hi,have been off work for 2years, won appeal for back probs etc, wrag,. now have prostate cancer,was sent es50 a few weeks ago, put down all info about hospitals etc, had a call today , guy said j/c/plus, they would like to book me in for a medical assessment, he gave me 2 dates one for next week when i will be in hospital for pre/op tests and one for the end of the month when i will be in being operated on! i did tell him that all of this info was on the atos form!, he said it was to get me back quickly to check that i may be worse than they thought and it may be more points that would be to my advantage, any way because of me being unavailable he would pass it back!, question! is it more points that gets you into support group thats the only thing left isnt it after wrag that may be of an advantage to me ,or is this just a another scam of theirs, phone checks etc sounding you out! dont know, over to you, many thanks rap.