Hi Andy, I'm fairly new to this group and would like a little advice please regarding ESA as my Gp is not helpful and it was me who suggested to him what i "could have" after going to see him for 20 months. I am 42 and currently receive ESA since out of work with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia since march 2010. I do not know if it is income or contribution based, all I know is I have paid national insurance for 25 years! Like you, I have also been sent a ESA 50 form but I have never had a medical. I have to see my Gp for another sick note, next week, as I am not capable of work as my condition is unpredictable after having spent the last three days in bed with migraine and hangover symptoms (although I do not drink), stiffness and full body aches. I suffer from incontinence of the bladder and bowels and have bought myself a kegel8 electronic exerciser which helps to strengthen muscles. My question is should I be in the support group and who decides or suggests this? Do I need any accompanying notes from my Gp to support my claim and do I need to proof of my incontinence, this would be a laugh but I am willing to prove this as my social life is me, the tv and the book shelf! Many thanks