Hi Dave
Welcome to the forum.
Please go into your records and change your forum name. At the moment your email address is showing and this is open for anyone to see on the internet.
Follow the link on how to do this
benefitsandwork.co.uk/guides-for-claimants/faq/forum Thinking about your post, I would assume that 7 years ago you were in receipt of both CB ESA with a top up of IR ESA. When you inherited some money, I assume it was over £16k then the IR ESA would have stopped as it is means tested but the CB ESA would continue.
Once you savings go under £16k then you can re-apply again, as your initial claim had stopped you would now have to apply for UC going forward to claim help towards your rent.
Your CB ESA can carry on but will be taken into account when you claim UC £ for £.
You need to seek advice from your local Welfare Rights Organisation:
advicelocal.uk Gary