So as the question above states. I'm about 7 weeks into my first UC claim. I work for NHS, I've been off sick since last March and my pay stopped this March. It was then that I applied for UC.
I have provided them with fit notes covering the entire period and the first work coach I had turned off commitments as I have a job and am not fit for work anyway.
As of last week I appear to have been assigned a new work coach, so for some reason, had to go through another 30 minute call being asked all the same questions last week, as I was in my first interview. Only when she called today, she's now saying she doesn't think it sounds right that I don't have to do work searches and can't be offered work, despite me already having a job and providing them with notes from my GP to say I am not fit for work. If I'm not fit for my current job, why would I be fit for jobs other than my own one?
Can they actually ask me to look for work, even though I have a job but I am currently not fit enough to do that job? This seems bizarre and, if that's the case, I'll happily withdraw my claim. I don't need this amount of hassle.