If you get a letter to change over to uc from legacy benefits will that be a form to fill or online? Discretionary Housing Payment will that still be available as a Top up for the rent difference if struggling to pay full rent or will that stop under UC? Thanks
You can make a claim for UC over the phone or online, at this time you will complete a "form" with your details, there is no paper version.
DHP is a Local Authority provisioned benefit, there should be no reason why your payments should stop but it is possible they will use this as an opportunity to reassess what you get.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
It’s so worrying with not only the Pip changes they are thinking of making but also the Legacy benefits to change to UC from Sept 2024 onwards. Stress and fear is making all the symptoms escalate. Been on ESA, Housing benefit and Pip for many many years alone with SDP. With UC thought I had till 2028-2029 but now everything has changed.