issues, i am going to be attending a drs appointment next week to see what i can get from them. Was also worry about the driving as i have heard many applicants who have been turned away due to having a driving licence. I was going to apply this time last year but gave up after seeing this but now decideding if it is worth to give it another go. Thanks in advance. Roona