A compliance interview was conducted with the DWP with someone who has a severe alcohol dependency, despite indicating to the DWP he was not capable of taking part due to severe alcohol dependency. Subsequently, his EAS has been suspended from 24th September indicating he has no right to appeal until further notice. Advocacy services indicated because it was benefit related they could not support him around the interview. Now that it has progressed, what rights does he have for representation and how should he progress? He lives alone and is not capable of taking this forward on his own. Does he have the right to independent advocacy? He lives in England. What are his rights? I support him at a distance in Scotland.
It is not an area where I have any experience, members on the forum may be able to help or a local Welfare Rights Organisation close to where your friend lives; advicelocal.uk
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems