I know my PIP review will be done in March but I haven’t got a seizure diary for my non-epileptic attacks. I was told I didn’t need to do one for PIP originally and I was awarded. I have just been on my neuropsychiatry course to understand why they happen and what kind of triggers and episodes look like.
The reason I haven’t done a diary is for the large part of the year I have had severe depression and anxiety and have been self harming. I also have ADHD and my ability to organise myself is completely rubbish.
The first question I would ask is how often do you have a non-epileptic attacks.
If you have non-epileptic attacks, how frequent are the attacks. If you have frequent attacks keep a day diary for a week/month just to give a example of how you are during this period, if you selfharm then also record this.
You need to paint an accurate picture of how you are on a day to day basis warts and all. Remember the assessor does not know you and can only go by what they read.
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