I have received my state pension amount, which will be paid into my bank account in a few months time.
When should I apply for Pension Credit, as I have worked it out, that i am a lot worse of financially with just having to survive on a state pension.
I'm presently on ESA IR, SG, and PIP. I know pip is not means tested not yet anyway. But in comparison with my ESA SG I'm quite a lot of money down come early summer this year.
You can apply for PCG at the same time as your state pension, if you are already getting your state pension you can ask for PCG to be backdate.
If you receive the daily living component of PIP and no one claims a care element for helping you then you will be entitled to a SDP premium worth £81.50 pw.
The way PCG is worked out, you get a basic amount £218.15 + any premiums (SDP) £81.50, total = £299.65 pw and then you take away any income you have coming in such as state pension, any private or company pensions or work (benefits are ignored).
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