Got the dreaded PIP form yesterday 02 May & it was dated 13 April, they want it back before 13 May! My PIP doesn't end until March 2024 when a review is needed. Good job I kept their old letter from 2021 saying this. I'm deaf & can't hear on ANY phones so my partner rung them & he waited over 50 minutes before getting through. Advisor said they sending forms out now for you to fill in, ready for next year reviews. But if it's important & could help you get the award, then how can they know when you no longer have the form?!? Being a full time unpaid carer for my partner, this has put enormous pressure on me as I have no new supporting evidence to send in with the form.
Review forms are typically sent out a year before the award end date - so you have received it in the time frame that you would have expected if yours is due to end next March 24.
Get your partner to ring the DWP again and ask for an extension. You will be given a further two weeks. If you find you need a second extension ring in plenty of time and request one. They have been giving out second extensions, but it's not a given and you don't want to leave it until the last moment.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems