I have been awarded PIP and I was reading one of the PDFs in the members section about how being awarded PIP can make you eligible for other benefits.
It says that I could get more Housing Benefit (mine currently does not cover the rent)
"You can find out if you are eligible for more Housing Benefit by reporting the award of PIP to your local authority. They will need to see your PIP award letter as proof of the award. They will then recalculate your Housing Benefit adding an extra amount to the calculation called a ‘Disability Premium’."
My housing benefit is part of Universal Credit.
I'm confused about whether this means I could get an increase or not? Universal Credit has given no indication that I could get an increase (apart from LCWRA which I have an interview for this week.) I don't deal with my local housing authority for housing benefit.
Can anyone please help an exhausted, brain-fogged person figure this out?