Does anybody have an email address for PIP? I submitted my review for using Post Office collections Services. This was over 3 months ago. I have not heard anything from them yet and I have a condition that makes telephone calls, almost impossible. I included the evidence from Capata (my medical) with a note saying that I believe this is the best evidence. nobody can go against their own evidence! if you feel it will help then include it. In my case, I feel they underestimated my abilities but hopefully they will, on assessment, get it right
The government says: Email options available for disabled people DWP offers email communication as a reasonable adjustment to disabled customers who require it.
Disabled customers who think they would benefit from email communication should contact us using the details on the last communication they received from us, or let us know when they next get in touch.
We’ll work with the customer to find out whether email is the most suitable means of communication. If it is, we’ll let them know how we’ll set it up for them."