I applied for pip and had my telephone assessment on last week. I have now got my pa4 which suggest I will only get 2 points.
as evidence I gave a private medical letter . I was on meds for adhd but had to stop as it gave me side effexts(major headaches)
So this is what they wrote as main reason for objection
“with the overall evidence at the time of the assessment. HOC reports diagnosed anxiety and ADHD, he does not have any prescribed medications and has no outstanding referrals for specialist input. SOH reports he has motivation to work 35 hours a week, he goes out with his family, he will walk “
I don’t have prescribed meds which makes my condition worse. As it gives me side effects.
No outstanding referral for specialist input? I went privately(work paid). Adhd is a life long condition, not sure what a go referral would achieve
I said I go out but most of the time (90% of time) I can’t sue to anxiety.
Should I put my case to the pop team quickly before a decision? Or should I wait for a decision and wait for Mr?
You should certainly consider it and explain why you are unable to take any ADHD medicine but I would also spend time looking at the more general comments on why you did not score, even if your reasons for the lack of medication are accepted have you actually explained your problems in completing the PIP activities in a way that would lead to your scoring points.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems