Advice please on *downloading* the Guide to claiming PIP, as I do *not* have a laptop.
I have a smartphone, an android 'Motorola G8 Power' mobile phone, with a 6.4 inch screen. It is 2-3 yrs old.
My mobile storage says 30.57 GB, of 64 GB used (48% of my storage used) I do very regularly clear the cache and cookies to keep it running as smoothly and as fast as possible.
Question: what is the *file size* of the PIP Guide download please? (I can see for example that BBC Sounds on my mobile takes 85 MB of memory, ditto two others similarly approx 80 MB)
Question: Would the download be sent to my email? .. with a link from which I can download it into my 'Downloads' file? .. is this correct?
I do have fast broadband - so my phone clicks into pages quickly on any website I want to read from.
And I have very few apps on my phone, as I prefer to keep it working well and fast.
I'd appreciate any knowledge and thoughts on these technicalities.
I have a paper PIP form to fill in and return, I just want to be able to download the PIP Guide somewhere so that I can read it.
In short .. is it ok to download the PIP Guide onto my mobile, to read? Or might I need to buy a laptop?