Do I have to tell DWP that I had a total Knee Replacement in May 2022, in hospital 9 days. I still have chronic pain from my leg as I have previously had 3 operations on this leg and this has left me with nerve pain. Since my PIP was granted I have been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, over active bladder and oedema Which has caused other problems I.e shortness of breath.
My husband thinks I need to tell DWP. I don’t as the surgery has made no difference to my pain. As I’m now of pension age I really do not want to have the stress of a review. Thank you in advance.
Unless your condition has improved, then you do not have to inform the DWP of any hospital treatment. If you are hospitalised for four weeks or more then you will need to inform PIP, your claim will stop, when you come out of hospital your claim will restart.
If your condition has deteriorated and you do not inform DWP of a change in your circumstances, you will loose any benefit increase entitlement as a change of circumstances is from when you notify DWP.
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