Hi received mandatory reconsideration decision which I still disagree with. Had a face to face with my gp and took copy along he read it and pointed out that there were things they said he filled out but he has said he did not say these things what do I do now. He has said I should appeal do not know where to start and time is running out for the 1 month appeal time as I wsauted 21/2 wks for gp telephone call. Thankyou
We have a guide that explains the process. It is the 36-page Guide to PIP appeals. benefitsandwork.co.uk/guides-for-claimants/pip (scroll down the page). You can either fill in a form and send in your appeal or fill in an appeal online. The information starts on page 9. If you do it online - you won't miss the deadline. Don't worry if you don't have all the information you want immediately, you can always add information after you have lodged the appeal.
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