Being at the mercy of a Work Coach who has a totally different agenda to helping you expereince a smooth migration to UC could be disastrous for some claiments, especially those of us with fragile mental health issues. I will be applying for my state pension in just over a year and it can't come quick enough as far as I'm concerned, The system slowly but surely just wears you down and drags your health down with it!
We hear that the process is going to be reviewed at some stage although we do not yet have a time line, when we know more Steve and the back office team will put it in the B&W free newsletter.
Nothing on this board constitutes legal advice - always consult a professional about specific problems
Hi, was this issue ever sorted out satisfactorily ? Did they accept that you partner did not need a fit note etc ? I am due to be forcibly migrated and have been in the Support Group (INCOME based ESA ) for years plus full PIP (both) and have it in writing that i will never be asked to attend a medical again after i had a home visit years ago. I am terrified this will happen to me and that they will refuse to accept that i have protection.