Hi, I was recently turned down for DLA and have asked them to review it.I suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis, depression and anxiety.I was told to get my Cpn to accuratley fill in the form which i have to return. My Gp who i have never seen concerning my R.a completed the report and stated i had no problems with washing, dressing etc! i was horrified! I have since spoken to him and he said that the hospital had not been forwarding my notes to his practice (they swear blind that they have) I have also asked my nurse specialist to write a cover letter to act as evidence. Is there anything else that i need to do? :w
You're better off going straight to an appeal if you're refused DLA as part of the appeal process is that a different DM takes another look at your claim form. You can appeal by filling out a GL24 form available here.
Thankyou, The d.l.a said they would review my case. I had to send in additional evidence and they would do nothing until i returned the info. I have waited over a month for the copies of the drs report(despite regularly ringing them) etc from dwp then out of the blue yesterday i had a letter stating that they had reviewed my case an i am still not entitled! (hardly likely seen as i had not had chance to submit any further evidence) just at my witts end with it all and just feel like giving up.