D is 20 and autistic. Through her EHCP she receives ten hours per week of support worker input to teach life and independence skills and accessing the community as well as weekly speech and occupational therapy. I filled in UC50 a couple of months ago detailing these weekly demands. D wouldn't manage any of the job search activities or a job and so far DWP have been great and not asked her to do anything. Do assessors take into account medical therapies and support worker input when assessing WCA? The therapies and support worker would be a priority regardless, as her appointee would I be able to close the claim if she was found capable for work?
Those assessing her can only consider matters in regard to the UC Descriptors.
Whilst it might sound bizarre they are not looking at her ability to work or matters that might get in the way of her doing so, they are looking to see whether she scores enough points to be found to have Limited Capability for Work or whether she meets at least one of the LCWRA Descriptors, whether she is then asked to seek work derives from the result of this.
Her attending these sessions would be evidence in regard to her meeting a number of the UC Activities, I hope you have included this on the UC50 you completed.
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