My UC august payment was sanctioned £200 (two thirds of the full amount) because I failed to attend an appointment.
I have a justified reason for missing appointment And so I asked for Mandatory reconsideration on aug. But I didn’t get a response. Then my September payment was sanctioned 100% (£340) and they haven’t replied to my messages online in journal , and they haven’t booked me a new appointment since the one i missed in july. So I’ve had £104 income in two months in total.
this next bit is unrelated to the sanctions, but about health pathway.. I applied for the health pathway over a year ago because of severe mental health issues and they kept not attending the health assessment appointments like they just forgot about them, then when I called in wondering what had happened they would send me a new appointment , I was always there on time waiting, and then they’d be no call, this happened a few times and then they just gave up rebooking them.