Hi Benefits and work. Please advise . I had asked before and was told that I need to ask for a PA3 FORM as I wanted to know what has been going on, I have been awarded my PIP on going at higher rate so I am very thankful with the support from Benefits and work. This was after the MR failed then there was a paper appeal which I won. when I called the DWP I was told for the information I wanted it was a PA4 FORM, on receiving it, it seems that the notes are from the first MR appeal, I am very confused and as I am so pleased with the outcome for future evidence I wasn't sure if I should have a more detailed report?
To answer your post we would need to know what type of assessment you had initially, was it a telephone/face to face assessment or was the assessment carried out using what information you had sent in.
The first type of assessment is called a PA4 whereas the second type of assesment is called a PA3.
You are confusing a paper appeal with an assessment, you need to ask for a copy of the assessors report, it is usually about 22 pages long (PA4) but this can vary.
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